Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Short trip to PD

Husband nak pg holiday kejap . We went to PD. Currently kat pool. Kids tgh main. Td kat laut. Jap gi kul 7 naik atas blk. Pastu pool pasang lagu BSB. Suka la i. Hahaha.. Ptg ni malas mandi. Esok pgi la ye.

Son's orientation day

Alhamdulillah, his orientation went well. I dont expect much feom him for the test he did. As long he can do it. Just that i need to teach him more of readings. Inshaallah. Lain2 tu quite strict, formal and standard like my school time about the school rules. Anyway, already had in mind how to settle kids schedule to school and etc. This is another milestone for u son, semoga berjaya dunia akhirat. And my son, i will always love u and pray for u.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Another week has passed

Another week has passed but only 3 working days for selangor people due to long stretch holiday. Kita ni xde cuti la ye. Hehehe.. Itu tugas hakiki. Harus dilakukan. Kiddos bz memain dari pagi smp ke mlm mcm no tomorrow. Tp ye la kan school holiday. Balun hbs. Just worried son nya diagnostik test is coming soon. Ntah tinggal berapa hari je lagi tu. This week kita ada bwk anak kita pg library. Syok jgk naik tram. Dari parking ke entrance lobby tu. Sbb prkg dia jauh. Well, nnt nk bwk kids pg lagi la sana. Anyway, i pun enjoy dok sana jgk. Banyak jgk buku boleh baca kan for kids. :)

Another updates of me. I mcm tgh pelik ngan my body. Donno la. Supposed to be my pms, one week ago. Tp ni dah one week takde jgk. Is it hormone or i ni stress sebenarnya.??? Hurmm.. Stress dgn situation la ni. Currently, i tgh bnyk nk bleep je. Siang and mlm. Ngantokss je. Pastu bnyk benda i mcm unsatisfied. Sometimes i just rasa myself ni ter"trap" dgn condition. Urrgghh.. Bosan and stress gue. Hurmm.. Tak baik tau. Nnt lah kita work on it ye. Trying to love myself more than any other else. How to make others happy if u sdiri pun tak happy kan? Mmmm... Betol ke i tulis tu? Just ikut feelings. Hahahaha...

Today dinner, fries 3 ekor ikan kerisi. Not sure in english apa nama dia. And brocolli. Ok i am done for dinner. Daughter dah tido. Penat sngt main siang td. Son takde. Tgh main game ni. Bila nk tido ntah. Bila dah ngantok la tu. :) love u son

Ok i have ordered bag tags for my kids. Nnt letak kat bag school diorang nnt. Saja senang nak bagi kids cam tu bag sekolah dia. :) semoga enjoy belajar di sekolah yang baru dgn kawan2 yg baru ye.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Ok.. A long week at nilai spring

Hahaha.. Lama btol kita stay hotel ni. Kids lagi la suka. Pagi petang pagi petang pg swimming. Smp weolls semua dah sunburn. Hahaa.. Anyhow, we really enjoy ourselves. We might not gonna have any holiday this year tp ini pun dah alhamdulillah. As long kids enjoy it, i am fine. For me tak cerewet sgt. I sukaa ja. I ni tak cerewet. Tp bila i ckp i nk pg org tak bwk i sedih. :( anyways.. Ni some of our photos overthere.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Followed daddy over to his workplace

Daddy kena outstation for 3 days. So he decided to bring us along for the stay. Thanx for trying to make up our days. Not much activities to be done. Except swimming, main game, tgk tv, main bukan2 and etc etc. Kids really enjoy themselves.

Tapi weather hujan plak towards petang
Smp mlm.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Feeding her dinasour

So comel. Rasa nk mamam je pipi tu. Why must give the dino nasi? Hahaha :) really make my day..

