Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


well.. it's 30.4.08 last day of the month. so i'll be bz again with month end closing, month end reports n everything month end. this time round kena siapkan by the datelines we have decided. yesterday, someone from am called asking me to come for an interview. it's with HR. most prob bout salary. it will be next tuesday. wish me luck. so i kena prepare myself mentally n physically. kena siapkan all the documents by this weekend. plus passport sized photos skali. 2 keping. for wat ar? takpela siapkan je la. sumtimes i terwonder sengsorang. wat i'm doing currently ni btul ke tak? am i doing the rite thing? rasa cam malas nak pindah2 sbb i dh rs comfortable with the area. it's quite convenient to get here. nak makan, jln tak jam sgt. is juz that the $ yg buat i pk to find other job jgk. tapi selain tu yang i rasa i kena moved on is bcoz of that incident yg happened to me sometime ago. hhhmmmmm........hhhmmmm........hhhmmmm....

yesterday, after work i gi sri kota nak cari susu low fat + chicken wings. i cooked rice, sardine, telur mata kerbau and fried crispy chicken. i bought the serbuk from the store. so hubby ckp sedap. he said nak ratah ayam so i pk if goreng biase je cam tak syok, y not i beli the serbuk. try on my own. tapi masa nak buka plastic serbuk tu kan. the thing splash to my face. masuk mata sket la. aduh! pedih ok. cpt2 masuk bilik air then cuci mata. my left eye. roughly i habis cooked 1 hour later. i pastu mandi... then *tup*tup* tgk hubby sudah pulang. hehe... then we all dine together. syoknye.. hehe.. then i praised myself "sedapnye i masak" masuk bakul angkat sendiri. then, tgk hubby bertukang pasang jam dinding yg we all beli kat bukit tinggi that day. jam die unik la. nnt i post pic ok. tapi the jarum a bit tak betul. bile die past number 9, jarum saat tu ticking at the same spot. even this morning i woke up pun same jgk. dunno y. geram pun ade jgk. nnt kena check kat kedai jam la cam tu. bengang sket la.

this morning, i ade rasa tak tenteram sket. bout a girl that he is seeing currently. he said he loved her same as me. coz i read his sms to n fro that girl. tu la sape suruh baca lagi. but is just that i'm curious nak tau. but about 2 hours later, he called me confessing wat is actually inside his heart. how he actually handle things. i'm like terharu with wat he said. he loves me damn much ok. how could i? how could i did that to him? how could i? hmmm....i nak cry tadi. tapi i control myself. now i realised how much he actually loves me. yang.. in return i will love u with all of my heart n most important thing is to care four our baby til end of my life.


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