Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour

support earth hour. i and my fiancee, both of us off our house lights for one hour. syiok eh! it felt cold and cool coz no heating from the lights. well, thanks to all those that support earth hour as well. may our beloved earth can be saved and healthy for our future next generation. i had snapped few pics from outside my house. nnt dh trf i upload eh.
semalam keta i rosak. start boleh tapi takleh nak lepas minyak. kalo lepas nanti keta mati. time tu nak balik from ofis la. hmm.. sooo damn tensed. wanted to cry tapi tak jadi. control control. pastu talked to hubby. he and his frens came to the rescue. thanks to my hero. i waited for him at the secret recipe. due to tensed i ordered hot choc+mushroom soup+bun and towards the end free warm water. hehehe.. it was soo cold as well coz it was raining since noon. at last my car was drove straight to malek's workshop at klang. he had inspected my car and he said the vacuum sensor has worn out. so, they are going to check out the item this monday as the kedai dah tutup as for today. tomoro will tutup. btw, today hubby had the 2nd interview with uob. insya-Allah everything's going well until the next interview with hr dept. then while waiting i went shopping at sogo. i bought a new pair of strappy heels. hubby said cantek.. heheh..thnx. ade sale tadi. btw, kasut i dh bnyk rosak. so that's y i beli kasut baru. tgh berpk pk how to buang my old shoes ni. sayang pun ade. siap dh basuh. tapi ye la. i takde tmpt yang proper nak simpan kasut. maybe, lepas dh kawin we will get a shoe rack to put our shoes.
tadi dh kemas umah, vacuum sket sket. banyak btul rambut i gugur. thanx yang. pastu pening pening sebab keta tak ckp kat dad lagi. at last settled. dad tak marah. cool je. i explain what i kno. hhmm..supported by dear faiz. tadi lps vacuum, i watched dvd senseless. eee geli and yucked. btw, movie in action. best best. miss hubby so much!
faiz..--> love u very much. can't wait to have u as my husband.

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