Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 11, 2008

juz had lunch

now at ofis.. baru lps lunch. makan ngan husna. funds' a/c gi lunch together for rozie's farewell. her last day will be this monday. hmm.. yesterday, i had a talk on searching for new job with an old fren. i dunno la tapi maybe i'll go for it. for future prospect. hmm.. tapi if blh i tak nak keje. nak duduk rumah. for this one week, i jadi an unofficial housewife. cooking, cleaning the house, doing laundry n bnyk benda lagi. it really taught me that mum's jobb is not that easy. u have to maintain the house plus at the same thing maintaining work at ofis. it's a challenge for me. i akan strive hard to make sure both should be ok. thanks hubby for giving me support.

yesterday, i wasn't feeling so good. took half day. i wanted to fast tapi tak jadi. i cam dehydrated. syian i kan. hehe.. so i terpaksa la buka puasa dlm kul 11am. after lunch balik umah then tido. tak larat ok. woke up ard 4pm like that. then, hubby pun balik awal. coz he's tired too. dinner kat mr.teppanyaki. makan chicken & beef teppanyaki. yummy la. tapi perut i kan kosong like ade angin. then makan tauge, pastu sakit perut. maybe sebab tauge tu pun angin. campur dalam perut i yg mmg ade angin. terus ade sket rasa pusing2. pastu balik umah, buat hot milo makan ngan roti. pastu rasa ok sket la. juz that ade time tu asyik nak terkentut je. hehe.. sorry. how dirty i am rite.

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