Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 19, 2009


on tuesday went for a wedding ceremony at 830pm. earlier i went home at 430pm from ofis. then trus gi salon rambut. the name is called SAKURA. and then the lady ckp aiyo! rambut u dah rosak la. tak buat treatment. then i ckp la. bz la. i takde masa weekend. that's y la. plus malas pun ade. then she said summore, mana boleh. rambut panjang cantik. kena jaga la. well, takpela. now i juz maintain like biasa. sampai nak wedding nanti ingat nak color je balik. maybe brown la or hhmm... burgundy hahaha..merah la. hahaha.. let me see nanti. pastu after wedding nak tuka style la. maybe stil panjang and a bit syle la. hari tu dh buat curl. lps ni nak wat ape plak eh. let me think and also ask opinion from hubby. balik from the wedding ... haa.. i n dad nangis la. he acctually told me wat is he facing in his life now. macam pelik la kenapa die cerita kat i. btw, we do love him. the next day talked to yan bout it. yan lagi suruh confront. pastu i ni takut. then citer kat hubby. he said follow ur heart. my heart says no at the moment. pasal nak tanye ni pasal status of second wife tu. hhmm... macam pelik kan. i kno it's true based on stories from nenek, mak ngah. tapi at last tak ckp pun. instead i borak ngan hubby kat fon. we talked bout his kampung.. mmm..soothing nye nak balik kampung kan yang. boleh relax. tarik angin sedalam dalamnye. angin yang fresh. bau pokok2. so refreshing! yummy!
today and yesterday at work i focus banyak kat sundry debtors. recon dh siap sampai feb'09. bills dah issue smp sep'08. tggl 3 lagi. dec, jan n feb. hopefully dapat setel cpt. today i makan nasi+ikan masak kicap+sayur bayam for dinner. mama masak.
semalam lunch makan kat secret recipe. we ordered that special food for the week. black pepper grilled chicken with rice. and i ordered warm water fr drink only. total me and kak bedah rm24 include service tax. at the moment chiq and yan at home. maybe mama n bob wil sleep at yan's house tonite. earlier at ofis also i surf surf on more inai and photography for my wedding ni. ade yg dah tanye quotation and ade yg suruh dtg kedai coz they don't give quotation over email or telephone. hhmm.. bout mak andam i've already decided. now juz wonder whether hubby have convey the message to the mak andam or not. hhmm.. he is not feeling so well today. and what i was quite angry coz he ate tempoyak while he got tonsil. isshh!! geram tau. now he is lepaking with frens playing guitar. hopefully he is getting well soon coz i love him so much!

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