Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

daily life updates

well, here we are. going towards the middle of the week. i got some happy stories to share. including shocking and not so happy news. lets go the not so nice news to hear. hubby's car broken down which i think is quite dangerous. i wonder how he managed to handle his car. whooshh! i am sooo worried bout him. alhamdulillah die takde pape. bcoz hubby i takleh dicari dan diganti di mana-mana. money cant buy. i love him very much.
happy news--> we already came out with the concept our our card. yaay! i am really into it. from the design, the cutting and the selection of colors i really like it. i have seen the outside part not the inside. hubby yet to show me what he had done for the inside. hehehe...my line is "simple yet elegant" tak sabar nak tunggu the next progress. maybe this weekend.
semalam i n hubby dah gi jumpa mak andam. dah byr down payment. n i already chose my color. nak cite dulu ke nanti? nanti la yek. i will tell when i think is suitable. well, it is sooooo cantik i mean the design baju and the combination colors. hubby's baju pun cantik ok. terletak elok kat chest and his shoulder. handsome ok. wah! tak sabar nak update lagi pasal my wedding preparation. best! alhamdulillah! well, i am pretty happy bout it. 2 things dh jalan. lps ni mmg nak focus to photographer la plak. cari kompang. anyway already told dad that i nak khemah besar satu kat luar sbb nak letak pelamin. cantik la. sangat sangat happy ok. tolak tepi ongkosnya bu'. hehe.. hubby pun ckp baju yang i test tu cantik. nampak lain.
after that keta i pun dh siap. gi amik drove back then naik keta ngan hubby. i was asleep on his chest. best sgt rasanye. tadi i asked him what do he feels when i slept at his chest. he said he feels so PEACEFULL. =) i pun same. kalo boleh tak nak balik. nak sleep sampai pagi. tapi takpe i kena sabar coz lagi brape bulan je tinggal b4 i nk kawin ngan hubby.. skang ni the most important thing is i have to take care of myself, take care of hubby's love and everything. insya-Allah.

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