Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 28, 2008

monday blues

haha.. not that blue la coz hari ni i pakai baju warna biru. the punjab style. i like it la. the colour. it's like cerah n really outstanding. i feel happy when i'm wearing this clothes. plus pagi tadi tgk elmo yg comel tu. sooo... merah. love him too. <-- hubby, if u baca ni (love him too is for my elmo in the car) juz got back from lunch. kenyang la. alhamdulillah.

semalam i tak tenteram tau. i takleh nak pray sbb i period. wat i did was to amik air semayang, then juz doa kat Tuhan, tenteram kan hati ku ini. tenangkan hatiku ini dan semoga hidup ku diberkatiNya. Amin.

yangg.....u r sooooooooo sweet..

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