Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 30, 2008

aku kat opis ni..

tgh tunggu nak run month end system tapi fund side blum siap lagi. ade prob ngan their system plak. so pending la ni. i dah terasa lapar. tgh dgr lagu "kertas" kekasih tak dianggap. now lagu alanis morisette. my all time favourite. yeah! yeah! head over feet. nak balik. lapar ni.

aku cinta...

aku cinta... oohh... aku cinta... ooohhh.. aku cinta... oohhh...aku cinta... oohh..

full! lunch nasi+daging masak kicap+sup sayur+air sirap.

my bahu sudah kurang sakit. tak yah makan ubat.

sekarang tgh sejuk duk dlm ofis.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

graduation day

his graduation day.. congrats to him.. congratulations n congratulations! how does he feel? nnt i tanye.. congrats to him sbb dh grad. after all the ups n downs thru studying life. how many years we have been thru studying time. and how in the first place we nak study same2 tapi tak dapat. sbb God nak tunjuk yang there is a reason y we tak masuk the same place at first. tears, happiness, madness, love, anger sume ade. tapi we managed to go to the same place on bulan puasa last year. he fetched me to clas then we masuk the same place sbb nak gi clas masing2. pastu bile dh habis he fetched me back then we all gi shopping raya. syok kan. sayang sgt kat die. he is so damn sweet. willingly to do anything for his partner. tak kira penat ke tak. as long as his partner is happy. thanx yang. yang, y u r so sweet? u betul2 syg kat i ke?

hari ni i cuti full day. half day lagi i EL. tak larat la. tadi tido jap pastu bangun sakit bahu la. maybe salah tido plak. =( yang nak kapuk u..

i'm sleepy already

juz listen to a few tracks, ungu, babyface, aizat.. pasni nak tido. nite nite.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

woke up late

got my period already even though i was 3 days late. on monday, i got a very very very bad period pain. tak tahan ok. even dh siap naik kat clinic ingat nak gi rest then the nurse ckp clinic nak tutup within 45 minutes, akak bagi adik ponston, makan lps makan nasi pastu rest kat surau. hmmm... nak nangis. siap picit2 perut lagi. then turun balik kat cubicle i. takleh nak wat keje. picit2 perut. then peluk my cushion pastu time for lunch. amik lauk sup ayam je. pastu kurang sket rasa sakit. sakit smp petang la. then balik umah, lepak jap tgk ezora. sakit perut dtg balik. then i goreng ayam for dinner. we ate with nasi. kenyang! finally tak amik pun ponston tu. btw, that nite hubby kene keje overtime. syian die. tapi sbb nak cr and generate more $, i relakan la him pegi even though dah pukul 11 that time. hmm.. i tido sengsorang je. wished him happy anniversary then tido.

today i woke up late. pastu breakfast ala kadar je. then smp ofis beli nasi lemak. my fren ingat i salah cuti. supposingly esok kan. hehe. perut tetibe ade tak sedap sekejap, then i buat dunno je. hari ni keje based on follow up on certain things regarding the related party. btw, hr AMTB dah call ask me to collect the medical letter. since i'm on period, most prob next week i amik that letter then trus buat medical check up. pastu i pun ade tanye kak maziah whether she nak pakai orang lagi tak? she nak guy. pastu i pun tanye hubby, he said ok. u boleh submit my resume. so nnt the next day i nak submit la. syok la if we dpt keje at the same place. boleh save cost. insya-Allah murah rezeki we dpt keje satu bumbung kan. juz pray hard to God and berdoa supaya dimakbulkan. Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat yang telah Engkau berikan setakat ni.

hari ni i balik umah. from ofis smp umah kl, packing packing while tgk ezora, then roughly ard 7.45pm gerak balik. tadi dine ard 10 ngan farid. kenyang. ni dh sleepy la. hehe.. jap gi nak gi tido.. tadi dgr lagu eric clapton. if i saw u in heaven.

me n piah

our dinner at tony roma's-8th anniversary

i've been searching for few places to eat. actually i survey those places at pavillion tp we tak jadi gi sane sbb quite jauh. anyway, there's 1 tr at the gardens. went home from ofis roughly ard 5.45sharp. then balik, tgk citer ezora. skang tgh layan cite ni. hehe. gosok his baju n mine then mandi. after maghrib zoom to the gardens. at first i ade planned nak wat something tp tak jadi. we decided to go makan first. we ordered the baked potatoes with the mayo. sedap ok. tapi cam teringat kat tgif nye. then individually orders, i took this menu boneless something, he took the one with tulang. then i tak habis makan. hmm.. kenyang sgt. rasa sad sbb tak hbs. he finished his food. pastu balik tu round round kat area kl tgk the bunting and banner that KG buat. i'm impressed and so kagum with his work. congratulate him on it. happy for him too. he is very proud of that and i can tell by his face. then balik umah, tukar baju n tido. soooo happy.

