Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

last day of march

that means 4 months left b4 my wedding. oosshh! i juz went out from toilet. beri. sakit bontot. ahaks! hee.. gediksnye..okaylah. off now. hubby baru balik from workshop. waiting for his car. he said he nk clean up. nnt nak spend time with him. miss him sooo much!

daily life updates

well, here we are. going towards the middle of the week. i got some happy stories to share. including shocking and not so happy news. lets go the not so nice news to hear. hubby's car broken down which i think is quite dangerous. i wonder how he managed to handle his car. whooshh! i am sooo worried bout him. alhamdulillah die takde pape. bcoz hubby i takleh dicari dan diganti di mana-mana. money cant buy. i love him very much.
happy news--> we already came out with the concept our our card. yaay! i am really into it. from the design, the cutting and the selection of colors i really like it. i have seen the outside part not the inside. hubby yet to show me what he had done for the inside. hehehe...my line is "simple yet elegant" tak sabar nak tunggu the next progress. maybe this weekend.
semalam i n hubby dah gi jumpa mak andam. dah byr down payment. n i already chose my color. nak cite dulu ke nanti? nanti la yek. i will tell when i think is suitable. well, it is sooooo cantik i mean the design baju and the combination colors. hubby's baju pun cantik ok. terletak elok kat chest and his shoulder. handsome ok. wah! tak sabar nak update lagi pasal my wedding preparation. best! alhamdulillah! well, i am pretty happy bout it. 2 things dh jalan. lps ni mmg nak focus to photographer la plak. cari kompang. anyway already told dad that i nak khemah besar satu kat luar sbb nak letak pelamin. cantik la. sangat sangat happy ok. tolak tepi ongkosnya bu'. hehe.. hubby pun ckp baju yang i test tu cantik. nampak lain.
after that keta i pun dh siap. gi amik drove back then naik keta ngan hubby. i was asleep on his chest. best sgt rasanye. tadi i asked him what do he feels when i slept at his chest. he said he feels so PEACEFULL. =) i pun same. kalo boleh tak nak balik. nak sleep sampai pagi. tapi takpe i kena sabar coz lagi brape bulan je tinggal b4 i nk kawin ngan hubby.. skang ni the most important thing is i have to take care of myself, take care of hubby's love and everything. insya-Allah.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour

support earth hour. i and my fiancee, both of us off our house lights for one hour. syiok eh! it felt cold and cool coz no heating from the lights. well, thanks to all those that support earth hour as well. may our beloved earth can be saved and healthy for our future next generation. i had snapped few pics from outside my house. nnt dh trf i upload eh.
semalam keta i rosak. start boleh tapi takleh nak lepas minyak. kalo lepas nanti keta mati. time tu nak balik from ofis la. hmm.. sooo damn tensed. wanted to cry tapi tak jadi. control control. pastu talked to hubby. he and his frens came to the rescue. thanks to my hero. i waited for him at the secret recipe. due to tensed i ordered hot choc+mushroom soup+bun and towards the end free warm water. hehehe.. it was soo cold as well coz it was raining since noon. at last my car was drove straight to malek's workshop at klang. he had inspected my car and he said the vacuum sensor has worn out. so, they are going to check out the item this monday as the kedai dah tutup as for today. tomoro will tutup. btw, today hubby had the 2nd interview with uob. insya-Allah everything's going well until the next interview with hr dept. then while waiting i went shopping at sogo. i bought a new pair of strappy heels. hubby said cantek.. heheh..thnx. ade sale tadi. btw, kasut i dh bnyk rosak. so that's y i beli kasut baru. tgh berpk pk how to buang my old shoes ni. sayang pun ade. siap dh basuh. tapi ye la. i takde tmpt yang proper nak simpan kasut. maybe, lepas dh kawin we will get a shoe rack to put our shoes.
tadi dh kemas umah, vacuum sket sket. banyak btul rambut i gugur. thanx yang. pastu pening pening sebab keta tak ckp kat dad lagi. at last settled. dad tak marah. cool je. i explain what i kno. hhmm..supported by dear faiz. tadi lps vacuum, i watched dvd senseless. eee geli and yucked. btw, movie in action. best best. miss hubby so much!
faiz..--> love u very much. can't wait to have u as my husband.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

my wedding

check out the count-down timer. whoosshh! time is running out like what muse said. haha. i'm damn nervous man!

some photos during zuen's wedding

talking bout photos, i got some cute pics taken wif hubby but it was taken using my hp. haven't got the opportunity to transfer yet. nnt dh trf i upload. love it!


