Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 22, 2009

cool weekend for me

i went back on time last friday. sharp 5pm i signed out then balik umah. yoohoo! i followed parliament road instead of my usual way coz that way is so damn slow with all the jam. i reached home roughly around 6.30pm. wow! i'm early. so happy. cheeq was at home. farid says yan had to go sumwhere but when i called her she went for a hair-do at subang. talking bout hair-do i dunno y that this week almost everyday i was thinking of hair-do. style b4 marriage, after marriage. haha.. silly me. but of course, as a girl i will have those thoughts. i want to look good for my dearest dear. that nite after cleaning up, hubby fetched me. we went to his house visiting his granma and anti. his grandma looked so cheerful eventhough she is like what 75 years old ++. panjang umur die. wishing that my grandma pun panjang umur. i ate mee curry which i tot was not mee curry in the first place. hubby said coz it was cooked by mak long and it is more of malay curry. what ever it is. i enjoyed the meal. i was sooo damn full... hahaha.. but at a point i got the uncomfortableness feelings. my tummy is upsetting. dunno y. is it food or what. but on saturday morning i got the answer. that is the time of the month again. =) memang la sakit. i didn't realize it at first coz i was bz cleaning up my room. throwing all those unnecessary things and letters. whooshh! 2 plastic bags ok. hahaha.. my sis was like ehh..korang ni. tak kemas bilik. sepah je. hahaha.. but as usual a-tishoo-a-tishoo.. can't handle the habuks la. finally puas hati. then mandi2 get dressed coz hubby is going to fetch me. going out spending some time together. i dah start sakit perut. so after lunch took menstrual la. pastu okay kejap. sampai petang sakit balik. it was quite a sunny day. pretty hot. ohh...btw, earlier hubby went for an interview. he got an answer to it but he is stil reconsidering whether to accept the offer or not. the starting will be at rm1.4k. plus some commission if he can collect as many debts possible for the month. hhmm.. it is a good news so he can start working soon. tapi ye la. the time he said from 9am-8pm. weekend working. 3 saturdays in a month. hhmm..how ar? i cam lost la. i want the best for him n i want to spend time with him. thinking and thinking and reconsidering, takpela. sooner i am getting married to this guy that i want to be with the rest of my life. myabe some sacrifices need to be done for the happiness and good of our lives. coz i am seeing him thinking, kusuting bout $$ to be used as his capital for biznes. takpe yang. i am here to support u and pray for ur successness. insya-Allah.
yesterday, i went for a hair-do as well. coz i got a wedding invitation. my college fren. she's getting married to college fren as well. they coupled like i think 5 years la. since in kl. btw, happy for them. get to meet my other college frens. talking and getting to kno what they r up to. my bro followed me as well. snap snap some photos. later i'll upload. dunno whether bro has uploaded them into the pc or not. not bad la. my bro's shoot. he's learning and improving. hopefully he can be a freelance photographer and then earned some extra income for himself. went home ard 11pm. get cleaned then watch some football. MU lost again to FULLHAM. 2-0. hmm.. dunno what's wrong with them at the moment. was like eh..what's happening.? pressure ke. i was like telling bob maybe the opponent team has known to the strategies of MU and that's y they can defeat them. haha.. but of course as a coach to MU i'm sure he can have so many ideas and strategies to tackle the game. kesian hubby. kena kutuk habis by his frens.
today i ingat nak teman dad gi umah org kawin. tak jadi. sakit perut. dah makan panadol. i kalah la. hubby ckp nanti dah kawin die nk tolong kurangkan rasa sakit. nak masukkan sperm. hehehehe... malu la i. bole.. then we all kluar. teman hubby makan western kat jusco. pastu without plans, we went for a movie, guess what we've watched. DRAGONBALL. eh..eh.. produced by stephen chow. the funny guy. it was quite cool la. goku tu cute la. tapi rambut goku tak jadi sgt. sket sket. btw, i really enjoyed the movie. it was soo cold inside. hugged dearly love sebab sejuk. and i know die pun sejuk gak. syian die. sini meh nak kapuk. pastu balik tu singgah his hse kejap. played with his niece. besar dh budak tu. hehehe.. faiz ni suke menyakat orang. tapi juz now he lookesd so fatherly. ngan kain pelikat. how he wants to have his own kids to play with. what he told me, he'll be happy if he is in the room, with me, daughter/son and a pc, and a bed as well, played together, laughing. =) insya-Allah. hilang rasa penat ngan tension ye yang.
sekarang ni i kat umah, dh cleaned up. i already miss my fiancee. nak peluk u la yang. rindu.. boleh tak nak nyanyi lagu spoon. rinduuu...rindu serindu rindunya..aa..aa...a. hehehe part tu je la. hahaha..
uurrgghh..perut i gatal la. kena gigit ngan serangga. dah sabun dah sapu bedak merah. tapi stil gatal nak garu. hmm..takpela toksah garu. anyway, the day is almost over. alhamdulillah, masih boleh bernafas dalam dunia ciptaan Ilahi ini. syukur. semoga hari ini dan semalam memberikan pengajaran serta pedoman buat diri ini di hari esok. Aminnn.

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