happy 8th anniversary to u yang. love u so much!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


i'm glad and very glad and very thankful. i've known him for 8 years already. since i was in form 5 til now. that means when i was 16 going on 17 and now 24 going on 25. if anyone who gave birth at that time, the baby is already 8 years old or standard 2. wah.. besarnye baby tu. =) dalam dalam going thru this relationship, a lot of things had happened and i believe the things happened to make me realize to appreciate what we have in front of our eyes now instead of keep on looking and searching for something else better. that is where we can polish the things we have to make then better. so we'll feel happy and satisfied. may God bless us and may God bless our relationship. this relationship we are having is heading to another stage in life which is the final stage. compromise, tolerate, consideration, trust, honesty are important elements. therefore, behold of them.


it's our 8th anniversary. so happy la.. already wished him. love u so much yang. wil love u til end of my life.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

more sunflower... juz love them!

banyaknye sunflower... blooming.. cantik..


bengang la ni. orang tgh nak view eye products from body shop website. pastu asik asik page not found.. page not found.. nape yah.. connection tak stable ke..? perut dh lapr sket ni. jap gi buat milo panas la. makan ngan roti. then tido la. skang tgk af final. maybe stacy menang as juara la. based on her previous performance. congrats to her. btw, tgk crowd pun cam setuju she is the winner.. kan.. kan..

last class

today i went to clas. mula2 ingat malas nak pegi. hhmmm.. slalu ade perasaan malas ni. apsal la. pastu 845 mandi bfast then gi clas. i was lucky sbb ni last clas for exam. lecturer shared a few tips and also some very useful information for the exam. tapi from today til the exam i blh jumpe die untuk consultation if i ever need some info and answers. maybe if i have qs maybe i'll send sms to her. sudah rasa nervous. lagi roughly 2 weeks je lagi. pastu towards the end, i tanye my fren whether they have receive the docket ke blum? i pun ckp blum. i dh query sbb diorang dh dpt. i juz print out. pastu from clas nak balik i kena kejar ngan guard itm. sbb kena kluar jalan terbalik. ade convo. haha.. gi bind buku kat sek 7 then balik umah. cari2 letter atas meja pastu haa.. cam recognise je envelope tu. tgk2 my acca docket. haha.. happy.. sbb dh ade docket. pastu trus simpan dlm bag. then lunch nasi lemak. tido jap bgn kul 5.

petang tu gi mcd drive thru. farid drive. farid drive.. dh beso dh die ni. dh boleh drive. lps tu if bob suruh gi mane2 mesti ckp "suruh farid la" hehe... i had big mac. kunyang.. i tgh search certain eye treatment stuff from body shop. tot of buying them. tadi mus ckp body shop ade sale. nnt nak gi tgk la esok.

heart to heart talk. love u so much!

Friday, May 23, 2008


wasn't feeling that right when i woke up this morning. guess so i salah tido semalam so sakit leher sket. then terus naik kat kepala. rasa dizzy when i drove to work this morning. ingat nak mc je pastu pk takpela. i'm fine. takyah amik mc. smp ofis lmbt sket sbb jam. pastu waited for like 30min b4 i went to see the doctor. waited for ard 30min coz there were 3 person b4 me then it's only my turn. i told the doctor bout wat i felt. then he juz explain that actually our nerve kat leher cam bentuk layang-layang. so if sakit kat leher boleh naik atas to kepala or turun sampai pinggang. like my case die naik sampai kepala. that's y rasa pening. ade la sket nak muntah this morning. doctor gave me ubat muscle rest, pain killer and ubat sapu. i took the ubat muscle rest already this morning. then rs kurang sket. so rsnye blh la stay smp petang. by the way friday rest lama sket. smp kul 2.30pm. pastu roughly dlm 3 hours lagi then balik. my colleague said balik awal la today. i baru balik from lunch ni. makan nasi goreng cina and telur mata kerbau. same as last nite's menu. hehe..

this morning kan. lepas balik from clinic. i terkejut giler nye sbb the cash flow of my co. showed a negative balance. bukannye 1000 2000 tapi 7mil. i was like WHAAAATTTTT??!!??? i overlooked on the autosweeping. so damn terkejut. lucky my colleague noticed it earlier so we found a solution to settle it. then, i cam alamak! camne nak explain kat boss i ni. with the courage yg ade plus i yg pening2 sket and my fren yg takut jgk we went to his room. explained to him bout the situation and the solution. so he said ok. fuhh! tapi just take note and bear in mind on this thing. not to repeat on it. lps kuar je from his room, mule la kelam kabut. call sane call sini gi meeting room sbb ceo meeting gi tmpt akma cari docs. at last by 1145am dh dpt sumer signature. trus faxed. call bank then settle. alhamdulillah. pastu called him coz he called me earlier. tapi i tak sempat nak angkat. dah rasa lega sket. pastu baru tetibe rasa sakit dtg balik. tapi i boleh handle. juz rasa nak baring n sleep je la. rest. maybe ptg karang balik from ofis, pack barang then trus drive home. this is my plan --> mandi, pray, dinner, tgk buku sket then tido. coz tomoro i ade clas. last week i tak pegi sbb gi repair keta.

