Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 25, 2007


hmmm...after a long lepaking hours yesterday at hartamas. i don't expect to have staff bday celebration as well at the bar but it's oklah.. having fun at the end of the week. btw, ery did not go coz she tak larat. n she said today she got this kursus kawin to attend. hhmm... takpela.. sumtimes juz wonder ..i lagi la.. i used to sleep late as well n kena bangun awal the next day but if i got any event will try my best to go. then, celebrated gonz's fren's bday. he is 27. then, to the teh tarik stall til almost 2. got home cleaned up and sleep.

but today, surprisingly i woke up around 9.30am. quite early rite. hehe..sumbody woke me up. that's y la. but i don't feel tired or have not enuf sleep. took bath, branch trus then balik coz mum said nak balik kampung today. coz tomoro nenek is having the kenduri arwah for atuk. it's 100 days already. sumtimes, til now still teringatkan atuk. his words, jokes, himself. so the best way i can do if teringatkan dia is to baca Al-Fatihah. Mudah-mudahn rohnya dicucuri rahmat. -Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin-

tapi tak jadi balik kampung coz bob buat hal. die kuar since tgh hari n tak balik2 smp 12 midnite. so..my dad sudah pukul n hentam same die. ade pukul gune payung lagi kat kaki. i rasa kesian kat die tapi as what hubby told me, that should teach him a lesson. boys especially nowadays need those to keep them on-track coz skang bnyk budak youngsters ni dah lost. he cannot msk dlm. kena sleep kat luar. dad suruh coz die marah sgt. i nak buka pintu tapi dad tak kasi. hhmmm.. worry la.. hopefully esok die dh ok.

so i lak takleh nak sleep. nak tunggu hubby habis lepaking with kengkawan dia. i pun surf la net n downloaded a few songs n currently listening to them while singing. hehehe... hopefully jap lagi i can sleep. ohh..kno wat.. i went for a jog previously at 5.30pm with farid. nearby only. 2 rounds of jogging n 2 rounds of walking. oklah.. rasa lebih sihat.. hehe.. nak tambah kan stamina. pastu to make myself feel better. dah lame tak kuar peluh.. so rasa syok bile dh jog ni. blood circulation pun becomes better.

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