Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 7, 2008

feel like typing n typing n typing. if last time when i used to have books, i wil alwiz write n write n write like nobody's business. i guess maybe i'll switch back to books coz i can write n read at any time i want. juz imagine, without internet connection, how can i blog n write what i feel what i'm up to what i'm facing at the moment. moments.. moments..moments.. moments that can't turned back time. feeling guilty is of course. can't throw that feelings. a lot of emotions playing in my heart at the moment.

earlier, boss was asking on a report but i was like blur.. wat?? feel ashamed coz i need to asked him again which reports he requested for. he just smiled and showed me the report that he wanted. ohh.. apa la i. i told him. sory, i'm blur. which report that u actually want. i smiled at him and said thanks before went out from his room. =) not so professional. i'm kind of a bit sleepy at the moment. hungry? well.. not that hungry compared to the days when i'm not fasting. that's wat so great about fasting in the fasting month or not in fasting month. it's juz that now banyak dugaan yang dtg. as i'm getting older, kena banya pk.. yang mane btul yg mane tak. maturely thinking. sometimes wonder how ppl at younger age can think maturely unlike their age. compared to myself yg dah hidup almost suku abad tapi pk stil mature enough. STUPID.. STUPIDITY..STUPIDITY..

i'm currently listening to AKU MAU by Once. hmm.. thanks for all the things that u've done. thanks for all. love u so much. i nak take this opportunity to improve myself, change a lot of things, be a good woman and of course truely madly deeply love him without any doubts and change n without any cheating.. NO CHEATING.. keep that in mind! please.. please.. please.. now listening to BACK AT ONE.. i'm currently a bit emotional. nak cry pun ade. tapi tak tau nak hug sape. love him so much.

skarang ni i mmg pk nak continue habiskan my studies. dah complete dah excel nak balas balik jasa my parents mesti takleh. so, ape yg i blh buat is berdoa kat tuhan panjangkan umur diorang, sihatkan tubuh badan, jgn bagi diorang tension2, make them happy n to love them til end of my life. coz their love can't be found at any where in the world. thanks mum + dad.

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