semalam i nangis nangis nangis. cried kaw-kaw. can't handle the situation. lps pray i recite my doa to God. then, i cerita semua things yang happened in my life in my prayer. pasal mum, work, studies and bout my love life. semua nye. same as the sub-header of my blog. i doa cakap tabahkan hati i ni. then i nangis. nangis yang senangis nangis nye. i completed satu helai of quran then i stopped. he knew and he saw. then i said later later. when i'm done he called me and asked bout it again. nangis lagi. he wanted to know. i ckp la. pastu i told him bout the feelings i had. rasa syak wasangka yang ntah pape ntah, rasa jealousy yg so tebal, rasa curiousity yg ntah pape ntah. i tau he loves me so much. i want him to love me til end of his life. even if he is no longer in the world. i tak nak share his love n life with anyone. even his time, his thoughts, his everything. tapi that doesn't make sense. he has to go to job. he has to go out and see ppl to earn $$. then bile i pk ye la.. tak call i. tak sms i. tak sayang i. fine! hhmm.... jahat sungguh feelings ni. tapi on top of all yang mmg each couple akan face is about other WOMAN or LADIES. sometimes bile pk.. boleh jd ok n at times bile pk bnyk2 more jealous n jealous n jealous. then itu antara sbb i nangis.

Ya-Allah. give me courage to go through this.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

no topic

sakit perut sket. already had rice for lunch. hopefully it's getting better by this evening. last nite i watched cj7. funny n sad. both elements are there. this morning when i woke up, he noticed sumthing with me. i tak nak ckp. it's not that i don't want to tell wat's inside but i already told myself that takpe it's ok. i blh control after i think bout it. not to follow emotion. think positive. i almost cried. so i said to me, myself and shima that i should learn from the past and focus for the future. like wat my quote is "learn from the past, live for today, hope for tomorrow" after that he asked me since my face showed a fake face. then i told him. i almost cried. he explained to me wat is going on. thanked him. thanx for explaining for making my heart feel comfortable and satisfied with the explaination. thanks and thanks. many thanks to u. from myside, i cannot be following my emotion. i have to be strong, strong and positive. may God give me the courage to proceed with this life. now my focus is to work hard kumpul $$, focus on my studies, care for special relationship and improving myself. of course hoping for my parent to be long live, happy, healthy and him to dimurahkan rezeki, sihat tubuh badan n panjang umur.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


suddenly i rasa tak syok la.. my bro juz completed his spm now waiting to go to U. he didn't managed to get thru UPU online so he send an appeal application. hopefully he can get it. i cam rasa kesian kat die. nak help him semana yg boleh tapi of course la kena ade effort from him. insya-Allah aku try my best to help him..

Monday, May 19, 2008

love this guy very much!

love this guy very much...

he's mine... forever be mine... no one can ever take him away from me... coz i love him very much... willingly to give him love, courage, support and happiness thru all his life.. insya-Allah..

food.. food..

nyum...nyum.. bought this at 1901. delicious!

love my family very much...

watch-out! all d ladies in da houz!

hubby cooked 4 me..tq!

soo delicious.. pastu ade incident tak sengaje berlaku.. hehe.. *put* =)

wat i did for the weekend

as previous post, i told nak tuka the pump kan. so roughly ard 12.45 send bob n his frens to sri aman. got some event at the school. then i'm very happy sbb farid can accompany me to the workshop. so smp je, parked my car then gi lunch kat restoran mamak nearby. roughly it took like 2 hours to repair. i took the japan made. pastu told the uncle to betulkan my seat nye belakang. asyik tercabut je. clip tu sudah patah. then ok. juz the hand brake switch blum repair lagi that's y lampu keep on menyala. tapi hubby ckp yg tu blh tunggu die tlh bwk gi the kedai eletrik kat simpang 3 to repair. but the most important thing yg i dah lega is sbb bile brake tak yah nak tekan dlm2 sbb dh ok. yahhoooooo! pijak sket je dh ok. dah ketat. hehe. syok.. then semalam i told my sis bout the uncle coz the uncle is an old fren of dad. he said he stil remember us especially my sis. coz of the word "repleated" ape ar tu? tak sure la plak. hehe.. tapi it's funny how he can remember us soooo well. i tak ingat la. maybe i was too small at that time coz we were at jb. roughly i was like 5 years old. mmg tak ingat langsung. tapi rasa touched how ppl remember us even til now. so sweet..