"despite of having him next to me, he is not next to me" on sunday or monday i came up with these words. i wasn't sure what's on my mind. but basically after wat we have discussed bout my dearest dear's status of working. btw, i met hubby on monday after work. then he accompanied me to pay my duit ku2. pastu we talked and talked bout his thinking of joining MFA. at first i was like tanak nanti u jauh..tapi bile pk kan, takpela..he has been suffering a lot especially on $$ issues that also involves his biznes. pening, kusut, sibuk and stressed through out my relationship with him. i know he has been thinking a lot bout the $$ stability in his life and eventhough he is dating with me, he seems not to show that prob on his face. how i admire him controlling his emotions. if it is being me, i will eventually cried. but as a partner, i should have been supporting him through all circumstances and be there for him. should let him feel eased being around me. so at least, i made him think of something different that makes him happy despite of having so many things running in his head. back to those words i said earlier, that's what i felt. yes i'm getting married. of course feeling happy n excited will be my no 1. i will get to spend the rest of my life with this guy that i truly love but when he has to decide the decision that he has to make, i have to obey and make some sacrification. for the good of our future lives. insya-Allah hubby, honey will take care of my pride and dignity while hubby has gone out working looking for $$. thanks a lot for wanting me to stay at home at my early age. taking care of the house n also take care of his children. =) love u darling. honey wishes u all the best!!

it's been pretty okay week for me in regards of work. as usual those stress and some misunderstood are there. as long as u r working. u will be facing the same issue. well, managed to handle it. it is juz that the traffic wa quite bad. guess so due to school children had started their school session back after a week of break.

i will be late to work today coz i'm going to the hospital with darling dear. he sent his bro to school earlier. he already got back. busyyukk ni.. nak shayang pipi die. so comell..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

