Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 31, 2011

kalumpang resort & training centre


e eh mummy. tak update2 pun. ni nak masuk bulan december balik plak. this time around hubby brought us ere. duduk main air kat tepi waterfall je. jafyan masuk dlm water tp he is cold. daddy masuk swim. i sbb preggy so duduk je la watching them. tapi nak kena request photo from hubby plak sbb die yang simpan.

last day for year 2011 aka 31st december 2011

ye btol.. ari ni last day for the year of 2011. start 12 midnite dah masuk tahun baru that is 2012. so many things for me to recap for the whole year in one post tp takpe. let me try and do it. mesti best kan ingatkan ape yg dh berlaku dlm my life sepanjang tahun 2011 ni. hehehe... tbc..

Friday, December 30, 2011

30th december 2011

Last official working day for mummy tp mummy will still come back to work this weekend. Lalala.. Last weekend cuti panjang syok sket tp hubby demam. Jafyan pun demam. Die ade amik injection skali ngan i check up. Alhamdulillah alo doing good. Well.. Back to my topic td hari ni dh 30 dec 2011. Esok nk countdown kat mn ye laling. Hehe... Oklah nnt i update lg ye. Chiow!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


apa la anak i ni. org tgh tgk channel cooking die gi tuka channel mandarin nyanyi2. bukannye mummy faham. isshh..ishh.. machitom ni. gigit bontot kang..

k la anak dh start nak merajuk. nak gi layan kjap.chiow!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

towards end of d year already

today dh 22nd. tinggal like 9 days b4 tirai 2011 ditutup and all the stories in it. start lagi a new journey of life for d new year. well, i skang tgh bnyk mengplanning for future life ngan hubby chitom n alo. hehehe... bnyknye nk story. and ade part tu sgt mengstresskan. camne nak want the best for all parties.

anyway i juz ordered online a nursery rhyme book for my son. nnt die courier kat umah. tak sabar nak dapat ni. saje la mummy nak belanja chitom. next month or maybe blom next month mummy nak belikan matt for him n his bros/sis. kalo golek2 tgk tv ke bole golek atas matt tu instead of lantai. at least ade lapik. kalo nak sleep trus pun bole. well.. nnt mummy update lagi la. chiow!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mummy bored

Nak blk n sleep. Ngantuks sgt ni.. How?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

mummy nk sleep dh..

dh submit..

now nk tido.. tapi lapar la.. mkn roti jap la..

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Welcome december

aite.. i'm in the middle of december already and yet "welcome december" ahakss.. gediksnye.. biarlah.. well.. tggl lagi 15 hari je lagi before end of d year. pastu a new phase/era of life with more things to think n more things to go through and more things to come in. urrgghh.. bukan tension tapi nervous. semoga dianugerahkan kesihatan yang bagus dan berpanjangan untuk seisi keluarga.

chitom tgh sleep. td nk sleep mengamuk sbb nak pgg ball. i said no la of course. pastu last2 ok sbb daddy ckp die nye approach cam mummy. bagi kejap smp sleep then amik la balik ball tu. huhuhu..

daddy is working in the kitchen. carbonara katanye. tggu resultnye ye.. hehe..

k la mummy nak sambung mengupdate.. see ya later..

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Awal muharram

Selamat tahun baru. Awal muharram is islam new year. Semoga tahun baru ini membawa keberkatan dan diredhai oleh Allah Swt. Amin. Juga panjang umur murah rezeki dan sihat tubuh badan untuk seluruh keluarga.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

great news

check out my new ticker kat sebelah. so by seeing that mesti dah tau ape itu good news mummy kan. hehehe... =) wish the second pregnancy going on smoothly and baby inside tummy grow healthily, cukup sifat, sempurna n menjadi anak yang soleh/solehah. aminn.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Time for servicing vivalicious

I lmbt tiba. By right appointment kul 830. I smp 915. Hahaha.. Kalo appointment kul 1030 mesti smp kul 1115. Takpela nway now tggu hubby n chitom fetch me. Tp cam bnyk benda je hubby nk kena pack. Huhu.. Tggu je la.. Td dh bfast kt umah. Tp dpt kupon but dunno whether i can eat or not. I mean ade selera ke tak.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy November

Dah msuk bulan november dah. Hehe.. Kjap je time passes by. Mcm2 dh things happened. Same ngan sub header i. Happy, sad, anger, geram, excited n many more. Well, hoping for a better day today. Love chitom n baby!

