Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 26, 2009


"despite of having him next to me, he is not next to me" on sunday or monday i came up with these words. i wasn't sure what's on my mind. but basically after wat we have discussed bout my dearest dear's status of working. btw, i met hubby on monday after work. then he accompanied me to pay my duit ku2. pastu we talked and talked bout his thinking of joining MFA. at first i was like tanak nanti u jauh..tapi bile pk kan, takpela..he has been suffering a lot especially on $$ issues that also involves his biznes. pening, kusut, sibuk and stressed through out my relationship with him. i know he has been thinking a lot bout the $$ stability in his life and eventhough he is dating with me, he seems not to show that prob on his face. how i admire him controlling his emotions. if it is being me, i will eventually cried. but as a partner, i should have been supporting him through all circumstances and be there for him. should let him feel eased being around me. so at least, i made him think of something different that makes him happy despite of having so many things running in his head. back to those words i said earlier, that's what i felt. yes i'm getting married. of course feeling happy n excited will be my no 1. i will get to spend the rest of my life with this guy that i truly love but when he has to decide the decision that he has to make, i have to obey and make some sacrification. for the good of our future lives. insya-Allah hubby, honey will take care of my pride and dignity while hubby has gone out working looking for $$. thanks a lot for wanting me to stay at home at my early age. taking care of the house n also take care of his children. =) love u darling. honey wishes u all the best!!

it's been pretty okay week for me in regards of work. as usual those stress and some misunderstood are there. as long as u r working. u will be facing the same issue. well, managed to handle it. it is juz that the traffic wa quite bad. guess so due to school children had started their school session back after a week of break.

i will be late to work today coz i'm going to the hospital with darling dear. he sent his bro to school earlier. he already got back. busyyukk ni.. nak shayang pipi die. so comell..

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