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Beloved son's graduation day

It was a week ago. Tapi now baru nak blog psl tu. Hehehe... :) how time flies. Ingat lagi masa nk register babam last year somewhere in october. And then 1st week of school. How i feel a bit sad sbb son dah besar, dah pg sekolah. Then start the series he tak nak pegi school. And macam2 lagi la kisahnya. Well, at first nk masuk kan kat area klg je tp coz i was late, full already. MiL tried to change tapi tak dpt. Last2 baru dpt tau why God suruh dia school kat sana. Sbb tu the only year dia pegi kindie. So dia dapat bnyk exposure kat sana. Sbb compare kat sini, eventhough same parent company but different branch. Anyway, dotter will be attending the school nearby here tapi hubby said tgk one year mcm mana dulu. Anyway, here are some photos of bam graduating and concert. Susah nak snap gambar dia. Si comel mummy. CONGRATSS SON!! Love u very much!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Last day of school for babam and preschool

Rs cam semlm je i send my son to school. Hari ni dah last day. I yg sebak, sad tapi yes of course happy pun ada. To my son, this is just a beginning. Many more things that u will face and see through out your life. Inshaallah mummy and daddy will guide u. Sama2 kita learn ok. Love u sayang machitom mummy!!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Ok..long post please..

Haha..yes mmg that is always i wanted to do but sometimes dont really get to do it. Lovely kids, wanting the phone almost all the time. Nk tgk youtube. Owhh my. I got so fed up these few days. My phone keep on low batt when i want to use it. Kena charge plak tu. Br leh guna. Pastu dh hbs charge, kids nk amik blk. Amboi2.. Gigit br tau. Kita marah, buat2 merajuk plak. Sayang sayang.

Btw, this week is the second last week of school session for year 2016. My son zafran no more in that school. Thank u to teachers for having the patience in teaching and guiding our kids. I start rasa sebak. And then dotter will be in klang school
 Not same as brother. Husband said to minimise my travelling cost. Stil thinking of whether to send son to sek agama. Cant decide la. Semoga nnt allah swt permudahkan. Inshaallah.

Another story, congrats to husband. For his famousrich consultancy. Reached his target. Tp he is still going to blast for more participant. We'll try and let see ok. Semoga allah swt permudahkan and perkenankan doa hambaMu ini. Ameen...

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ants... Ants... Ants...

Am very fed up and mad with all these ants ants ants. All over the place especially in the kitchen they will come and hunt ur things. Yesterday was a bit sad and so i merajuk. Husband bought a new big packet of milo. I have refill it in a nice tall bekas tp coz ada org minum tak tutup rapat. Again the ants went inside the milo. Boring.. Boring.. I menyampah sgt ok.

Friday, November 11, 2016

11th november

What a cute date. 11.11 well typical ppl. Numbers also can make stories. Haha.. Nolah. Its cute right. 11.11 remember last time. 11.11.11 means 11th november 2011. But then it stops at 12.12.12 no more after that. Coz no bulan 13. Dates yg cantik ppl always relate it to wedding ceremony, like solemnization ke engagement ke or kenduri aqiqah anak and many more. Tapi bdays susah sket nak dpt nice date. Coz depending on the baby in tummy and mummy dia nk proces dia kluar.

Anyway, happy friday love!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

happy 33rd birthday to me!

Alhamdulillah. my age is increasing. it is a double digit. well going to mid 30s soon. hehehe.. well what is it got about numbers rite? yg penting ourself tu yg mesti jaga diri. yesss! improving myself in the solats, and other ibadah as well.

now am getting older, startedto worried bout kids education and their wellbeing when they grow up. now also thinking and looking where is the most apropriate place to land ourself aour own square. we MUST find our own square. Inshaallah semoga dipermudahkan Allah SWT.

actually was a bit forget about my sweet day today smp semlm my mum said, yaay! esok bday shima la. terus teringat. pastu excited sorang2. hehehe.. thanks mama! walaupun dah tua, tp tu lah mak kan.:) always and not forget to pray for parents after prayers. Aaminn!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

1st November 2016

the month of my favourite month is here. u know la why. hahaha.. well i know i know. i am getting older but heart must remain as it is yah. well, selamat lah..

currently keying in some data for husband work into excel. tadi dah pening. maybe dah lama tak tgk bnyk sgt tulisan and numbers kan. ada like 4 booklets lagi. before i can continue on the next step. inshaallah boleh.

well, last weekend was a deepavali  celebration. son pun cuti 5 hari. tgh exam postpone lah ye dulu. tomorrow school session start balik. last month of the school session before the 2016 session can call it off. well, son, hope the school taught u many things which daddy n mummy tak ada teach u. semoga membesar dijalan yang betol dan diredhai Allah Swt. Amin.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Suri hati Mr Pilot

trending drama now.. i dont really get the chance to watch the drama. tapi bnyk tgk short2 scenes posted online. suka tengok neelofa or the new actor. fattah. sweet couple for both. hahaha... nk ajak husband tgk not sure dia will enjoy ke tak. tp ada neelofa sure ok kan. hahahahaha....