Friday, October 28, 2011


Hmm.. Ntahla.. Malas la nk ckp.
Bile siang or day time mmg takleh nk share.
Ptg after work pun takleh nk share sbb nk lepak ngan kwn.
Balik umah when i was trying to tell then ended up diam. Cam dh boring n malas nk layan.
Bile nk sleep slalunye i tido dulu.
Bile nk ckp n cerita?
Tu yg kdg2 stress tu...

1 year 4 months

Alhamdulillah. Now my son zafran is already 1 year 4 months old. Kjap je time passes by. Die skang dh pandai jalan. Sibuk jalan sana jalan sini. Sumtimes tu kemain action n busy lg die. But if we tried to kejar him he will try to walk as fadt as he could. Sort of like running. Comel je. Steps yg die amik so cute. Kecik tp penat k nk kejar. Hahaha... Manja mummy ni. Geram je ngan pipi die.. Gigit kang baru tau. Nnt i post pic of him tgh walking. N now his fav is "ball" aritu die sebut "laa" short form for bola. Tp its better if we teach him to talk in full instead of pelat2.. So i thought him ball instead. Hehe comel. Love u.

K la.. Mummy menyibuk je kat seblh die tgh sleep ni. Saje nk type type b4 siap2 pg keja. Till then time to bfast. Sayonara!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Back to work

I'm back at work..
Boring laa..
I rs nk tido je ni..
Main main ngan chitom..
Bg mkn..
Kejar die..
Si chommel mummy..
Love him so much!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

mummy not feeling well

Sume benda rs tak syok. Mkn tak lalu. Ade rs nk muntah. Skrang tgh sorethroat plak. At times tekak gatal mengenyam nk batuk. Doctor ckp maybe i stress kot. Tak ckuP tido. Tp doctor swuh i gi buat pregnancy test mane tau sangkut. Huhu.. Nnt la dulu. Ingat end of d month br nk gi check. Nnt discuss dulu ngan hubby.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

zafran fu check

Zafran tgh tggu turn for follow up check. Not sure wat time. Skrang chitom baby tgh sleep. I plk ni tgh rs sakit peyut sket. Nk berry ke ape ahh? Ntahla.. Nk kata lapar td dh mkn roti n telur. Hmhmhm.. Oklah chow!

bile cakap n bile tak ckp

Tgh rs benda wierd or was it juz my feelings. Lately bile i ckp mcm semua tak best. Informing of new humps pun i kena blk "ape best nye?" i was like e eh... I was juz sharing ape yg i nmpk kan. Pastu when nk talk bout mum bnyk angguk or geleng or diam. N bnyk lain2 diam. Ade jgk trying to manja2 tp cam no response. Hmm.. Might be die stress la kot. Biarla... I layan blog sorang2 lagi bagus.

Juz had ice cream. Dh lama tak mkn ice cream. Rs sgt cooling n mententeramkan jiwa. Dh la mmg tgh pressure pun. Sumtimes bile kena camni lagi baik takyah ckp ngan sape2. Diam je n bnyk talk to God. Much better.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

machitom dh discharge


dinner at a very late time

Still at d hospital. My hubby went to pick up his bro n then tapau my dinner. Tp coz timing prob at d stall he came back to us at about 12 like that. I lapik perut td with hot milo n coco bread je. Tu pun dh lapar. But bcoz i mengantuk sgt i tido dulu n now br bgn mkn plus tukar nappy anak saya. Sian hubby saya. Mesti penat ulang alik turun naik turun naik. Love him so much!! He is my hero n kichi is hero jgk. Hero pipi!! Hehehe.. May god bless both of my beloved heroes.

Latest update, temperature machitom dh normal blk.. Tido cam biasa. Lasak.. Tp overall alhamdulillah!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

latest update

Alhamdulillah now machitom dh trf to normal ward. We will be sleeping here tonite. Hopefully if by tomoro chitom nmpk sihat then boleh blk. Cuma nnt dh blk kena amik extra measure la. Husband kata kena urut die.. I pun dh lama tak urut die. Esok maybe bole mandi la sket2 time pagi tp tgn takleh basah la.

