Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 18, 2007

pening la i..

wasn't feeling that good. fever and flu. i think i juz had flu recently n it took bout 3 weeks before i finally recover. tapi by last friday i kena flu n sore throat. yesterday i had fever. so i took my medication already. now feeling a bit better. it's juz that now i don't feel like seeing anybody.. at the moment only. mood is stil not okay.

earlier of the day, mum told me bout a story which i feel is not right. it's usual for parents to bercerita with their frends what they're child is earning when working n how much their contribution towards them every month. so, she sounded like what i'm giving her actually is not enough. it's like alaa... ape blh buat with that sum of $. for me i don't care how much i give as long as i give. rather than some ppl with big income each month tapi takde pun nak bagi kat their parents. so i told my mum.. this is what i can afford to give at this moment. i ckp if i don't have enough $ pun, i'll try to give her seberapa yg blh. so, biarlah org lain nk ckp ape kan.. they don't know what i'm going through currently. tp i juz rs unfair. y my mum must ckp kat i sorang je.. kenape die tak ckp kat anak2 die yg lain yg keje jgk yg earn more than me.

i told her of my plan to move out. i rasa tension sekarang tau dgn situation rumah. like what i always think, i ni dh terlalu lama dok kat umah. so ppl dh get bored. sume pun org nak blaim i. i bosan tau. that's y sumtimes i pk.. it's better i blk lmbt. so at least bile i blk lmbt, i got home, mandi, have dinner then tido. next morning wake up. so my time sebenarnye tak bnyk kat umah. so takde nk kaco org lain..arrgghh.. boring la...

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