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Pictures of us

Ni lah dia

Sunday outing dgn love one

It's been such a while or i should say among the longest time we spent in a mall since we have kids already. Yelah. Banyak plak ragamnya kan. Well, lps bfast. Today we had rice with leftover food from.last night for breakfast. Kids with bread and biscuits. Then off we go. Kita smp nearly 12. Stop by at mph to get daddy's terjemahan and kids books as well. Got really hard time in convincing son to get a cheaper colour pencils. The one he wants is almost rm40 which i think is ridiculous to buy for his age. Unless dah besar like in secondary school. Adik ok can listen. Sometimes been wondering why son is such a way? I salah dlm teaching my kids ke? I have spoilt them ke? Please tell me. :(

Lps tu, as promised bwk kids pg main indoor slide. Paid for rm6 each for half an hour. Them of course sgt sgt excited la smp dah cukup time pun taknak balik lagi. Tp ikut jgk sbb daddy dah lapar. This time lunch we went to the place i wanted to go. Nando's. Yaayyy!!! Time kasih daddy. Love u lah. Hehehehe... We went to try chicken catapalena. A combination of herb rice, capsicum, brocolli, japanese cucumber and chicken of course. Mmm.. Taste sedap la jgk. I mean i suka la. Lain sket. Ingt nk mkn quarter chicken tp x jd. Maybe can try somemore ye daddy. Kids kita order chicken wings set dgn corn coz son wants it. Nak nangis dah sbb nk mkn jagung. Nnt will share the pic where je tgh sad. I sad je tgk anak i sad ntah reason yg i rs tak perlu nak sad. Asyik nk gaduh je dgn adik dia. Is it he felt that we tak bg attention dkt dia enough. Sket2 adik. Sket2 adik. Maybe should study more bout him lah.
Pastu dah hbs lunch main slide outdoor plak. Pastu beli brg daddy, stop by beli aunty anne and roti boy. Then beli jgk wire ipad nk charge yg baru. Anak punya pasal br lah blk. Zara naik keta nyek terus tido. Bam nyanyi2 tgk2 belankang, sleep as well.  Penat la tu. Oklah. Jaga diri. Love u

Friday, October 21, 2016

Back pain

Never been in this situation. Back of my left hand was so damn painful. Cant even lift it up. Sakit sgt. Felt like crying. And no one actually understand. Malas nak ckp sbb i rs uncapable to move about. Rasa tgh lost one side. Owhhh what have i done?? Sian kita. Went to see cikyah. Dia urut kan sket. Tp stil ada out sket lah. Rimasnya. Blk rumah apply oitment. Pun takleh proper sleep. Bila nak baring je sakit. Hurmm.. Even until now stil ada rasa tak selesa tu. Sapu minyak je la at the moment..and stretching sket2. Bagi muscles kat situ tak tense sgt. Lain2 ok. Masa tgn cannot move tu, most of my housework cannot be done. Even to bath my kids, carry them, and to apply my own clothes i need help. Sian i. :( i worked too much at home ke? My mum.always say that. Ntahlah mak. Sometimes sendiri pun x tau nk explain mcm mana. Sabar je lah.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Puasa di bulan muharam

Alhamdulillah dapat 2 hari fasting in this barakah month Muharam. Yakni on the 9th and 10th Muharam. Hari ashura. The first day was a bit (a lot i guess) hungry. Lapar sgt. Semua tgk pun sedap smp termimpi nak buat air milo panas nnt satu mug or satu teko. Hahaha.. Sabar. Hadoii. Tp time moves so fast, until i was like eh dah almost 4pm and i havent even take a cat nap. Tp i nap jgk. Told pillow at least wake me up by 4.30 coz i wanna cook kurma ayam. My kids fav. Sayur brokoli and sambal kentang. Well, my plan is on time. Around 6.15 hbs dh masak. Boleh rest mandi2. Baring jap before buka puasa. AlhamduliLlah for the day.