Last week monday je i dtg keje. Hari lain i mc. Thougt nk request extra 2 or 3 days next week before i naik keja. Juz nk monitor condition die dulu. Skrang i pun dlm dilemma. Nak balik mana ni klang or shah alam. I btol2 lost la. Nnt nk kena discuss ngan husband n maybe get opinion of someone else. Let me try first.

machitom warded

Semlm baby sy kena masuk icu. Coz he was attack by fits. Twice kena. First kat umah semlm then second time on my lap. Astaga.. Mengucap pnjg i. Risau giler dibuatnye. So thats y doc masuk icu sbb nk monitor closely. N alhamdulillah he seems to be better today. So today blh pindah ward biasa n if after 24 hours he seems fit dh boleh discharge la. Hopefully tonite daydeh can join us sleep together. Nmpk muka die sgt tensed. Dgn anak sis in law br kuar ward n my mum in law pun br kuar ward. Risau je la yg ade kat mind ni.. Mudah mudahan semuanye beransur pulih..

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

machitom dearest not feeling well

cian die! muntah ntah brape bnyk kali ntah! hari ni lagi. mengamuk sakan. makan ape pun tak nak. susu tak nak. air putih tak nak. amost 2 hours jgk la mcm tu. last2 dh bwk round baru die blh sleep. pastu i selimut die ngan kain pelikat daddy die. si chommel mummy ni. nnt ptg around 6 baru nk kejut die la. makan petang trus. isshh!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

feelings i have inside

it's gud to have sumone to hear to ur things but sumtimes it's much more greater if u dont share it with anybody.coz that sumbody may dont really understand d situation. kadang2 rssa nak gi jln shopping sorang2 je. u know that's whati like. tp rsnye mcm mesti permission not granted. tgk la nnt camni. skrang mmg rs nk time on my own. even yesterday i mmg pressure sesangat. penat badan n penat otak. oh God, please help me to become stronger and stronger.

alhamdulillah ade machitom yg cute tu. lps sket rs tension tgk die. and talking bout him... can make me smile so big. he can now officially jln. yahoo!! action plak tu. sambil jln sambil ckp jerit2. guess he is excited to learn new things. hehehe... i'm really happy n proud for him. besar dh anak mummy. *love u dear*

til d next post. mummy is going to work.

Friday, September 23, 2011

I tgh pressure..

I mmg tgh feel so tensed n tensed n tensed.. Mmg rs nk release tension tp nnt zafran sape nk look after him? Tlg jwb bole?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy 2nd Anniversary!!

alhamdulillah dh 2nd year i kawin to muhamad faiz marican ni. dh ade satu baby aka chitom yg chomel. tp tis time around husband i takde. die outstation. so juz wishing thru telephone aje. nway tak kesa la. kalo ade time n widot nak juga ask husband gi mkn tmpt yang best sket. tp dgn syarat die kena belanje. hehehe... =)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sudah bulan baru

semenjak amik package internet ni almost everyday nk log in to my blog tp kan yg peliknye y i bole type title je? content of the blog takleh nak type. y ar y ar? btw tu la kena update cecepat or else nnt i lupa ape yg i nak blog sbb sumtimes topic tu too general. btol tak?

well now dh bulan july. same ngan my title.. as usual i'll be busy with month end closing..n hopefully nothing is wrong.. as far as wat i'm concerned la. hehe. =)

today 5th july i cuti. my father in law discharge from hospital. alhamdulillah. n my mother kena tgk my sister yg tgh dlm pantang. hubby said.. lets be rational. so takpela. i amik cuti.. nnt bile situation dh ok.. tok mak jaga zafran plak k. love u all my familia.. hehehe...

btw just finish cooking bubur for chitom. i letak keledek je. carrot dh hbs kot. takpela.. tu pun should be ok.. juz food zafran a lil bit limited sbb blom ade gigi. si comel i tu.. geram je bile ckp psl die. rasa nk kunyah2 pipi die bile die syebel2.. cam daddy la awak ni. hahahaha...