cool weekend for me

i went back on time last friday. sharp 5pm i signed out then balik umah. yoohoo! i followed parliament road instead of my usual way coz that way is so damn slow with all the jam. i reached home roughly around 6.30pm. wow! i'm early. so happy. cheeq was at home. farid says yan had to go sumwhere but when i called her she went for a hair-do at subang. talking bout hair-do i dunno y that this week almost everyday i was thinking of hair-do. style b4 marriage, after marriage. haha.. silly me. but of course, as a girl i will have those thoughts. i want to look good for my dearest dear. that nite after cleaning up, hubby fetched me. we went to his house visiting his granma and anti. his grandma looked so cheerful eventhough she is like what 75 years old ++. panjang umur die. wishing that my grandma pun panjang umur. i ate mee curry which i tot was not mee curry in the first place. hubby said coz it was cooked by mak long and it is more of malay curry. what ever it is. i enjoyed the meal. i was sooo damn full... hahaha.. but at a point i got the uncomfortableness feelings. my tummy is upsetting. dunno y. is it food or what. but on saturday morning i got the answer. that is the time of the month again. =) memang la sakit. i didn't realize it at first coz i was bz cleaning up my room. throwing all those unnecessary things and letters. whooshh! 2 plastic bags ok. hahaha.. my sis was like ehh..korang ni. tak kemas bilik. sepah je. hahaha.. but as usual a-tishoo-a-tishoo.. can't handle the habuks la. finally puas hati. then mandi2 get dressed coz hubby is going to fetch me. going out spending some time together. i dah start sakit perut. so after lunch took menstrual la. pastu okay kejap. sampai petang sakit balik. it was quite a sunny day. pretty hot. ohh...btw, earlier hubby went for an interview. he got an answer to it but he is stil reconsidering whether to accept the offer or not. the starting will be at rm1.4k. plus some commission if he can collect as many debts possible for the month. hhmm.. it is a good news so he can start working soon. tapi ye la. the time he said from 9am-8pm. weekend working. 3 saturdays in a month. hhmm..how ar? i cam lost la. i want the best for him n i want to spend time with him. thinking and thinking and reconsidering, takpela. sooner i am getting married to this guy that i want to be with the rest of my life. myabe some sacrifices need to be done for the happiness and good of our lives. coz i am seeing him thinking, kusuting bout $$ to be used as his capital for biznes. takpe yang. i am here to support u and pray for ur successness. insya-Allah.
yesterday, i went for a hair-do as well. coz i got a wedding invitation. my college fren. she's getting married to college fren as well. they coupled like i think 5 years la. since in kl. btw, happy for them. get to meet my other college frens. talking and getting to kno what they r up to. my bro followed me as well. snap snap some photos. later i'll upload. dunno whether bro has uploaded them into the pc or not. not bad la. my bro's shoot. he's learning and improving. hopefully he can be a freelance photographer and then earned some extra income for himself. went home ard 11pm. get cleaned then watch some football. MU lost again to FULLHAM. 2-0. hmm.. dunno what's wrong with them at the moment. was like eh..what's happening.? pressure ke. i was like telling bob maybe the opponent team has known to the strategies of MU and that's y they can defeat them. haha.. but of course as a coach to MU i'm sure he can have so many ideas and strategies to tackle the game. kesian hubby. kena kutuk habis by his frens.
today i ingat nak teman dad gi umah org kawin. tak jadi. sakit perut. dah makan panadol. i kalah la. hubby ckp nanti dah kawin die nk tolong kurangkan rasa sakit. nak masukkan sperm. hehehehe... malu la i. bole.. then we all kluar. teman hubby makan western kat jusco. pastu without plans, we went for a movie, guess what we've watched. DRAGONBALL. eh..eh.. produced by stephen chow. the funny guy. it was quite cool la. goku tu cute la. tapi rambut goku tak jadi sgt. sket sket. btw, i really enjoyed the movie. it was soo cold inside. hugged dearly love sebab sejuk. and i know die pun sejuk gak. syian die. sini meh nak kapuk. pastu balik tu singgah his hse kejap. played with his niece. besar dh budak tu. hehehe.. faiz ni suke menyakat orang. tapi juz now he lookesd so fatherly. ngan kain pelikat. how he wants to have his own kids to play with. what he told me, he'll be happy if he is in the room, with me, daughter/son and a pc, and a bed as well, played together, laughing. =) insya-Allah. hilang rasa penat ngan tension ye yang.
sekarang ni i kat umah, dh cleaned up. i already miss my fiancee. nak peluk u la yang. rindu.. boleh tak nak nyanyi lagu spoon. rinduuu...rindu serindu rindunya..aa..aa...a. hehehe part tu je la. hahaha..
uurrgghh..perut i gatal la. kena gigit ngan serangga. dah sabun dah sapu bedak merah. tapi stil gatal nak garu. hmm..takpela toksah garu. anyway, the day is almost over. alhamdulillah, masih boleh bernafas dalam dunia ciptaan Ilahi ini. syukur. semoga hari ini dan semalam memberikan pengajaran serta pedoman buat diri ini di hari esok. Aminnn.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

no topic

i wanted to add few tools but when ever i click to customize my page got hang. then, i got another prob which is i can remove my avg anti virus. y ar? bengang ni. ingat nak remove sbb nak re-install. pape la. nanti i try lagi la. dh ngantuk ni. yaay! weekend dh nak mai ni. yahoo! syoknye. bole rest after a long week this week after so many things involved feelings and emotions. =)

old photo

.. i remembered that b4 this shot was taken, both of us went for a hair-do together..