2nd day fasting, sahur lauk kurma ayam. Pastu husband half day. He said he was tired. Wants some rest. So after sending bam to school, kita pun balik. He cleaned up mandi and starts to sleep. I and zara later baru mandi. After fetch bam kita pg sacc mall. Nak cr doughnuts and books. First mission je lps. Second one tak. Bookshop tutup. Takpe lah. Takde rezeki. 2nd day not so hungry like first tp hungry la jgk. Sbb plan nk mkn naan. Tp sad sad sad coz the naan stall is close. Hmmm... :( we mkn  nasi goreng ayam je. Takpelah. Shud be bersyukur sbb ada food blh consume. :)

To daddy , congrats to u too.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

My cute mummy finger is injured

Ye lar. Tgh nk prepare bfast. Injured plak. Kena tepi tin susu. Sakit owhh.. Deep deep cut. Syian sy. Zara siap tiup bnyk2 kali. Comell.. Tq girl.

Happy 33rd birthday my husband.

Ooppss thought already post this one but not. So here it is. The pic of bday boy. Mlm tu i tak sempat join the baca doa n potong kek. Rs mcm ehh.. I wasnt notice at all. Tau tau dah hbs. Hurmm.. Mula lah nak emo. Kita tau la kita sape.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Zafran's sports day

Weehoo!! My kids were sooooo excited especially adik. She gets to follow from morning coz i am the chief judge. Kemain mummy. Apa2 pun. Thanks to the teachers. Well, the mornin were quite hectic coz both daddy and son forgot their water bottle, so after they left, cpt2 siap with adik, then gerak. Tp jammed la plak. Maybe sbb hujan kot. Send to daddy first then only to bam. Sampai school je bam nangis sbb dia ckp air dia tertinggal. I said i already gave to his teacher. Then terus masuk class. Hopefully time tu mood dia dah ok kan. Hehehe..

Ceremony starts at 8.45 dgn perbarisan rumah sukan. Alaa.. Comelnya.. Budak kecik kiut. Ada tercepat, ada terlambat. Pastu senamrobik plak. Then only sukaneka. Watch anak i marched and sports terer la jgk. Kurus tinggi je comel. Dgn props dia. Cute sgt. Adik spt biasa nyanyi2, joget2 lari sana sini, excited. Anyway son ,hopefully u enjoyed your preschool sports day. Moga menjadi anak yg soleh. Ameen!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sometimes u feel like talking tapi it seems like no one is suitable to talk to

Have u ever feel that? Weird kan. Nak ckp tapi tak jumpa anyone yg suitable to talk to. So lebih baik kita diam je. Dari ckp something yg kita rs mcm not interesting. Hurmm... Tu semua maybe part of negative emotions. Yupss its true. Tapi sometimes we have to have the negative part sket. Not overcome the good side. Well, i was like got a bit of headache. Or uncomfortableness on my left shoulder. Painful and annoying. Applied ointment already. Hopefully getting btter aite. Love myself soo much. Before we love anybody else, we must love ourselves first. When our body feel nice, baru boleh love anybody else. My cough and flu nak recover dah. Alhamdulillah.

Jalan2 seharian to Sg Besar

After breakfast nasi goreng which husband made for us, we alls pun siap2 la. Husband said boring dok umah. Mcm tak sihat je. So he wanna go jalan2 to north bound coz south bound dah haritu. Off we go together with MIL and kids. Happy je diorang. Before gi tu adik was like nak yak tp saiko her ckp if tak yak kita semua yah pg jalan. Tp ended up takde sbb dh tggu almost 15min. Last2 we all siapkan je dia. Ngengada ni. Gigit br tau. Smp area sg besar we stop bY at cendol atok warong. At first ingt got la any other food tp only western. Luckily it is delicious compared to the one we had in klg before. Pedas je. Ni sos dia beedap to towards the end tu dh kenyang. Mcm chicken dia bnyk and i cant finish. So husband yg finishkan. Kids got fries for them. Then we went off to the homestay husband is looking for. Smp jgk. Location is parit 6 1/2, sg besar. The house is nice tepi sawah padi je tp now not the time yet so pokok padi dah habis harvest. Nmpk.kering kontang je. But location tu ok la. Nk tido semlm.boleh la. Dulu i cant remember whether we pernah stay overnite kt kampung abah tak tapo everytime raya mesti ada balik sana. And bila balik, mesti smp pagi. Cooling smp ngantok nk tido je mata. Dad of course mmg akan tido punya lah. Hehehe... Kampung dia kan. Tp bila lalu semlm i cam takleh nak recall sgt la area dia. Nnt kena tanye my dad.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Posting in the petang