Monday, June 27, 2011

1 more day


esok baby i nk one year dah.


nnt i story n upload photos k.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


susu saya tak ckup for chitom dear. that's y la saya pressure.. ingat tak nak campur til die 2 years old tp it seems like i have too for d good sake of my beloved son =(

Monday, May 23, 2011


bilik saya dh ade tv n dvd player. jangan jeles...hahahahaha..

i'm on half day leave.. sbb sakit perut sket..

k la.. tata!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

mengarut lagi

i almost lost him tapi i got him. tapi ade times i rasa i tak paham die. i ade times jgk rasa yang die salah make decision. ntah la.. malas nk mengarut la. chow!!


no topic. just browsing n reading through my previous posts. ade rasa nak cry, ade rasa happy, ade rasa sebak, ade rasa bengang, ade rasa action [bangga-whoaa!!] hahaha... tu semua feelings yang i rasa bile i baca posts dolu dolu n die same ngan subheader blog i ni kan. since the first time i get to know the blog. i am really liking it. mcm2 cite ade sbb dh 3 years plus plus i've been writing in this blog of mine. dulu color die lain then i tuka hitam.. tetibe terpk hitam sebab life i tak happy ke? tapi no la.. co-incidently. then this year i tuka to a bright sunshine colors... i alhamdulillah skrang i lebey happy dgn bornye anak sy chitom yang masham tu. mus slalu ckp ko skrang lebih kuat n much stronger bile dh ade baby zafran. kalo tak dulu sket2 nak cry.. maybe ade hikmah di sebalik kejadian. well.. time goes by. anak i pun dh nak masuk one year. i pun makin tua la.. [takkan muda kot] juz wishing for the best for everything. k la. nak sleep dah. adios!

exam is around da corner

la la la la.. singing to elmo's song.. la la la la.. elmo's world. check out the new countdown timer on the right hand side of my blog. dh lame dah takde countdown. mula2 dulu nak kawin, the dh hbs ganti ngan pregnancy pastu dh beranak dh takde pape countdown pastu ade balik sbb nak exam. well kena jaga kesihatan ni. exam entry dh submit early last month before dateline. tapi docket blom dpt lagi. maybe by next week kalo tak dpt jgk nak call la.

oklah.. till then.. nk read read. adios!

on course for 2 days

mummy ade training for 2 days kat one world hotel. kuar awal sbb nak elak jam so smp sane pun awal la. about 8am. parking senang. tapi masa nak naik tu tersilap masuk really emergency exit tau. hahaha.. pastu terminum kat salah tmpt. hahaha =) dh lame sy tak mengeblog. hari ni saya ade mcm ter'emo' sket sbb saye call husband sy tak dpt. die off phone ke ape. bengang je kawan. pegi fish spa lagi ke? geram sgt2. pastu towards mlm dh ok. nk update psl chitom kaki die kena gigit ngan semut k. merah bengkak kat kaki die. dh la kaki tu tembam. syian busyuk mummy. nway.. ni lagi gambar chitom sweetheart mummy...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

chitom dh 10 months!

happy birthday chitom! happy birthday chitom! happy birthday to chitom! happy birthday to u!!
besar dh anak mummy. dh 10 months. semoga panjang umur n murah rezeki.

update chitom
1. dh meniarap (sgt laju-pantang baring mesti nk pusing-time mata pjam pun bole)
2. menyusur dpn blkg (pun dh laju-kena careful takut jatuh katil)
3. dh beyak manyak musyuk (haiyaa-ini budak-manyak masham)
4. pandai naik car die.. (nnt i post gambar ye)
5. mkn pun dh variety (carrot, sweet potato, banana, apple, honey dew etc)

love chitom! love chitom!

p/s: i bought a baju bee hooded for him.. nnt i post pic lg ye.. adios~

Sunday, April 17, 2011

monday leave

im on leave tomoro. hehe.. tp pagi nk bwk chitom pegi injection dulu. supposed hari ni tapi doctor yg we slalu jumpe tu takde. die esok pagi. so we plan to cancel la. cian chitom mummy. baby saya dah besar tau. dh nak masuk 10 months. i am so happy with him around. kalo die takde mesti life i kosong. *wink*wink apakah itu. syg die sgt. he is my darling. look at his latest photo. cute kan. rs nk gigit je pipi yg gebu tu. pastu tgk 1st pic tu. mulut siap kompot lagi. mcm nk ejek mummy die. semoga die membesar ngan sihat dan cergas dan manjadi anak yg soleh. amin..~

hari ini

saya dh menjalankan tanggungjawab yg sepatutnye. oklah.. will continue later. tata..!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

dia dan identitinya~

biarkan dia...

jika dia lebih bahagia begitu...

bukan bermaksud tidak peduli...

tapi mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga...

supaya tidak terjatuh di hari muka...

mengambil iktibar apa yang berlaku...

ku pastu satu hari dia kan tetap milikku...