on tuesday went for a wedding ceremony at 830pm. earlier i went home at 430pm from ofis. then trus gi salon rambut. the name is called SAKURA. and then the lady ckp aiyo! rambut u dah rosak la. tak buat treatment. then i ckp la. bz la. i takde masa weekend. that's y la. plus malas pun ade. then she said summore, mana boleh. rambut panjang cantik. kena jaga la. well, takpela. now i juz maintain like biasa. sampai nak wedding nanti ingat nak color je balik. maybe brown la or hhmm... burgundy hahaha..merah la. hahaha.. let me see nanti. pastu after wedding nak tuka style la. maybe stil panjang and a bit syle la. hari tu dh buat curl. lps ni nak wat ape plak eh. let me think and also ask opinion from hubby. balik from the wedding ... haa.. i n dad nangis la. he acctually told me wat is he facing in his life now. macam pelik la kenapa die cerita kat i. btw, we do love him. the next day talked to yan bout it. yan lagi suruh confront. pastu i ni takut. then citer kat hubby. he said follow ur heart. my heart says no at the moment. pasal nak tanye ni pasal status of second wife tu. hhmm... macam pelik kan. i kno it's true based on stories from nenek, mak ngah. tapi at last tak ckp pun. instead i borak ngan hubby kat fon. we talked bout his kampung.. mmm..soothing nye nak balik kampung kan yang. boleh relax. tarik angin sedalam dalamnye. angin yang fresh. bau pokok2. so refreshing! yummy!
today and yesterday at work i focus banyak kat sundry debtors. recon dh siap sampai feb'09. bills dah issue smp sep'08. tggl 3 lagi. dec, jan n feb. hopefully dapat setel cpt. today i makan nasi+ikan masak kicap+sayur bayam for dinner. mama masak.
semalam lunch makan kat secret recipe. we ordered that special food for the week. black pepper grilled chicken with rice. and i ordered warm water fr drink only. total me and kak bedah rm24 include service tax. at the moment chiq and yan at home. maybe mama n bob wil sleep at yan's house tonite. earlier at ofis also i surf surf on more inai and photography for my wedding ni. ade yg dah tanye quotation and ade yg suruh dtg kedai coz they don't give quotation over email or telephone. hhmm.. bout mak andam i've already decided. now juz wonder whether hubby have convey the message to the mak andam or not. hhmm.. he is not feeling so well today. and what i was quite angry coz he ate tempoyak while he got tonsil. isshh!! geram tau. now he is lepaking with frens playing guitar. hopefully he is getting well soon coz i love him so much!

Monday, March 16, 2009

today's post

after waiting thru out weekend. today is the day to have the meeting with boss regarding frisday's issue. but i came in the meeting at 3pm together with some of the operations side including shahrol and nj and sharon n ras. btw, it was over la. back at home. dad is totally bengang and bengang ngann mum coz he lost his money. hari ni kan macam2 feelings ade. happy worried takut marah bengang sad nangis glad thankful. tadi i shared with hubby. rasa macam i ni burdenning him with sooo many things. ape ni abah tak paham lagi ke pasal astro. dah orang ckp 48 hours. tu procedure die. kena la tunggu. siap ckp lagi kalo esok takde jgk buang masuk tong sampah. e'eh sedap mulut je ckp. i sound balik je. dh orang astro tu kata 48 hours. orang lain pun kalo ade pape technical prob will be resolve within 48 hours. tetibe die nak cepat lak. ikut procedure la. biasa la kan. human.. bile keje sendiri elok plak ckp example la dad kan. kalo nak check keta ohh itu kena ikut procedure ini kena ikut procedure. same la cam orang astro tu. die pun ikut procedure and policy jgk. so have to wait jgk. same jgk kalo orang astro tu pegi bawak nak check keta. of course nak cepat tapi kena la faham itu procedure orang yang keje tu. kalo cam tu, bawak keta pun tak yah la procedure. lampu merah je jalan. biar langgar semua orang pastu mampus. kan senang. isshh! ape aku ni. mengarut. well, tadi i just doa kan god so i ni masih sabar ok. insya-Allah.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

saturday almost over

it's weekend. yeay!! yesterday i went home from office around 8 sumthing. letih sket la. cam dh lemau. pastu ade yang funny sbb i tersasul. nak sebut "quote" pastu "qote" "qut" ape2 la yang i sebut. hahaha... malu kejap. the delay coz i have a meeting that was scheduled to be at 4.30pm but postponed due to attendees stil got meeting and after that they went for coffee with the external party. at last started at 6.30pm. and going til 8 la. the meeting was about my department to take up another function from operations and that person who is going to transfer would be shahrol. the query by boss are not workable therefore on this monday we will explain to him. plus some feedback from operations team as well and other management team from the company. actually dlm diam, other ppl are noticing how u work, how u mix wif people and many things but bear in mind not to tell any personal issue coz it might leak to that party. soooo damn dangerous. yup!

