Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

singing to songs

my mood today? ok. i rasa happy. last nite we all tgk citer "LOVE" "CINTA" will be Malaysian version. it is Indon's version. but the story really terkena kat i ok. wat the married couple faced. the wife had an affair with another guy. n the husband sooo kesian.. the daughter kesian also. i cried tau. i realised benda tu soooo stupid. i tak nak my husband and anak faced that kind of situation. kena lived separately. if nak ikut mum duduk ngan mum, if not duduk ngan dad. nak improve myself. nak jaga myself so it will not happen again. i cried la. hopefully hubby tak perasan. pastu.. LOVE actually means a lot. with love, it can change people's life for better or for worse. NO ONE IN THIS WORLD DOESN'T WANT TO BE LOVED AND BEING LOVED. so when we have it, take care of it like wat Alicia Keys said "love me like this is the last time u see me" ohh.. i'm really touched. i teringat k movie tu. don't play with heart n emotion nnt diri sendiri yang susah.

semalam masa dinner, i told him that i wonder sape dlm heart die tapi he said u tak kenal i sape lagi. u yang inside my heart. he had made his decision n it is me that he chosed. i terharu ok. nak nangis. nak cry. sumer ade. talking bout jealousy, a topic that he brought up. OF COURSE i akan rasa jealous.. benda tu mmg ade. i rasa my jealousy teruk jgk ok. tapi i remember mum die ckp jgn terlampau over jealousy, nnt merana diri sendiri. yanngg... u ni swwwweeeeettttt la..

juz had lunch. i makan ngan k.zila, husna n sya. kenyang la. k.zila sakit perut ckp angin. so she cannot finished her food. tadi i'm trying to observe her. y is she talking like that. y is she like to stare at ppl atas bawah. i wonder. coz my other lunch mate (kak maria) pun ade mention jgk. tapi, being natural, it's better not for me to cakap or menokok tambah ape yg orang lain kutuk2. sumtimes malas la nak dgr sumer gossip gossip ni. better i gi makan sorang je kan. tapau then makan at my place.

semalam kak maziah called, she said she baru nak send memo to her boss. if they accept, most prob i kena gi second interviu with HR regarding salary. and if they want me cepat, kak maziah said they are willing to pay to current company. tapi selagi blum ade confirmation, i will not tender any resignation. i pray kat God semoga murahkan rezeki. and thanks to everyone in this place that help me a lot.

to hubby, i tau u tgh work hard sekarang. tapi make sure health u jaga. i tgk sekarang ni banyak balik u smoke. batuk u tu, on n off. pastu skang ni kita dh cpt penat. guess so lacking of exercise. so, lps ni nk tanamkan dlm diri untuk exercise. maybe jogging once a week. that shud be ok i guess. take care of urself. love u alwiz. be mine...

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