Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 5, 2007

monday blues..contd..

sorry..sorry.. tadi i was on the phone for a while. so that's y i stop typing. i online ngan who else if not my hubby.. after a happy n wonderful weekend that i had, today i must get back to work. as usual..mondays used to be argghh a boring day. but today i manage to go through it happily.

i woke up at 6.30am. took my bath, pray, then breakfast, as usual..my fav first meal of the day milo n roti gardenia. send farid to school then off to work. at first i tot the traffic quite bad coz ppl seems to rush things on monday.. tapi tak lah.. i reached my office at 8am. only bout 30 min drive. not many ppl arrived but my colleague that sits next to my cube came earlier than me as usual.. dunno what time she arrived. have a chit - chat with her of what she did during the weekend until la she told me that she fall dekat entrance of our office. the lasy was cleaning the marble floor due to the raya celebration (i guess) sbb oily, so.. die pun gi jalan kat sane. then unfortunate for her.. she fell.. terlentang.. kesian her. told her to sape minyak angin to make the pain relief.

today..i cam takde mood nak makan nasi. i took rice with sup ayam, potato n kicap. pastu ayam tak habis. muak tau.. then.. borak2 with lunch mates then blk ofis. i bought sweets n asam tapi towards the end, tak makan pun. so dlm keta on the way back..i pun mengunyah la..

hari ni hubby ckp die pegi jog. n he did something for his work which i congratulate him. wish him all the best.. n today.. my dad pun cam comel.. hehe... alaa.. abah ni... hehehe.. mum tgh main ngan my niece. wah!! nak tau tak adik fay ni dah pandai gelak2..jerit2..geramnye kat die..tapi sekarang die kurang sihat..ade flu.. my mum pun dh ok sket kot.. i pun alhamdulillah selsema dh kurang. tapi kena banyak makan sayur la.. pastu kena take Vitamin C. hehe.. takpela...lps ni i sambung makan balik..hari tu je malas. apsal tah..

so.. oklah..i nak tgk tv.. chiow!

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