Kids dah setel mandi. Zara today shantek sangat. Siap dandan rambut lagi. Rambut elsa katanya. Love u dotter! Hope u r happy when mummy not working looking after u from morning till u sleep. Hurmm.. Looking at her. Dah nak pg school dah katanya. I was like alaaaa cptnya time dia membesar. Tak puas lg rasanya. Ni la yg nk nangis ni. She herself wants to go to school. I kalo boleh mmg taknak send lagi. Biar she become baby baby baby. Si comel i ni. Siapa nak ikut i jln2 bfast mkn roti canai n tosai nnt. Hurmm.. :( nak kapuk.

This morning bwk zara gi jln2 cari baju for her flowergirl. Takde pun yg sesuai. Esok nk survey kt tmpt lain plak. Hopefully ada la kan. If nk beli online, takot size tak matching nnt. Hurmm.. See what daddy got to say about it. Sambil tu kita dua org makan pop corn td. Tp x sesesap garret or tgv nya. Dia bnyk color putih. Caramels sweets tu tak bnyk. Tp bolehlah nak buat rasa kids mkn. Only for rm1.50. Bought abang's one also. Dia dpt2 trus mkn dh hbs pun. Love abang as well.

Lately banyak i tgk mummy2 lain yg not working or sahm like me. Ckp they dont have much cash tp they make sure they have time for their kids. Tu tg rs a bit sebak terharu n mcm2 lagi. Inshallah kita just work hard and the rest leave it to Him. Ameen!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

I am officially extra tired today

Well, sooo not me. Complaining bout being soo tired like i am the only one yg tired. Yess it's true. I am not complaining to others, just expressing it out from my mind in my own blog. Biarlah.. Hahaha.. Teringat lagu nidji, biarlah.. Lalalalalalaa... Well, few updates from me after about 2 weeks tak update pape. This morning went to get my slippers and pants at home. Coz slippers dah putus and seluar dah koyak. Husband said must buy by today. Happy dpt slipper flipper baru. Yaay! Boleh buat pg jln2 jgk. Or even to market. Anyway, after that helping MIL cook chicken rice. Sbb today got mini tahlil for late FIL. Sometimes i have this thoughts kan, i kena join ke. Because i always hear adik beradik. Adik beradik. I am not adik beradik. I newcomer. Sooo disitu timbul keraguan. Should join or not. Tp td lps dinner kids + myself, rasa flat sgt. Dgn pinggang yg lenguh. Tak beedap. Nk mintak husband sapu minyak mcm hurmm i skrang rasa takyah nak susahkan dia. Biar i sorang2 je rasa ni. Selagi i boleh buat sendiri, malas nak be dependant to others. Hurmm.. :/

Enough of feelings yg sooo pelikss itu. After that, we kemas2 our room. Changed our curtain, bedsheet and it looks sooo cosy. Sooo comfy. Wangi amd cantik. Sukaa la.color pun mcm royal english. Gold bunga2. Hehehehe...

Happy Malaysia Day

It was two days ago. Alhamdulillah county we lived in still lives in harmony and peace. I am not sure how many years already. But dah 50++ rasanya.

It was also a school break for the kids. One week je. Before the last semester or the last section of the year before the school ends. Hurmm.. Cpt je time tu jalan. Kdg2 pk apa benda yg cpt sgt ni. Risau ai..

Saturday, September 3, 2016

letter for husband

dear husband,
i know lately, u've fall sick. not feeling well. your body seems not quite right. nose stuck, body aches, headaches. and yes i know u still love us. thanx for still loving us. seeing u like this, looking at u working hard alone to get our small family a better quality of life, to settled down with our own square is not easy. kdg2 i have those "thoughts" yang btol ke my decision to quit working now? where u really need that extra cash to do many things. at least i could free u up for some expenditure whereby u no need to get headache at. tapi when look back at son/daughter i feel kesian. kesian at them. mcm sooo not fair world ni. tp that is true. mg wish pun if i could help u up sket in economy level of our family.
the other day, when u got mad, u said no point i stay at home. kids become naughty,could not listen to instructions, jumping here and there or "spoilt" i was soooo sad. if that is the case, i am a bad mummy. sbb anak i spoilt. jahat. say bad things. better i work help daddy generate income. kids tggl dgn maid. it touches my heart even until now. tak nangis je depan daddy. if i do, malu. pastu kena kiss. hehehehe...