today woke up at 10am. DD went to Perak for his ex-classmate wedding. he went with other Diplomas frens. congrats to them. cepat giler masa berlalu kan. that day masa kecoh2 diorang ni nak kawin kan, i think dalam bulan 12 ke bulan 1. ni dh over on the girls side. the boy's side will be on tuesday nite. btw, after zohor prayer me and mum gi umah kak yan. pastu makan chicken pie. panas tau hari ni. then, we all gi tgk furniture. tapi cantik la. one set of white furniture. takpela we all tgk je. we are left with no other choice but kayu jati. watever it is kayu jati la. tapi tu la.. kesian. umah i dah la tgh ade issue ni. $$ jgk. setan kan. sungguh tak suke.

bout wedding plak. i blum habis budgeting lagi. most probably mak andam dah setel. photography tngh search lagi. henna dh ade satu quotation. pastu loan i blum ade pape progress lagi. tak tau nak amik bank mane. i rasa enuf with 5 times salary. kusut tu dh kurang la. not like b4 pastu ingat tak dulu ade kusut pastu gaduh ngan DD. misunderstood. bile pk kan. tak yah la nak kusut2 psl $$ coz everyone is facing that, juz how u managed and maintain the $$ that u have currently. hmm.. pastu kan i dh terpk nak kasi fruits for door gift. cam pelik kan. at least i think it is cheaper la. my sis suggested not just apples, but also oranges and pear. wow! yummy. sedapnye. pastu i dh siap pk nak balut ngan transparent wrapper and then put some ribbon [i mean excess ribbon] that we have at home. syok kan. hopefully shud be ok la. pastu bunga telur tu ade kat pelamin je la. hehehe...nanti nak survey harga buah buahan itu sumer. pastu boleh buat budgeting lain plak kan. hhmm... basically banyak benda dah start cume conclusion tu blum firm lagi. need few suggestions lagi. pastu insya-Allah. yang tggl tu wedding invitation card and the most important thing is to kemas rumah. bile nak start tak tau bile. banyak benda ni. tapi rasanye insya-Allah boleh siap slowly. satu issue lagi pengapit kat rumah i tak tau sape lagi. hhmm.. mmg last resort tu ila la my cousin. hopefully she'll be fine with it. aarrgghh..kalo orang tanye feelings i nak kawin ni.. tak tau nak explain camne. banyak sgt. "happy" "excited" "cant wait" "sad" "soppy" "betul ke" "am i rite" "ehhh.." hahaha..see i told ya. guess so evry1 yg nak kawin akan ade feelings cam tu kan.

tadi tgk doraemon. hehehe.. cam budak2. tapi kita layannnn je..

Thursday, March 12, 2009


bengang gile ngan ofis ni.. urrgghh! tension gue..haa dh tak yah nak tension. nnt sakit perut balik.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009



if everyone cud be thinking the same as one person does than it would be a very very very very peaceful and wonderdul world to live in.

but in reality we can't. and that's y a lot of things happened in d world. well. juz wishing for a better future and life when my eyes are wide awake tomoro. going to bed soon coz i dont feel right. faiz tak tanye pun i ok ke tak.

rasa cam fever

i tgh rasa cam nak fever ni. pastu ade flu. maybe sbb weather yg sejuk sbb it was raining today as well as yesterday. now while blogging, i have to used my comforter coz mum is watching tv n she on the fan. takkan la nak biarkan dia kepanasan la plak. malam tadi sleep pun siap pesan kat farid kalo nk on kipas bukak smp 2 je. sejuk babe. this week keje 4 days je. coz monday is public holiday. due to maulud nabi. went dating with DD at bukit tinggi earlier. he juz got back from kuantan with his family. the nite b4 i sleep at sis's house. then we all banyaknye makan. n ade satu food yg quite pelik. nasi ikan. hehe.. it was my first of eating those kind of food tapi ape salahnye. try something new. hehehe..
semalam smp ofis awal. pastu balik pun quite awal la. dlm 6.30pm. hari ni smp lmbt sket. tapi b4 9am la. pastu half day ade training. pasal MFund. anyway enuf bout work. nak update lagi pasal my big day.

