Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


april. new month in the year of 2008. hoping for a better start for the next quarter of the year. exam will be in june. 2 more months to go. haven't register for exam entry yet. most probably tonite so then i can pay the exam fees as well. last nite i slept quite early. ard 10pm. talked with mus b4 that. she said she got scolded by her boss for not completing her task for yesterday's audit meeting. kesian her. i also told her that these few months, i also feel that performance at work quite bad. dropped a bit la. so this month must improve myself. that's the promise we made to each other. to improve our work flow and our performance at work. so boss will not get dissapointed. wish me luck.

btw, i'm still thinking about wat happened last week. it's like... i dunno wat to say. life must go on. i promise to improve myself to become someone else better in the future. on the way to work this morning, i cried in the car. thinking of wat i did. asking God for forgiveness. so many mistakes i've done and i'm very thankful after what i did, God stil give me this world to live and air to breath. to realised my mistakes and stil have the chance to improve myself. to become someone else better..

sometimes i juz feel like going to an empty place open space or might be a place neatby the airport. to scream n scream n scream. but i dun think so by doing that it can turn back the time. that's why ppl alwiz say, once it happens, u can't take it back. time is very precious. i pandai je ckp appreciate time but it seems like i yg tak pandai appreciate time. improvement n improvement need to be done. everything. insya-Allah. sekarang ape yang i harapkan is to God give me strength, give me courage, tabahkan hatiku ini, ampunilah dosaku. semoga Tuhan memberkati dan merahmati diriku dan semua orang. Amin....

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