Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, November 22, 2007


the week is almost over. my last post was on tuesday. eerrmm guess so. yesterday, finished the last bit of the report b4 i hand over to my fren before i went for training. so, i'll get back in d office on monday. got home quite late. but since i was a little tired i slept early. at first wanted to spend some time on the phone with hubby then at last tak jadi. it's like dah lame tak gayut kat phone. hopefully tonight i dpt la kn. today, i got training. it is out of office but stil in town. i took train to the place. i woke up around 6.30am. then, clean up, had my breakfast.. time to keja train. i wa lucky coz once i reached the station, the train almost arrive. so kelam kabut la gi beli tiket. i tanye kat cashier tu sempat tak sempat tak.. he pun kelam kabut..hahaha..sori.. i met my colleague at sentral, then both of us same2 gi to that place la. b4 that janji to meet another colleague at starbucks. he is from puchong. he took bus. so that's y he reached there earlier than us. through out the class, i learned many new things regarding formulas n functions. to do with our work. will try to apply those new formulas in my worksheets. but towards the end, i tend to get a little confused coz too many functions in one cell. if, and, or, left, right, len, find .... after class, went to jalan2. eryn nak tgk langsir if ade. tapi survey tak banyak options la. told her to go to jalan TAR for more options. or if not tempah je. masa nak balik.. i tell u..pack sgt dlm train. like sardine. kesian this lady depan i. die pregnant n ppl keep pushing.. haiya..lastly i reached home ard 7.45pm. what a tiring day for me. not so on the class tapi nak berebut train. balik resy, ckp fon kejap then had my hot bath.. haahh...baru lega..scrub sane scrub sini.. syok tau.. hehehe... then time for dinner before tunggu hubby's yurn at 10.45pm. oklah..that's all for now. time to go..

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