budgetting with DD blum setel lagi. kengkadang rasa tak nak discuss ngan die sbb tgk his face cam berat je. pastu he looked like he is got a lot of things. especially pasal work. so tanak la runsingkan lagi. tapi he said cannot. kena jgk. basically i dah survey benda lain not mak andam la. i dh hantar email enquiring bout inai. tgh tunggu die punye quotation. cantik la the design. pastu skang ni tgh surf surf photographer plak. dh asked few around and the cost lebih kurang same. tapi tu la kena discus ngan hubby dulu. syian kita kan yang. nak kapuk. mmm.. skang ni kan ade benda pelik kat i tau. bile stress je sakit perut bile stress je sakit perut. angin pastu burp burp. dh few times kena cam tu. pastu try la control stress tu by remembering those sweet things including my favs. hehehe... mm.. tadi mum ade share a few tips lagi. tapi satu je yg mum pesan berkali2. jangan tinggal sembahyang. itu adalah tiang agama. dan juga pelindung diri kita. thanks mama. really appreciate it. pastu bile terkenang sedih n sebak la plak. nnt dh kawin dh jauh from my mama. = tapi takpe akan dan insyaAllah akan mendoakan kedua ibubapa ku. semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan permudahkan urusan mereka.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


i'm feeling a lot better now. tadi dapat mengadu gak kat DD. thank u sbb melayan kerenah i sorang ni kan yang. btw, i tadi dok tgk2 pics lame. tu yang saje post. ade gambar tgh lepak ngan mum, gambar wat lasagna, gambar ngan hubby and the latest gambar kena make up kat ofis. hahaha.. mesti kelakar kan. i sorang skang kat umah, yed gi umah sister. tonite maybe tido awal kot. ngantuk la. skang tgh layan stormrider kat astro. i think it is uk's production coz of their slang. okaylah. chiow!



not in good mood

i was pretty happy earlier today but now i felt like so wat la.. i got stomach pain ni. n juz now i called DD. he is talking to his dad and cousin. wanted to mengadu tapi tak kesampaian. i juz wanted to stay alone at the moment. my sis juz called asked to lepak at her house tapi seriously i'm not in the mood. i sakit perut ni. uurrgghh.. bengang la. i dh malas nak travel lagi ni. ingat nak lepak umah je. tgk la nnt. nak force2 org plak. yaaaannngg.. if i cud talk to u now. haa.. mula la. i ni nak bad mood tak tentu pasal. dh la. malas nak layan tapi i nak songsorang. dgr lagu. syok sket.


yesterday at ofis, during lunch break after my previous post, my colleague or kak nik tetibe panggil nak make up i. she make up me and alifah. you know la. we all mmg jenis yg tak make up unless for function or dating ke ape kan, so both of us ditengok cam pelik2. orang smile2. then usik2 i. ishhyy.. malu la i. hahaha.. nnt i post pic coz i ade snap snap a few.
lps tu i balik from ofis ard 7. lepaking with DD at our favorite place. so many things we did together. again at that moment i know that he is going to be my husband soon and he is the one for me to love sincerely til end of my life. no one can ever replace him in my heart coz HE IS D ONE. love u honey. we watched role model on DVD and we got like *ehm*ehm* tanak cite la. malu i. but i reaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyy like it. nyum! nyum! balik tu dh miss him. miss him sgt. bile nk kapuk lagi. he said tggl lagi brape bulan je lagi, =)
today he n family nak gi kuantan, he is driving there. drive carefully. family vacation. his sister booked an office bungalow to stay there. they'll be back on monday. hhmm.. at first mmg nak ikut tapi mum tak kasi sbb we blum kawin lagi. nnt abah marah kang. okaylah. takpe la kalo cam tu. in a short while i nak jumpe my fren. lunch trus. tapi tu la. ni blum mandi. better go now.

