Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 11, 2008


juz had burger. earlier went out with bob. he nak beli papadem kat giant. i juz waited in the car. he said esok cam ade majlis ape ntah. not very sure. balik tu singgah beli burger jap kat area my house. i ordered daging special. bob daging biase. quite sleepy la while waiting for it. then, half way bob drive home. sampai umah, cleaned up then makan burger. i'm full. currently cam kenyang n not that sleepy. kak yan had misunderstood with her maid. most prob she wil be sending her back to indon within this few days. hmm.. based on her story, the maid being rude to her and she did not care for her son. like neglecting. neglect? tak kesa? sounds familiar. yupp.. i ignored hubby's love. now i tgh struggle balik to get his trust n his love balik. i know it's not easy. but i'm trying my best. please yang.. i want to bloom that love balik. please.. i kno u have accepted me back. n yesterday, after wat his fren told him, i was like,,ohh..man ni sebenarnye so sweet. they think of us (woman) like 24 7 but we ignore that. we ignore that. thinking how big are we n how big can we be without realising that we are wrong. we r stepping into an unsafe world. without guidance from men, of course we'll be weak n lost. n with their guidance too, we'll be safe n stronger. yangg.. i love u so much! please don't let other love growing between u n the other girl. coz i've promised myself that u will not see this things happen again. ever again. ever n ever n ever n ever. coz i love u so much. pls sayang. i tak nak tgk u hurt lagi. i nak care for u til end of my life. nak jaga u.. i dah promised to myself jgk yg u takkan regret for choosing me. pls sayang. love u so much..

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