Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, April 13, 2008

it's sunday morning

woke up at 10am. today most prob tak gi mane2. sbb nak kemas umah la. so bersepah. a bit rimas infact a lot rimas. since most prob i wont be at home for the whole week. dunno. depends. my trial exam wil be on 26th apr. a bit worried la. but i must and MUST continue studying to achieve my dreams. thanks for supporting me.

yesterday, went for breakfast with him n frens. than met his big bro cousin n wife. i was like.. shit! i can't describe the feelings. takut ade. guilty n sort of feelings la. then balik lepak at his house. his mum n sis were cool ok. at first i macam segan jgk nak masuk umah die tapi then his mum invited in. i rasa being sooooo welcomed tapi u know la lps incident ni i macam rasa sgt bersalah n his family were so open to me for giving me another chance. thanks very much. i will not dissapoint u. thanks again.

at nite watched af with farid at rumah kak yan. balik ard 11.30. smp umah cleaned up, pray then tido. a bit letih. tapi last nite i tido ok. takde terjaga2 la. alhamdulillah. like wat his mum said, apa2 yang sakitkan hati, rimaskan hati, buat hati risau, tolak tepi. take it easy sbb nnt it will destroy ourselves. thanks for the advice makcik. appreciate it very much. =)

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