Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, April 27, 2008


27th apr 2008. 1 more month is our 8th anniversary. dah lame we all kawan sebenarnye. actually i'm kind of nervous now. it's like i'm new to him. there's a lot for me to learn about him. now i rasa cam for the past 7 years i don't really take the opportunity to discover more bout him. sumtimes wonder nak buat ape ar? tapi tu i kena pk sendiri la. camne nak tackle, camne nak win his heart back, camne nak tau die suka ape, tak suke ape. hopefully wat ever happened in my life, i will take it as a big lesson for me in the future. he is soooo sweet la. rasa so stupid now ok. he is so kind. i nak shower him with my love. i'm stil trying to change myself and to improve myself. now i rasa a bit mature la. the way i think.

one think now after all of this happened, i realised one thing that man whenever they meet up it's not really or basically nonsense talk but it's more to future generation. how to generate more income. previously i was like aduh! tak yah la nak kuar! aik nak kuar kuar kuar! takleh duk umah ke, cam tak suke je duk umah ckp fon ngan i. tapi bile i pk.. better la die kuar ngan his frens, nway bukannye buat perangai tah pape tah but they discussed something for future. rather than duk umah ckp fon kosong ngan i, spend like 2 3 hours.. rasa cam takde benefit pun kat situ. huisshh.. besar okay responsibility guys ni. nak built family, nak cari $$. we as woman kena know how to play our part. if takleh nak contribute in that idea, least we can do is to support him from the back during ups and downs and the most important thing is to take care of ourself. our pride n dignity. paling penting ok.

to my sayang. thanks for everything. i tau that day u baca blog i kan. i rasa cam malu la. shy shy sbb u baca ape yang i tulis sumer. that's wat i rasa la. yang.. nak kapuk u.. yang.. if u ter baca this post.. i nak tanye.. u sayang i tak? tak pretend? how much? why u treat i so nice cam ni? u miss me tak? i rasa terharu ok. nak hug u la.

yesterday, i nye trial exam. i tak banyak la study but i did sket la. tapi as usual masa time exam tu a bit like blur. tak tau nak tulis ape. i jawab je ape yg i tau. i managed to answer all three questions tapi tu la. i kena brushed on my time management during exam. nanti tak cukup time. tangan i lenguh2 k. jawab question. sbb dah lame tak tulis so bile tulis bnyk rasa cam oh! tak cukup time la. banyak lagi nak tulis. and of course bile time dah sket haa.. lagi la banyak benda u nak tulis kan. time tu ideas kuar mencurah2. ape benda nak tulis sumtimes tangan like cakap "wait wait aku dah tak larat ni" hahaha... results boleh tau the next 2 weeks sbb next week cuti. yaay!

i nak gi shopping la. semalam gi roxy tgk ade satu bag tu. i tot nak buy one. tapi tak tgk plak berapa price die. i cam bnyk benda je nak beli. kasut satu. seluar satu. baju keje. baju jalan lain. hmm.. my hair ni. nak curl lagi. maybe dlm 250. uiisshh.. banyak tu nak spend. semalam i dh ckp kat faiz that i will tambah satu baju keje tapi die ckp better i tambah sluar satu sbb die tak banyak seluar. orait gak tu. nnt i belanja. i rasa a bit guilty la on his working clothes due to the fabric softener. i rasa i kena larutkan dalam air dulu baru tuang dalam machine kan. sorry.. syian baju u. pastu i rasa i gosok baju die tak licin la. nnt nak cari iron yg berat tu la. at least dh licin.


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