setelah sebulan from d last date of posted post. huhu.. well now i'm on d bed wif my beloved son while doing a must job. husband saya pegi ber'golfing' katanye. kalo die tipu suka hati die la. die dh besa, bole pk mane elok mane tak. yang penting skang tak perlu rasa rasa yang unnecessary sbb itu semua buang masa. menyampah n i tak suke. i br balik makan pizza tadi.. tetibe teringat nak eat one. tapi anak saya dh merengek-rengek takmo duk diam. so saya n husband mkn cpt2 and lucky kita order pizza je. takde additional soup or garlic bread or chicken wings. maybe lps ni kena tapau je and eat at home. kalo tak cian machitom saya. mesti dia tak selesa. the last week and this week we kat umah mak saya. by this weekend balik to in-law's house. segan la i. btw mata i dh tangkap syok looking at bajus and bags online. thought of nk grab satu. tgk la nnt. bile pk y not kan beli satu. k la dh ngantuk. ta...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

new blog design

hehee... thanx to my cute hubby for intrducing the new designs in blogs. well kind of like it. check out the new design tapi i nk kena edit fonts fonts tu sbb nmpk tak clear la. but i like abstract. hahaha... suke la sy. sayonara!

Monday, March 14, 2011

holiday at penang

finallybeen to penang.. woohoo.. tapi anak saya tak berapa sihat. actually die that day demam dh. think so nk tumbuh gigi. time tu thursday. plus ade plak flu. cian die. pastu our short planned holiday tu nk pegi hari sabtu balik monday. tapi sebab husband saya tetiba dpt phone call ade inteviu on monday morning, plans pon berubah. so dah tarik hols tu on friday. so call call check ngan hotel Bayview International Resort and they said ok can change. just that we will check in lambat la. so lucky hari friday. official ofis hours finishes at 5pm. pack2 then trus chow. hubby kat umah do some other packing. mmg kelam kabut sket la. hehe.. tp ade jgk rasa seronok. sumer brg ade. tak ketinggalan ubat ubatan machitom. tgh drive balik, jln jam truk sket after tol klang. mummy dh fed up. cilok sane cilok sini sket. akhirnye smp gak ard 6. sambung pack. mandi2 load brg dlm keta salam2 then around 645 pm bertolak. cpt kan. hahaha.. cam lipas kudung. we took naza not honda. selesa la. so machitom pun bole tido kat belakang. hubby brought bantal. first stop kat area hhmmm mane eh.. b4 damansara. stop by semayang maghrib and tapau dinner. as usual mcd menjadi pilihan. hehe.. i seperti biase big mac la. air ribena.

on the way to penang, hari hujan renyai2. drizzling la. i thin smp we reach the next stop @Sg Perak pun stil drizling. keta pun bole tahan bnyk sbb cuti sekola pun dh bermula. i after dinner sleep kejap ngan machitom pastu teman hubby borak2. temperature die cam dh naik sket. buat hati mummy lagi worried. wishing and praying he is fine. chomel mummy ni. agak2 smp jambatan pulau pinang tu seronok tau. sbb 1st time lalu. panjang la. tp mlm tak nmpk sgt laut. hubby ckp bile siang nnt lagi best kalo lalu atas jambatan. nmpk laut kiri kanan. best tau. so alhamdulillah we all smp town jalan2 tgk town then smp hotel bout 1 am. checked in and masuk bilik tiba2 terdiam sekejap. tgk bilik die eh betul ke ni standard room. katil die kemain besar. combine 2 single beds become king bed. we also requested for a baby cot. zafran d bangun. n die pun nmpk excited. menjerit jerit die bile i letak atas katil. he seems ok and i'm glad. husband pun suke. hehehe.. agak2 clean up then bum tido to rest sbb dari ptg tadi tak rest kan. hubby pun wat record tido 3 jam je previously. tapi takpe katil and tilam empuk badan pun terasa rest.

tbc-in penang itself.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

holiday at segamat

we kikut family in law balik segamat after the banjir the other day. well.. sane quite hot and i enjoyed myself. makan burger segamat, makan mee malek. nyum! nyum! zafran terminum air milo ais k. i sedut. ishh anak mummy ni. ade time tu we pegi kaki gunung ledang. duduk kat waterfall. air die quite sejuk. here some of the photos of us there.

Friday, March 4, 2011

day of shopping

the last 2 weekends we went for shopping shopping. yaay! dh lame tak membeli. rasa syok coz the power of buying is in your hand. hahaha....tapi ye la kena berwaspada so tak spend melampau lampau plak. hehehe.. bought baju for myself, hubby and of course lil machitom. hehe.. ade mkn kt kfc then. happy sgt. lalalala....