then yesterday, after breakfast know where i went? to see queenie. i've changed my hair style. i permed my hair. roughly she said it will last dalam 4 months. i tot of colouring it together but she said nnt rambut i rosak coz perm got it's own chemical, color also the same so takut takleh blend then trus rambut i rosak. queenie said june la come n see her to color. coz perm looks nice with color. n now she said takyah use hair brush sbb curl hair mmg cam tu. juz use ur hand that will be ok. rasa pelik lak. then she said if tak sure can just give her a call. we exchanged numbers. hehe.. first time ade phone number hair stylist. cam artiste lak. haha perasan! takpel.. selagi i satisfied with her service, i'm going to use her service la. so sekarang juz wait n see i nak buat ape plak kat my hair. color tu i ckp nak buat reddish sket tapi she said not so red la nampk tak cantik. bronze she said cantik. tapi takpela.. i try to tgk2 pics dlm magazine if ade yg rasa syok i wil show it to her. then i mms hubby... hehehe... he said i looked diff.. and hot.. tang mane yang hot tu b? then i told my sis then she said muka dh la chubby buat rambut perm lagi nampak chubby. montok.. hehehe... but i feel diff. rasa more adult and mature. tapi stil my sayang on him tetap same. juz looks and most prob improved in attitudes.

btw, semalam pagi i jumpe satu novel melayu kat rak buku bob. ape.. mahligai cinta. i finished it by today. 2 ays only dah habis. biase la. pasal life.. life... some of it i can use it as reference for my own life. how to go through ur life with partner when u r married. how to handle things and many more. tapi jangan lupa. to tunaikan tanggungjawab kite kepada-Nya. Tuhan Yang Maha Esa supaya hidup kita ini diberkati dan dirahmati. Amin.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

saturday on a long weekend

yaay.. here it comes again. weekend. supposingly i gi clas today. ade revision. tapi i tak pegi sbb nak repair keta. tadi dh pegi check and the pump sudah bocor. that's y masa i pijak break tu die kena pijak dalam2 sket sbb breeak cam tak makan. and at times pijak pun keta stil jalan like that day at futsal parking. scary ok. soooooo dangerous. btw, shortly i'll be going back to the workshop nak repair the stuff sbb uncle to ckp kena pegi beli barang tu kat kl dulu. n now i tgh blur sbb my bros takleh nak teman i. both bros. coz they got things to do. takkan nak bwk mum. i dun think so it is a good solution. tapi kalau dh takleh i bwk je la. at least got ppl to teman me. n him.. can't accompany me sbb he is on the way on the way to the south.. holiday.. to JB. have a safe journey n do enjoy ur hols...

this morning i bfast makan roti telur. last nite tetibe ingat nak makan roti canai tapi ended up makan roti cheese naan and tandoori. soooo kenyang. alhamdulillah..

btw, this week cuti lame sket. til monday. sbb cuti hari wesak skali. haha.. syok kan.. hehe...

Thursday, May 15, 2008


it's thursday morning. having breakfast at the moment. meehoon. last nite gi round2 cari kedai makan. we all pusing2. tgk2 jln ni tembus sane jln tu tembus situ. tapi last2 makan kat area taman desa jgk. i ordered nasi goreng cina + telur mata kerbau. he ordered meehoon goreng. tu la suddenly this morning i tetibe nak makan meehoon lak. hehe.. then we went to pay our maxis bill. i nak tgk visible bil tapi it is at home. btw, nnt nak mintak tlg him bwk next week. pastu balik cleaned up then tido. soooo sleepy. smp this morning. tapi dlm kul brape tak sure my kaki kanan cramped. huhu. syakit la... tapi managed to control. if that time i rs sakit sgt tak leh handle i nak wake him up tapi since i blh handle so takde la nak kejut die. tgk him sleep.. sooooo chomel... like a baby...

*wanna love u til end of my life*

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


hhmmm... semalam bengang sket sbb ade semut dlm bekas air. air tu baru je masak pastu kena buang. hmm..then re-boil the water la. after that this morning after i woke up tgk dlm bekas air tu ade sekumpulan semut lagi. aiyoo... semlm siap lap siap spray the wood's spray to kurangkan semut tapi ade lagi.. takpela.. nnt hari ni nk kemas balik. vacum n mop. like wat he said maybe kat area rubbish bin kat luar tu. ade bnyk semut. hmm.. skang tgh tunggu he come n fetch me to go for lunch. tapi tak tau apsal dah terbatuk2 ni. hehe.. oklah sayonara.