Friday, March 6, 2009

end of working week

yahoo! its almost weekend already and i will be having a long holiday coz monday is a public holiday. but i am stil in ofis. so damn kenyang.. burpp! makan nasi kukus ayam rempah. i donno that how many times i've had that nasi for lunch since i've joined here in july last year. today i lunch kat ofis je. pastu ingat nak pegi kedai sebelah tapi malas la plak nak berjalan. nanti la pegi beli double sided tape and UHU glue uhu? yoohoo? hahaha..sounds the same but diff spelling. okaylah..chiow!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

jason mraz

jason mraz is here in malaysia. did not go to the concert. ws actually planning to go to rihanna's concert tapi being postponed coz she was terrible hurt. well, no new bout it yet. so u guys going out for the concert, have fun.


it's d first week of a new month. after having some uncomfortableness emotions as per my last post, i am eager to start my week with happy thoughts. that nite, i even ironed my bro's school uniform, not forgetting mine as well b4 i actually went to bed. earlier i went out with DD catching things up between both of us. he read my blog and asked me of why am i damn mad. so he explained why la after a few belok2 from me. i was like *shy* at the first place when he asked me the question. i was like ehh.. bole tak tanak jawab.
i was early on monday ie 8.20am. signing in then went to buy bfast. i had meehoon+tempe for breakfast. i am full. talking bout full, i dont take that much portion as wat i used to do b4. it's pretty medium la. as long as i can finish. at work, i compiled the full correspondance address for our clients b4 i can issue out the debit notes. had an argument dgn DD. =(
yesterday, DD's ofis was being used as a place for an interviu with izrul his fren on the milollypop tshirt. well, it's cool. in the end him and ared was taken as the models for the handphone. well.. gaya macho sket.. hehehe..habis tu gi makan. i wasn't at my appetite sgt bile mlm tapi siang ok la. kena makan. kalo tak takde energy nak berfikir and nnt lapar perut masuk angin. semalam hujan lebat sangat.
today was a happy day for me. woke up quite late, ard 6.45am. ingat nak naik train tapi tak jadi. so asked favor from kak farriz. she picked me up from the bus stop near my hse then dropped her daughter at her mum's at sec 8 b4 zooming off to work. it was like syok okay coz we even stopped by to isi minyak and we actually reached ofis by 8.30am. cool eh. sampai sign in pastu gi beli food ngan june, kak fatimah and kak farriz. i bought meehoon AGAIN but different shop la. after posting some entries at 12.45pm gi kl sentral. i ade meeting kat malakoff pastu earlier lunch dulu ngan hajar. dh lame gile tak jumpe die. bout a year plus i guess so. catching things up. about work, life and tak lupe my preparation for wedding. oh, btw she has agreed to become my pengapit at DD's side. i'm glad and happy. i told her basically what she has to do la. hopefully she's fine with it. and another shocking thing is that she said she is gonna change her appearances as in make-up thingy. i was like. really.. wow! she juz said ko jangan la terkejut nanti. well, i'm fine with that. i ni yang tak make up make up sgt. malas la. nak gi keje kan. juz put on a lil bit of red lines on my lips that would be fine. but guess so i have to put some on la when ever i am meeting with some other organization. well, talking bout meeting rites i was like meeting at this malakoff at sentral. i wasn't that formal. so lucky i borrowed june's jacket so i then actually put it on. it looked good on me. hahaha.. i think like now i've gained weight coz i felt like my baju and pants ketat. but izzit baju tu yang dah ketat. hhmm.. thought of shopping la one day. maybe this weekend or let see how things go first before i decide. then after that makan goreng pisang, minum tea, makan balik meehoon AGAIN.. but meehoon takleh blah. so juz put aside. masa makan kak siti told bout her sis yang ade cancer tu. she already half paralyze. kesian la i dgr the story. btw, wishing that she is fine. then took LRT to pj b4 DD picked me up from there. thanks a lot dear. u've been sacrificing a lot of things for me yah. how greatful and wonderful u r being towards me. LOVE U! then we all pening sekejap pasal mak andam. tonite he'll meet the mak andam to discuss on the pricing. wish him luck. at the moment he went to see and discusss with his fren. he got quite a big job from a client. juz praying that everything's great and success. insya-Allah. i completed 3 out of 5 prayers today. alhamdulillah.

