Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, March 7, 2009


yesterday at ofis, during lunch break after my previous post, my colleague or kak nik tetibe panggil nak make up i. she make up me and alifah. you know la. we all mmg jenis yg tak make up unless for function or dating ke ape kan, so both of us ditengok cam pelik2. orang smile2. then usik2 i. ishhyy.. malu la i. hahaha.. nnt i post pic coz i ade snap snap a few.
lps tu i balik from ofis ard 7. lepaking with DD at our favorite place. so many things we did together. again at that moment i know that he is going to be my husband soon and he is the one for me to love sincerely til end of my life. no one can ever replace him in my heart coz HE IS D ONE. love u honey. we watched role model on DVD and we got like *ehm*ehm* tanak cite la. malu i. but i reaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyy like it. nyum! nyum! balik tu dh miss him. miss him sgt. bile nk kapuk lagi. he said tggl lagi brape bulan je lagi, =)
today he n family nak gi kuantan, he is driving there. drive carefully. family vacation. his sister booked an office bungalow to stay there. they'll be back on monday. hhmm.. at first mmg nak ikut tapi mum tak kasi sbb we blum kawin lagi. nnt abah marah kang. okaylah. takpe la kalo cam tu. in a short while i nak jumpe my fren. lunch trus. tapi tu la. ni blum mandi. better go now.

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