Monday, May 12, 2008


i'm speechless after wat he told me yesterday evening. i was surprised and shocked. happy of course and i'm speechless. this morning i told mum bout it n she seems to be sooo happy bout it. alhamdulillah. thanks for everything. appreciate on wat i got. love him so much. nak sayang him til end of my life. no betrayal, no lies, life and love devoted to him alwiz. truely madly deeply in love with him.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

to all mums and spashly to my mum

Siti Rodziah Bte Nordin

Saturday, May 10, 2008


know why 50? in the month of 5? coz my weight is already 50kg. don't laugh but it's true. i gained weight. my boyfriend also said so. my sister also said so. so that's y in previous post i gi jog. i kena maintained so kena kurang kan makan nasi lepas ni.

more things to learn..

last nite after work, get home mandi2 pray then off to kara-o-ke ing. him n his frens. at klang la. we were there for like 2 1/2 hours. i sang one song with him. "Jangan Ada Dusta Antara Kita" so meaningful. he sang few other songs plus his frens sang few other songs too. then we danced along with the song. syok la. dh lame tak dance. i was a bit cold but then lps dance rasa warm sket. from there gi minum kat pak li. i makan kuey tiow goreng. sedap la. recommendation balik rumah dlm 1 sumthing. cleaned up then pray pastu tido coz the next day i got class.

i woke today roughly ard 8.30am. class kul 9am. mandi pun dlm 8.45am. mula2 cam malas giler tapi sebab pk exam nak dekat. maybe lecturer nak share some tips plus result trial exam hari tu mesti dah kuar. i lps bfast then gi clas. masuk kul 945am. haha. haizum n ila dh reserve a seat for me. thanx. pastu amik paper i. tgk dpt 50%. i was like shocked sbb tak sangka la plak. cam tersenyum2 "eh..aku ingat aku fail sbb tak baca sgt pun buku that day.. plus a lot of things happened yg ade disturb my concentration for a few weeks kan.." alhamdulillah.. tapi as wat my lecturer said to those yg pass dont feel so comfortable.. n don think u r in the comfort zone already. u stil have to work hard. to score more. insya-Allah. clas habis awal. pastu trus gi umah kak yan. siap2 then gi kedai kain. we planned nak beli kan mum kain for mother's day. we bought this kain for her. so lovely. cantik tau. color hijau. hopefully she like it. we spend like 2 hrs there. knowing girls. bile kat tmpt kain.. mesti lama. then bought satu pasang kain design yg pelik sket. n i tempah trus kat situ . baju kurung pesak gantung+kain selisih. colour kain tu.. jeng..jeng..jeng..jeng.. dh siap nnt i post pic eh. pastu belikan mum faiz satu pasang kain for mother's day gift. hopefully she will like it. tapi tak sure bile nak kasi. tot of tomoro tapi sbb pk esok dh plan nak lepak umah, so maybe next week or maybe bile ade free time lagi.
then balik amik mum kat umah. we gi lunch kat secret recipe. i makan grilled chicken mushroom. pastu kak yan bising ckp i tak makan sayur. pastu i pun oklah.. i makan sbb it's good for health. then, balik lepak kat umah kak yan jap. roughly ard 5 baru gerak balik sbb i nak gi jog. haha... jogging.. dh lame tak jog..

tadi i managed to go for 2 full round jogs n 2 rounds of walking. tapi a bit pancit. maybe dh berat la.. pastu jumpa hubby n serap kat hakim. makan our fav food. ayam tandoori + naan. kenyang giler... n rasa healthy. sampai umah tertido jap. pastu mandi. n tadi ingat nak byr bil pastu tak jadi. kena confirm ngan dbkl tu balik. kang if takleh bayar i bayar gak takleh nak claim kan susah. then here i am blogging while watching AKADEMI FANTASIA.

yangg.... love u so much!

name definition

actually i found this when i was searching bout my name at the ofis. but when i wanted to post it up, error prompt out saying that the words i copied is invalid or sumthing like that. but nvm, here i am again. re-copying and pasting.

The meaning of the name Shima is Mother
does that reflects me?
well, i want to be a good mother and a good example for my kids..
so sweet..

Friday, May 9, 2008

lunch on friday

today i'm going home. yaay! after 1 week tak balik. syok plak kan.. kan.. this morning talked with mum on the phone. she sounded okay to me. glad n happy to hear that. but i keep on praying to God so mama sembuh dan sihat seperti sedia kala. Aminn! sebab ade sumthing serious that i want to share with her. love u mom!

i'm waiting for my mcd to arrive. blum smp lagi. a bit lapar. skang tgh mkn roti coklat. husna n shirley pun mkn roti coklat skali. haha.

happy story for faiz's side.. i tgh tunggu die nye post ni. i'm really happy for him. sooo happy. alhamdulillah. he managed to do it. he managed to do so. congrats him. congrats yang! love u yang! selepas beberapa bulan he went through so many obstacles. i know u can do it. he shared the story with his parent. they r happy fr him too. keep on praying to God. insya-Allah we work hard, pray to God, play true... Go's will we can make it.

more photos


love these photos...