Monday, February 14, 2011

february the 14th

for most of couples n sure satu dunia tau wat happens on 14th february every year.

Friday, February 4, 2011

shopping for chitom mummy

ape ye nak beli

+ socks banyak
+ baju n seluar (bukan set)
+ toy nyanyi2 (maybe elmo ~ la la la la)

p/s: ade org tu tgh perli2 plak. jeles ar tu..


mamma mia! mummy not really feeling that well. flu, sore throat, batuk (tapi alhamdulillah kurang dah sket) baby mummy plak seme-seme. cian die. bile bersin je mesti terkuar hingus die. wish him to get well soon. well.. wanted to share sumthing. well last monday went to cabut gigi susu i yang ade 3 batang. haha umur dh going to be 28 and yet stil ade gigi susu. well gigi taring kekal dh tumbuh kat belakang gigi susu tu. so in order to give space for them to grow i kena la cabut gigi susu tu. mula2 rasa cam bnyk bleeding pastu ade berdenyut2 sket tP takleh lawan sakit beranak. then of course rs cam ngongak. haha..gigi takde. kena la ejek ngan husband saya. hhmm.. tapi dh setel satu stone kat dlm mind saye. hehe..

semlm me and familia berjalan2 dkt morib. pegi pun quite late so balik ard 2 pm. anakku dh cam kena surnburn pastu extra penat. cian die. mlm td die tido cam merengek2 sket. hmm.. kena pk 2 3 kali jgk b4 travel ke tempat2 camtu. yang nk syok parents die tp baby tu balik yang cian. this morning tgk die dh ceria sket. pastu hari ni nak bagi die bnyk air putih la. guess sbb weather pun panas kan. plus rashes pun mcm nak kuar balik. alah.. comell mummy ni. sayang die sgt. chitom aka zafran mummy.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


ehhh...15th january. tetibe teringat. today is zurin's birthday. dulu die penah call i tanye shima tak nak wish zurin ke? tak nak kawan ngan zurin lagi ke. hahaha... funny!


the time flies so fast. chitom is already 6 months plus. he is going to be seven soon in a few days time. n of course he wil keep on growing and insya-Allah semoga dipanjangkan umur i, i want to see him grow n membesar. n die success in live so then i think i can leave in peace. insya-Allah. i've been fighting with my own emotional feelings and thoughts that went in and out of myself. juz now i realized i really do need to express is out to sumone from outsidethe circle. so the thoughts of having to see phycologist or physiatrist again came appearing in my head. my sis told me b4 that i can also seek for some advices or talks with counsellor from jabatan agama islam but i think it's ok. it's not that critical that i really have to go there. blogging is juz the same as diary but i cant update it everyday like i used to do b4 when i juz used a normal log book or note book. well.. that doesn't matter. perhaps i should have one too and to have with me in my bag so everytime when i got time i can just write and scribble on it plus to have blog as well. haha.. [mummy starts to smile] more updates as below.

quite a long and tiring week this week eventhough i was on leave on monday.lemme recap. owh on monday i went to consult dentist on my gigi susu and yup i have to put on braces but havent decided to put juz atas or bwh together. then setel banking. then setel registration. i am going to further my studies this semester after taking about 2 years break. and insya-Allah akan belajar bersungguh sungguh. balik je that day penat sgt. smp mandi and dinner pun around 10pm til mil like marah sebab i ni brestfeed chitom. nnt takut chitom kembung lak. these whole week i drive coz husband got things to do. btw i feel ok. coz i dont trouble him that much that he needs to send me and fetch me from work. dah la my ofis jauh he need to redah jam juz to sendn fetch me. takpe.. i can go bymyself. juz that i need to go out a lil bit earlier. today is much later. almost 930. coz i woke up late. lps ni nak mintak tlg pesan kat my mum la to wake me up everyday at 6am. so by then hopefully tak lambat lagi. owh my nephew radhi and syafiq went for preschool already. i'm sure they will have lots of fun there. hahaha... at ofis i was pretty busy with year end closing. yes it was all done and close but of course more reports need to be generated to compare previous year and this year's performance. woohh. hold on to that. hopefully by end of jan slowly it will ease la. kannn.. [like mus always said-hahahaha-ape cite die, thought of asking her out juz to lepak and minum together]

