Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 16, 2009

today's post

after waiting thru out weekend. today is the day to have the meeting with boss regarding frisday's issue. but i came in the meeting at 3pm together with some of the operations side including shahrol and nj and sharon n ras. btw, it was over la. back at home. dad is totally bengang and bengang ngann mum coz he lost his money. hari ni kan macam2 feelings ade. happy worried takut marah bengang sad nangis glad thankful. tadi i shared with hubby. rasa macam i ni burdenning him with sooo many things. ape ni abah tak paham lagi ke pasal astro. dah orang ckp 48 hours. tu procedure die. kena la tunggu. siap ckp lagi kalo esok takde jgk buang masuk tong sampah. e'eh sedap mulut je ckp. i sound balik je. dh orang astro tu kata 48 hours. orang lain pun kalo ade pape technical prob will be resolve within 48 hours. tetibe die nak cepat lak. ikut procedure la. biasa la kan. human.. bile keje sendiri elok plak ckp example la dad kan. kalo nak check keta ohh itu kena ikut procedure ini kena ikut procedure. same la cam orang astro tu. die pun ikut procedure and policy jgk. so have to wait jgk. same jgk kalo orang astro tu pegi bawak nak check keta. of course nak cepat tapi kena la faham itu procedure orang yang keje tu. kalo cam tu, bawak keta pun tak yah la procedure. lampu merah je jalan. biar langgar semua orang pastu mampus. kan senang. isshh! ape aku ni. mengarut. well, tadi i just doa kan god so i ni masih sabar ok. insya-Allah.

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