Thursday, May 8, 2008


nice number huh?! 080508. 5 is really my fav no since young. 5 n 5 n 5 n 5. hehe.

i woke up today roughly ard 7.30am. then lepak2 on the bed. kul 8 baru nak mandi. hari ni rasa cam malas je nak gi keje. haha. tgk him syok tido lagi cam best je. nak join blh tak? =) tapi takpela. let him sleep lame sket sbb die penat berkemas semalam. i pun tolong jgk la. we vacum, mop n lap habuk kat perabot especially kat area living room. rambut i pun bersepah2. dalam main bedroom toksah cakap la. hubby ckp cam bela kucing friskies. asik bulu tercabut. then floor rasa syok sgt. boleh slide laju2 tapi nasib baik tak jatuh. hehe.. we kemas the rumah sbb dh almost 2 weeks tak vacum. mop plak i rasa dh sebulan tak mop. imagine la all the habuk smp i pun dh terbersin bersin. tapi syian hubby sbb die start kena sinus. syian syian die. he did took up few medicine at one go. scott emulsion, strepsils. then makan maggie mee, minum oat, hisap rokok uiisshh! banyaknye... risau la kat die. yang... jgn la sakit2. syian u. i sayang u. tak nak tgk u sakit. i sedih la tgk u sakit. terbatuk2. flu la. mata merah. Ya Allah, sembuhkan la Muhamad Faiz Marican. dan murahkan rezekinya . sihatkan tubuh badannya. panjangkan umurnya. AMIN.

i lepas kemas2, mandi then makan maggie mee jgk. pastu tgk tv. tgk dvd qabil kushryie qabil igam. early of the stories hapy la pastu towards ending, so sad ok. i nangis. sebak. he juz gelak kat i je. takpe. puk kang. then tido b4 1am.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


harlow.. it's 7th may 08 or in numbers 0705. 5--> my fav no. 7-->his fav no. i like to see the combination of this no. either 57 or 75 or 0507 or anything with 5 and 7 like 5757 or 7575. like it so much! LOVE U BABY!

i want to share something with basically ladies out there coz u have to be extra careful. for guys of course u have to beware as well as we don't want anything bad happen to u. it happened last monday when i was on the way back from ofis to the car i parked at the parking space nearby. i saw it in front of my eyes ok. i was damn shocked. n i guess i was pretty lucky ALHAMDULILLAH! on the way towards my car, i saw 2 guys. one on motorbyke n the other one was walking towards my side. i was a bit like pelik2 tgk ape this guy ni buat. then i tgk2 that guy smp kat my car. tit tit the kunci masuk terus lock. takut i. pastu masa tgh nak tukar kasut, suddenly the guy yang jalan2 tu dah snatched 2 bags belongs to the lady. i pun macam terkejut giler la. lucky i was in the car. then i cam menggigil terkejut. plus rasa takut. called hubby then story to him wat happened. called husna. told her to be extra careful when going down to the parking. i was ok. i was ok. ALHAMDULILLAH! -lesson of the day, if u're at an open parking space, dont sibuk2 nak simpan semua barang. buka pintu sane, buka pintu sini without looking at ur surroundings. sangat sangat dangerous.

pastu sampai rumah ard 7 something. talked on the fon from parking til i reached home. a bit tired plus terkejut. hubby kasi air suam suruh minum. then rasa relief sket. mandi2 then gi dine makan mee goreng mamak letak ayam goreng then gi mid val beli brg umah. hubby beli lagi tempat gantung baju tu lagi. it's unique. nnt i post pic. pastu yang syok kan we all dah tukar jam n it is working til now. happy happy.. hehe..=)

Monday, May 5, 2008

my fav

guess it is my fav no. today's date. yes... 5.... 5....


mission accomplished

alhamdulillah! saya telah berjaya mengemas bilik baju di rumah saya di mana semua baju-bajunya telah dibungkus dalam kain batik oleh ibu saya. kemudian, saya telah menukar cadar katil dan sarung bantal untuk adik saya. saya sangat gembira. adik saya boleh tidur di atas katil itu. hati saya sangat lapang melihat bilik itu sudah kemas.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


yesterday, wat a sweeeeeet experience i got. after lunch n praying, i tgh surf surf things to put up at my blog while dgr few songs, hubby called tanye nak gi jalan2 tak? i pun ok la jgk. nak jalan2 ngan die. syok kan kluar ngan partner. even though ade orang lain tapi tak kesa sbb sayang is there around me. syok sangat. he said he nak pegi low yat cari flat screen. then, he fetched me. he fetched serap n fida as well. sbb according to hubby these 2 person amat suke dgn gadgets. syok kan.. pastu we all makan dulu kat berkeley. i makan nasi goreng cina. sbb lapar la. n my fav drink is barley suam. i akan order that drink boleh kata almost evry time makan kat situ. actually hubby dah lame tak dtg my hse fetched me. i think like 2 months ade kot. last is masa nak gi wedding kat zurina. then he met my mum. my mum semalam i rasa die concsious. she talked to him. asked how is he n sume. ingat time tu die ckp pasal cincin 'gurkha'. hmm... ape tu haa? mum slalu ckp pasal cincin 'gurkha' hehe.. then she asked him on one question yg buat i tersipu-sipu malu. then i rasa cam tgh fly time tu. haa... tak expect he is mentioning those things to her. i cam tersipu-sipu malu, shy shy la. alamak hehehe...

