Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


it's d first week of a new month. after having some uncomfortableness emotions as per my last post, i am eager to start my week with happy thoughts. that nite, i even ironed my bro's school uniform, not forgetting mine as well b4 i actually went to bed. earlier i went out with DD catching things up between both of us. he read my blog and asked me of why am i damn mad. so he explained why la after a few belok2 from me. i was like *shy* at the first place when he asked me the question. i was like ehh.. bole tak tanak jawab.
i was early on monday ie 8.20am. signing in then went to buy bfast. i had meehoon+tempe for breakfast. i am full. talking bout full, i dont take that much portion as wat i used to do b4. it's pretty medium la. as long as i can finish. at work, i compiled the full correspondance address for our clients b4 i can issue out the debit notes. had an argument dgn DD. =(
yesterday, DD's ofis was being used as a place for an interviu with izrul his fren on the milollypop tshirt. well, it's cool. in the end him and ared was taken as the models for the handphone. well.. gaya macho sket.. hehehe..habis tu gi makan. i wasn't at my appetite sgt bile mlm tapi siang ok la. kena makan. kalo tak takde energy nak berfikir and nnt lapar perut masuk angin. semalam hujan lebat sangat.
today was a happy day for me. woke up quite late, ard 6.45am. ingat nak naik train tapi tak jadi. so asked favor from kak farriz. she picked me up from the bus stop near my hse then dropped her daughter at her mum's at sec 8 b4 zooming off to work. it was like syok okay coz we even stopped by to isi minyak and we actually reached ofis by 8.30am. cool eh. sampai sign in pastu gi beli food ngan june, kak fatimah and kak farriz. i bought meehoon AGAIN but different shop la. after posting some entries at 12.45pm gi kl sentral. i ade meeting kat malakoff pastu earlier lunch dulu ngan hajar. dh lame gile tak jumpe die. bout a year plus i guess so. catching things up. about work, life and tak lupe my preparation for wedding. oh, btw she has agreed to become my pengapit at DD's side. i'm glad and happy. i told her basically what she has to do la. hopefully she's fine with it. and another shocking thing is that she said she is gonna change her appearances as in make-up thingy. i was like. really.. wow! she juz said ko jangan la terkejut nanti. well, i'm fine with that. i ni yang tak make up make up sgt. malas la. nak gi keje kan. juz put on a lil bit of red lines on my lips that would be fine. but guess so i have to put some on la when ever i am meeting with some other organization. well, talking bout meeting rites i was like meeting at this malakoff at sentral. i wasn't that formal. so lucky i borrowed june's jacket so i then actually put it on. it looked good on me. hahaha.. i think like now i've gained weight coz i felt like my baju and pants ketat. but izzit baju tu yang dah ketat. hhmm.. thought of shopping la one day. maybe this weekend or let see how things go first before i decide. then after that makan goreng pisang, minum tea, makan balik meehoon AGAIN.. but meehoon takleh blah. so juz put aside. masa makan kak siti told bout her sis yang ade cancer tu. she already half paralyze. kesian la i dgr the story. btw, wishing that she is fine. then took LRT to pj b4 DD picked me up from there. thanks a lot dear. u've been sacrificing a lot of things for me yah. how greatful and wonderful u r being towards me. LOVE U! then we all pening sekejap pasal mak andam. tonite he'll meet the mak andam to discuss on the pricing. wish him luck. at the moment he went to see and discusss with his fren. he got quite a big job from a client. juz praying that everything's great and success. insya-Allah. i completed 3 out of 5 prayers today. alhamdulillah.

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