Sunday, March 1, 2009



hate pretenders and liars.. i know myself too not perfect. i do lie and pretend. but some people are damn good at pretending and lying. without any single thing being noticed. urrgghh.. geram sgt. what for nak tipu. feeling great and superb ke?

march's blues

singing and humming and singing and humming to alicia keys "no one" syokla. layan soul kejap. oohhh..i love d song. hahaha berangan kejap.

I just want you close
Where you can stay forever
You can be sure
That it will only get better
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don't worry 'cause
Everything's going to be alright
People keep talking they can say what they like
But all i know is everything's going to be alright
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you-ooo
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
When the rain is pouring down
And my heart is hurting
You will always be around
This I know for certain
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don't worry 'cause
Everything's going to be alright
People keep talking they can say what they like
But all i know is everything's going to be alright
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you-ooo
Can get in the way of what I feel
I know some people search the world
To find something like what we have
I know people will try try to divide something so real
until the end of time I'm telling you what it is
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
No one, no one, no one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you-ooo
Can get in the way of what I feel for you
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh-ooo[repeat]


tata february and welcome march. first of all thanking and wishing alhamdulillah to God coz i am stil here breathing and living in the world belongs to God. such a lucky person to stil face another day in the world. wishing n hoping for a better tomoro. Amin.

juz got home from a long day out today or shall i say outing as well. have juz cleaned up myself. changing to a much more comfortable attire for me to sleep. both my pants n t-shirt are the lembiks ones. basically very much damn cosy and can't wait to go to bed. but hold on to that coz i feel like blogging for a little while. it's only 3 of us at home. parent went back to kampung to visit my grandma and also my cousin. hope both of them and infact every one at kampung is feeling great despite being healthy. yeah! had my dinner at mamak sup. had rojak kosong that is only kuih n telur goreng. but i'm pretty full. today i woke up quite late then waited for DD (b4 i proceed DD stands for Dearest Dear) to fetch me. at first wanted to drive tapi bro said wanted to use the car so what i did was juz to isi air and then kunci. so roughly ard 12.30pm DD came. went to lunch. i wasn't at my mood to eat as i only request half of the nasi portion and also one type of lauk that is masak kurma. i'm feeling full but yet not hungry. anyway, maybe i'm stressed but what am i to stress about coz i'm with DD and yet i should be happy rite. at last can't finish my food. juz a bit of rice and chicken. but nvm, i juz push my plate aside. it is not the food to be blame, it is juz that i am full. then accompanied DD to the workshop to settle his absorber, changing the oil filter and also minyak hitam. oh and also changing his tyres. he spent like almost 700 bucks. quite a lot but looking at his job that requires him to travel, might as well changed before anything bad could happened. not asking but taking preventive measures. it was pretty sunny day. but i stayed most of the time in the shop coz got chair and fan. i was at one pint sooo damn sleepy that i cant help myself. i fell asleep while waiting. about 3 hours alhamdulillah it's settled. the car felt nice to drive. back to DD's house. lepaking while looking for some mak andam websites. DD said maybe to narrow down our chocies by not surveying anymore. we will decide based on wat we have currently. what we need to do is sit down again and talk. this whole week we dont really talk bout our wedding preparation. he seems bz with his work and to avoid feeling stress i also avoid talking too much on it. coz i think it create some uncomfortableness into him. through out this whole week.. i missed DD very much. i dont really get the time to spend with him. i visited him at ofis wanting to see his face so i cud settle my daily smoothly. eventhough i missed him the face i saw b4 end of the day is enuf for me to stay on and hold on to next day. even today i spent like the whole day with him i dont get him fully. maybe i am juz besides him but we are bz doing things. even today i missed him though. i know DD is busy. so to keep me from thinking something unnecessary it's better for me to do something else.

DD --> i know that u're bz but please dont stop loving me. wanting to hear those magic words everyday and everytime. wanting to be called honey or sayang or dear everyday and everytime. wanting to know what u're up to each and everytime. maybe it's not like before tapi i redha.