then we lepak kat berkeley dlm 1 hour. then gerak gi low yat. his frens ni funny la. like wat he said, ngan diorang ni tak yah nak on radio coz they r the portable radio. buat i gelak smp sakit perut ok. i'm sooo happy sbb tgk hubby sgt happy.. how he smiled and laughed while driving. jam pun tak terasa jam sgt. sbb ade wat he said crack ppl. hahaha... cute... =) then smp low yat dlm kul 7.15 survey survey flat screen. cantik la. it is wide screen. roughly dlm rm600. hubby nye monitor dh blow so that's y he beli yang beru. actually that was his dream to use a flat screen. so finally dh dpt gune flat screen tu. cantik tau. happy for him. we get out from low yat dlm 9pm sbb ape tau. we all ape tau... snap snap gambar dulu la. pose sane sini. pose cam tu cam ni. nnt i post pics sbb cable camera ade kat umah klg lame. nnt i trf to his laptop then i baru upload ok. syok la. really had fun. i ingat nak beli blank cds tapi as adviced better i beli thumb drive+mp3 skali. i blh simpan banyak lagu dlm tu. i rasa sejak i kenal hubby kan, i ni boleh kata dah start suke dgr lagu tau. sumtimes without songs, i rasa dull sgt. tak yah nak tgk tv sgt. even sumtimes lagu tu i tak suke bile i dgr banyak2 kali i bleh suke kat that songs. sedar tak sedar tak banyak lagu i download dlm pc i ni. so tu la i nak beli mp3 or might be the canggihs one now mp4 so i blh trf sumer lagu tu dlm that thing then boleh dgr. hehe syok kan.

balik tu singgah makan kat satu tmpt. aaa... this one is the most syok part for the day. not saying that the whole dating tak syok tapi ni laaaggggggggggggggggggggggggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii syok sbb nak tau tak.. cube tgk btul2 i nye topic this time. celup celup. wonder wat's that kan... haa... we all makan kat that stall. dkt depan citibank jalan ampang. is like makan yong tau foo. pastu kan u amik all the lauk mm bukan lauk la.. ape ar.. nak sebut u...cam fishballs la, kangkung, fish+tauhu, crab stick, pedal ayam. sume tu die cucuk kat lidi satay tu. pastu u kena celup dalam air panas. i mean cam rebus la. biar dalam few minutes je. masa mula2 i rebus tu kan, i cam really excited sampai ape yg i rebus tu tercabut from the lidi. hahah.. cute la. then abg tu amik gune lidi lain. die main cucuk je. skali cucuk dh dapt. cucuk skali lagi dah dapt. fuusshhh! dasyat tu...first time ok i makan tu. makan celup celup. thanx hubby for the sweet memories. mula2 i try 2 lidi dulu. i main amik je. i tried a few things la. pastu amik lagi 2. then tgh makan serap snap snap pic lagi gune his handphone. ape that function 'panorama' cantik la. die combined few scenes than jadi satu gambar panjang cam banner la. cantik tau. nnt dh trf i upload ok. heheh.. pastu i ingat dh setel. pastu cakap "yang, boleh i amik lagi tak? sedap la.." hehe shy shy.. pastu hubby pun ckp "amik la... eeehh sedap eh" i pun terus la smile je. ehehe... =) so total i makan 2+2+2+1=7 lidi satu lidi cost rm1. kenyang sangat. hati pun syok n happy. tgk hubby pun happy. suke sangat. wat a memorable memory that i cannot get anywhere. pastu makan sambil tgk orang yang lalu lalang tu. then i dpt la tgk malam2 org sume wat pe.. we lepak kat situ roughly dalam 1 hour. hmm.. rasanye nak pegi lagi la tempat tu or maybe tmpt lain. tapi kan... yang lagi satu syok pasal celup celup ni is the sos n kuah satay die.. nyum! nyum! sedap ok. i think that wat makes it profit making kot. rasa die ngam ngam. sedap la... whusshhh! best giler... mmm.... jom yang gi lagi.. i suke la. terasa lak lapar. eshh tadi baru je makan. i ni.. dasyat tul la.. yang.. sedap la tapi kan u kan u kan lagi seddaappppp.........hehe... ooppss! censored! ;)