New Month ~ last month in quarter 3

alhamdulillah. stil recovering from sick. almost a week my whole family tak sihat. starts with daddy first, then bam, then me and daughter. lemik kitorang dibuatnya.tergolek weolls. mesti ada hikmah disebaliknya. i dlm2 tak sihat ni, at times my emotions a bit not stabilise. the other day, i was sad coz my son is growing big already. nnt nak lagi ke hug2, peluk2, manja2 ngan mummy. well... bila pk balik, tu semua are just going to be memories for us to go through our old times. pastu tak jadi cry. sambung tido. hurmm.. mmg laa..hati kita kena berpegang pada yang satu. yang kekal itu. semestinya TUHAN. dah bnyk proves it gave, mmg tu lah penguat semangat kita. i pun everyday trying to become a good muslimah. nak perform 5 prayers satu hari pun kdg2 tu tak complete. umur dah makin bnyk. kita kena improve mummy. inshaallah we can.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

My weekend kinda day

Being pretty busy with the new housewife schedule. But anyhow, thanx to my Qaseh Gold. Membantu diriku dlm menambah energy. Alhamdulillah.
I baru start halfway in updating my Mahadewi's account. Got 2 more months to go. After lunch, will do some stocking kejap. Curi2 amik masa. Hurmm..
Actually yesterday was abit sad and like terasa a bit dgn husband. During cooking time, asik nak marah kita je. Last nitei told him tp dia ckp dia tak perasan. Tp yelah. Sampai nak marah i semua. Nasib baik tak nangis time kat dapur tu jgk. Bila kena situation macam tu mulalah nak pk bukan2 dah. Yupp.. I am not contributing anything to the family. Macam menyusahkan je kan. Dahlahh malas nk pk. Tgn pun dari haritu not do good. Like takleh nak bend sgt. Pastu jari luka plak. Hehe.. Sket je kan. I am a supermommy. Hahaha..

Monday, August 8, 2016

More picture of us, actually we dont really have that many pictures together. Mana ada je la ye..

Happy 7th anniversary, my love!!

Alhamdulillah. Today marks the 7th year of our wedding anniversary. Too many stories behind it. For every moment we spent, i thanked God. For all the ups and downs, for any wrongdoings, semoga dipanjangkan jodoh. Love u baby! Ahakss.. Malu lah. Gedik plak tetiba. Well, this is my blog. I can write whatever i feel like writing. Not so good in writing anymore, where's the touch gone. Last time it can really like take long long long time and so many things to write. Tapi now bolehlah. Still can write. Maybe dh kurang membaca kot. That's my everyday aim. To read quran/book every day. Just to increase knowledge. Today later thought of going to the bookshop. See how ok.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Something to talk about

Been staying at home for days since ada flu and cough. Tp stil on medication juz at nite. Hope it will be back to normal state. Inshaallah...
My mood rasa ok la kot. Malas nak layan sgt. Ehh... Bukannya i ni baik sgt. Tp mmg nak try jadi yg terbaik everytime everyday.
Tadi my mum ada call. Tanya pasal zafran's primary school. She said if tak daftar lagi, bawak je dia pg sekolah raja muda together with birth cert. Pastu she still cam wonder kenapa zafran x dpt sekolah kt tadika klang. I ckp lah dh penuh. We lmbt. Then she said sbb org tak suka dia tu psl tak dpt
 Alaa.. Zafran sorang je. Takkan takleh squeeze lagi. Then i was like hurmm.. Takpelah.. Let her and her thoughts. I mmg redha lah sbb mmg lmbt kan. Apa nak dpt kan. Sekarang mmg kena basically online bukan just register camtu je kat sekolah. Lain sket dh pesyen sekarang. Tomorrow plan to go there. Ingt nak masak lauk sket over there. Either kurma ayam or ayam goreng berlada. Tp sbb ada kids, mesti mama akan ckp kurma ayam lah. So esok pg pasar dulu br amik bam then baru blk shah alam. Nk tgk apa benda yg nak kena beli tu. Rempah sket, potato, ayam and santan kan.
I am wishing for something greater. Inshaallah. Til then. Til we meet again. Hahahaha.. xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Sabarlah wahai hati