the other day i had a misunderstanding issue with my husband. ntahla.. tak tau betul ke tak kan. yup.. if u see and read my previous post u will kno. i break with him [bf then] bcoz i betrayed him. so within the period he got closed to a girl u see. then of course la whatever happened between them i'm sure is one of his lovable loving memories as i know that he is in love with her too. btw he got back with me and we got married. sumtimes i do wonder betul ke die nak kawin ngan i ni. coz i tanak die regret. maybe he shud be getting married with the girl he is closed to. tapi bile i tgk chitom.. God has plans for zafran to live in this world back then in luh mahfuz so i have no say to that. is juz that as a woman of course i do feel jealous as and when it occurs. the other day when i told him this, he said u can be jealous of me then if not i tak sayang die tapi now plak bile i talk bout the same thing he said please understand him coz watever happens b4 is past and he dont want to mention her name as that will recall what ever happens between me and him. yes i'm not in his position maybe i dont know exactly how it feels to get ur heart broken damn bad tapi ye la i pun jealous la of course. but this time i juz felt like i shuld throw away all my jealousy coz that will safeguard me from this feelings i'm having at the moment. more i felt like i talked too much. guess i need to be more quiet. talk when necessary. i tried doing it for few days and it seems fine to me. juz that my husband said that i doesnt look like i care of him. when he said that ..another thought came in to my mind. y nak i care plak.. "orang lain" kan ade. orang lain meaning the girl in my stroy above. uurrgghh.. benci ni semua. i juz rasa nak pegi holiday tmpt lain nak jalan sorang. nak time on my own. skrang rasa macam tertrapped somewhere in a big block maize. maybe juz my mind kot. ntahla i juz pray for the best for everybody tak kesa la sape kan. i now nak focus lebih to myself and son. nak study hard. nak jaga anak i. tadi masa nak tidokn chitom i ter cry infront of him. apala mummy..pastu mata die tgk i redup je. then tangan gebu sapu2 pipi i. i guess he feels what i feel kot. pastu we all dua2 tetido. now i terbangun sebab nak packing barang. tomoro going back to shah alam for a week.hhmm..i pun dh lame tak balik sane tapi sorry to my husband if he feels uncomfortable staying at my house.

i juz wished i could hug someone and cry at that sumone's shoulder but i am big enuf to fight all this unneccessary feelings in my life. own conficts. hmm.. okaylah..enuff of crying.. i got things to do. i hope for a better day next week and ahead. i think i'm starting to feel ok a bit. sayonara!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

mummy moody

tu semalam tapi mummy dah tau ape kah gerangannye.. tapi malu la nk cite. ishh..ishh..ishh.. ju want to groom myself. dh lame tak rasa cantik2. pastu ckp kat husband. die dah ejek2 i. geram lak mummy. tu yang malas nak cite. arrhh biarla.. semlm gi beli powder. at first wanted to try siti's product. simply siti. tapi husband said tu product baru. better beli yang dh lame establish. hmm.. okay la.. pastu nak dijadikan bertambah malu.. he went all the way to story my mum in law. lagi la bertambah2 malu. well.. pastu my mum in law tunjukkn how to apply make up. so juz i kena pegi beli few more basic thins pastu. ok. hehehe... n a small bag to put all the things inside.hmm.. takpe..nnt kite cari sesame la ye. rm5. semalam terperasan kat ou tapi takde lak pk nak grab. might be petang karang la.

btw.. my husband got a bb phone from his boss. kemain lagi. asik berbb je dari celik mata smp nak tido. that day i mcm terbengang plak kan. tapi biarla.. malas nak lyan.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR! me, chitom n daddy went to see bunga api in klng only. lepak2 kedai makan then wow cantek itu bunga api. balik umah around 2am. masuk2 senyap2. takut kena marah with parent in law. huhu. tapi i kena keje during tis time. year end closing la. huhu.. takpela.. once a year je. pastu mana kena dtg weekend lagi. yaay! bertungkus lumus menyiapkn keje saya.tapi enuf bout kerja. today prince of my heart aka zafran dh officially start mamam. intro to first solid food is biskut farley's. hahaha.. happy mummy dpt suap die mamam. die seems to be liking the food. air suam pun pandai minum. we intro half biscuit je dulu. nnt bole increase his consuming slowly la. bit by bit. comel. nnt i post gambar die tgh eat ok. love u honeyz..!