Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

a happy day

hello.. hi.. holla.. i'm pretty happy today. syoknye.. eventhough my perut is stil sakit tapi i mmg happy. i got home at 6.45pm after checking out from office at 6pm. my accounts is consider closed so tomoro can start to prepare fs. btw.. tomoro my task is to teach my new colleague how the report works. so, hopefully she understands what i'm trying to tell.

already had my makan. had daging masak kicap, sambal tumis telur ans ikan bilis goreng. kenyang la.. n guess that's what make me happier. plus tadi i talked to hubby on the phone for a while. he is sumwhere at the event he is managing. previously, i wrote a bday card for my old fren. she's turning 24 next wednesday. so tot of posting the card tomoro or latest by friday.

dad's not home yet. he said got a lot of work to do. oh.. my bro get scolded by mum. due to his final exam results. told him jgn banyak main game. n now see what happen. next year nak PMR. wait til along sees his papers sure kena bebel panjang lebar. org dh pesan tapi tak nak dgr.. so, mum said, next year no prefects no rugby no games... everything sibuk je but bout studies tak nak tak port.. bile i marah je.. die marah balik. so i'm not that garang kot.. ntahlah.. tau la die nnt. b4 dad bising he better do sumthing bout it.

lps ni.. i nak main game then nak sambung baca buku. wish me luck fr trial this saturday. =)

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