Maybe ni semua dugaan from Him yg dtg to test us. We still believe in Him. Pray to him. Inshaallah it will be fine. :)

August month

It's been many words, thoughts and feeling laying around in MIL's house. With the issue cooking, maid, money, behaviour, brother in law and others. Which sometimes myself semak tau bila dgr. Almost all the time bila duduk the conversation is about that. Yess jgn terbawak bawak sgt emosi tu kan tak elok
 I pun ada terpk is it that i must start working again nak help economy to buy house. But kids strictly no mom, no parents. No maid. Nursery. Tp will husband accept my idea? My Mahadewi still running.

Brother in laws' engagement

Congratulations to both of them! Getting married soon. The first step, is engagement. So, alhamdulillah dah selamat. One after another weekend. One in senawang, one in port klang. Ok je with both their choices. Sbb yg nk hidup lama dgn diorang kan. We as the elder can help doakan yg terbaik.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Just my thoughts

Jumpa ni thoughts from other ppl. Yelah. Tp tak semua sama. Tp mudah mudahan dipermudahkan segala urusan. Inshaallah.

Dissatisfactions, unsatisfied, not satisfied ~ all same meaning kann??

Hahaha.. It is true. Ni writing this at 12.45 midnight after masak nasi for husband's sahur tomoro and put the dirty laundry in the washing machine. Let it run for the nite so tomoro morning i can just dry and hang kan.

Son alhamdulillah recovering from batuk. Sian dia. After the school's jamuan raya kemain batuk lagi dgn ada sports day lagi. Maybe terlampau berlasak kot. Cian dia. Ubat batuk kuat hbs. Yg biasa tggl 1x mkn je kot then tu pun hbs jgk. Flu on off. I pun bg once per day je. Husband kata nk belikan supplements for them. Bagi antibodi kuat sket.

A bit weird dgn my subject header today. Ntahlah. A bit like this. I tggl satu hari for ganti puasa. And i've been targetting before my menstrual comes tp bila i nak puasa puasa since monday haritu ckp nnt khamis khamis. Now khamis is here but i cant fast. Baik i fast je haritu kan. Senang citer. Sbb nk tggu nk tggu kena delay one month. Hurmm.. Tu la ada a bit dissatisfaction. Lps ni kalo nk puasa puasa je takyah mention mention. Senang. Haii sabar ye shims shims

This few days ada la a bit emotional down sket. Not sure why. Maybe sbb nk period kot. Rasa mcm nak sorang2 je. Nak teman ajak minum milo n mkn roti gardenia faveret i, takde kwn. Kids dh tido. Nak mintak tlg buatkan air, penat. Hurmm.. Buat sdiri je la. Lagi senang. Lagi sekali takyah nak ckp ckp. Takyah mention mention. Pening laaa i.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Selamat hari raya

Dah seminggu kita berhari raya. Eh chewahh.. Btol la tu. Alhamdulillah. Walaupon ade few incidents yg mcm tak syok nk citer, let it be kan. Kita nk suka2 happy time raya, so boleh lah enjoyss food. Talking bout food, i haritu ada try masak kuah kacang. And yummehh baby
 Jadi cm my mum punya. Tp i buat small portion je. Nnt hubby ckp nk takeover kuah kacang every time raya. I sukaa sbb tu fav dish i ngan nasi impit. Told my mum bout it and she sukaa.. Hehehe.. But i tak snap any photos bout it. Anyway anyway, tadi baru setel simpan duit raya kids dlm bank. Simpan utk kemudian hari. Tak banyak tp ada lah. Alhamdulillah. :)

Before sleep, some of our raya photos. Baju i buat design peplum. Sukaaa sgt. :)

Monday, July 4, 2016

1st ramadhan at bangkok

Travelling day. Quite exhausted. Letih sgt. Food for berbuka pun weolls tapau from flight punya. Nasi and curry chicken. Hotel room was nice. They gave us quite spacious room and i was really happy.Siap ada separate space for kitchen, hall and bedroom.