Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, February 17, 2008

a tired weekend

i went back home late from office for the last few days. finally my Board's paper is done n it's ready to be circulate on monday. i'm currently listening to music. plus juz now watched a few stupid vids on youtube. haha.. so funny.. well, wanted to redo my hair tapi tunggu dulu la sbb $$. hehe.. most prob next weekend or the week after that. so, most prob jap gi nak gi makan tepanyaki. venue? dunno yet. will decide that later. tapi i nak gi shopping.. hubby ckp "SHOPPING.. SHOPPING.. SHOPPING.." hehe.. favourite ma. dah lame tak bershopping. eh.. eh.. jap last week dah beli baju baru kan. anyway dah pakai pun last friday. tapi tak snap la baju tu plak. nanti la.. skang tgh malas sbb i takleh nak transfer gambar ke pc. nyampah ok. oh.. i'm hungry la at the moment. jap gi nak lunch. hari ni bangun lmbt. ard 10am. hehe.. after a few days i rasa like ting-tong sbb tak cukup tido.

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