Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, March 14, 2009

saturday almost over

it's weekend. yeay!! yesterday i went home from office around 8 sumthing. letih sket la. cam dh lemau. pastu ade yang funny sbb i tersasul. nak sebut "quote" pastu "qote" "qut" ape2 la yang i sebut. hahaha... malu kejap. the delay coz i have a meeting that was scheduled to be at 4.30pm but postponed due to attendees stil got meeting and after that they went for coffee with the external party. at last started at 6.30pm. and going til 8 la. the meeting was about my department to take up another function from operations and that person who is going to transfer would be shahrol. the query by boss are not workable therefore on this monday we will explain to him. plus some feedback from operations team as well and other management team from the company. actually dlm diam, other ppl are noticing how u work, how u mix wif people and many things but bear in mind not to tell any personal issue coz it might leak to that party. soooo damn dangerous. yup!

today woke up at 10am. DD went to Perak for his ex-classmate wedding. he went with other Diplomas frens. congrats to them. cepat giler masa berlalu kan. that day masa kecoh2 diorang ni nak kawin kan, i think dalam bulan 12 ke bulan 1. ni dh over on the girls side. the boy's side will be on tuesday nite. btw, after zohor prayer me and mum gi umah kak yan. pastu makan chicken pie. panas tau hari ni. then, we all gi tgk furniture. tapi cantik la. one set of white furniture. takpela we all tgk je. we are left with no other choice but kayu jati. watever it is kayu jati la. tapi tu la.. kesian. umah i dah la tgh ade issue ni. $$ jgk. setan kan. sungguh tak suke.

bout wedding plak. i blum habis budgeting lagi. most probably mak andam dah setel. photography tngh search lagi. henna dh ade satu quotation. pastu loan i blum ade pape progress lagi. tak tau nak amik bank mane. i rasa enuf with 5 times salary. kusut tu dh kurang la. not like b4 pastu ingat tak dulu ade kusut pastu gaduh ngan DD. misunderstood. bile pk kan. tak yah la nak kusut2 psl $$ coz everyone is facing that, juz how u managed and maintain the $$ that u have currently. hmm.. pastu kan i dh terpk nak kasi fruits for door gift. cam pelik kan. at least i think it is cheaper la. my sis suggested not just apples, but also oranges and pear. wow! yummy. sedapnye. pastu i dh siap pk nak balut ngan transparent wrapper and then put some ribbon [i mean excess ribbon] that we have at home. syok kan. hopefully shud be ok la. pastu bunga telur tu ade kat pelamin je la. hehehe...nanti nak survey harga buah buahan itu sumer. pastu boleh buat budgeting lain plak kan. hhmm... basically banyak benda dah start cume conclusion tu blum firm lagi. need few suggestions lagi. pastu insya-Allah. yang tggl tu wedding invitation card and the most important thing is to kemas rumah. bile nak start tak tau bile. banyak benda ni. tapi rasanye insya-Allah boleh siap slowly. satu issue lagi pengapit kat rumah i tak tau sape lagi. hhmm.. mmg last resort tu ila la my cousin. hopefully she'll be fine with it. aarrgghh..kalo orang tanye feelings i nak kawin ni.. tak tau nak explain camne. banyak sgt. "happy" "excited" "cant wait" "sad" "soppy" "betul ke" "am i rite" "ehhh.." hahaha..see i told ya. guess so evry1 yg nak kawin akan ade feelings cam tu kan.

tadi tgk doraemon. hehehe.. cam budak2. tapi kita layannnn je..

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