pastu gerak balik la. roughly almost 11pm. called home. everybody is at home. masa on the way home tu singgah maxis centre jap nak bayar fon bil kat kiosk. then baru balik. masa balik tu diorang ni pakat ramai2 nyanyi lagu kawin for serap. ade la vid tu tapi kat hubby. nnt i bluetooth kat my fon then blh i trf. he's getting married by end of this month. pastu tgk hubby terasa sedih sket sbb one of his closest fren nak kawin. cam nak nangis je i tgk die. then they all flashed back zaman kecik-kecik dulu. sume tu sweet memories kan. even though guys ni jenis yang strong tapi bile closest buddy nak kawin, mesti terasa gak kan. sume memories masa kat sekolah, time kecik2 dulu sume terflash back. boleh nangis tau. ohh.. kawan aku nak kawin dah. lps ni time mesti dh kurang nak lepak sesame kan.. but i'm very sure guys if the bond is strong, sometimes bile dh ade cucu pun stil keep in touch kan. woman ni jarang. ade tu ade. tapi jarang la sbb bile dh ade family, woman's time is meant more for the family. husband + children kan. that's why masa diorang banyak habis kat rumah. yanngg... nak kapuk u!

hmm.. smp umah dlm 1145pm. rest jap then cleaned up pray isya' pastu dgr lagu jap kat fon. tgk2 gambar kat camera kat fon then smiled sengsorang. wat a sweet memory i got. thanks to God for all of it. thanks to faiz.
030508 first experience with celup celup n more things to learn bout life.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

she's so cute

futsal nite

hubby yang pakai baju n sluar biru tu. hubby if u read this, i swuh my bro amik vid u tgh main. hehe...

futsal nite

morning n afternoon! i blum mandi lagi ni. haha. busyuk kan. eee..jap lagi la. juz terasa nak blog kejap after a sweet whole day i went thru yesterday.

firstly in the morning (this part tak syok sket) dtg2 ofis ingat system dah habs run after we all left last wednesday, skali tgk ade error. dh husna log out n log in balik la. i tot yg tu one of the reason kenapa die stil bersambung sambung error. we already informed our it side n they liaise with the holdings it. after lunch baru diorang nak resolve. tapi as wat our it side said, the last time it took like 3 days to configure balik the data. i'm not pretty sure wat's the cause. tapi the guy said, the storage limit dah smp tahap maximum. so they have to housekeep the old data then only they can continue with the processing. at first they targeted until 9pm tapi we all b4 8 dah balik. ms tham yg tunggu kat ofis. so, semalam not all the reports i blh generate la. i buat those reports yg i boleh buat dulu so at least monday i boleh continue with the rest. hopefully today when ms tham dtg balik, it shud be ok. so monday blh continue processing kan. just cross our fingers and pray to God that semuanye akan berjalan lancar. enuf bout ofis work.

now my shayang.. shayang him very much.. yesterday i lunch ngan die. makan nasi ayam. then sbb that day i teringat nak makan bubur kacang. so he bought one for me. thnks. rasa pelik sket sbb ade durian dlm bubur tu. tapi sedap la. nyum! nyum! for him, he bought pengat pisang. not that sweet. so kire ngam2 la. kan. thanks to him. then we all lepak sesame. terdozed off sekejap la. roughly dalam 2.40pm i gerak balik ofis. smp ofis dlm 3pm. haha.. rasa cam dah few weeks i asik masuk ofis after friday's lunch lambat. hmm... nak kena improve tu kan.

then, after work, balik umah, rest jap.lepak2 then mandi. pastu diner. makan telur goreng n sardine. then roughly ard 10.45 amik farid kat ali c then we all zoom trus gi sunway sports planet. tgk hubby main futsal. kno wat. since i couple ngan die, dari awal sampai skarang, this is the first time i tgk die main futsal. he is soooooo damn sexy eventhough die sweat sweat yg banyak sgt. pastu ade bola terkena muka die. oosshhh! syian die. nasib baik tak darah. i cam nervous in the first place masa nak tgk die main. pastu farid alar... ko ni.. dah sampai cam tu plak. gi je la tgk. hehehe... first time mahh...tu la rasa pelik sket. i terasa SGT SGT HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY sbb tgk die happy tgk i ade masa die main futsal. that feelings is mutual. can't pay with money. tgk muka die je rasa like ohh..i'm flying.. nak shayang die til end of his life. sayang him so much.. **mmmuuaahhh** nnt i post vids masa die tgh main futsal ok. tapi tak clear sgt la.. hehe.. he really got the skills in playing futsal. guess so football pun same. masa die kick ball tu kan bunyi die cam pom! soo kuat.. ok..i ckp kat die if kena i mesti i dah nangis. so powerful. pastu he managed to sumbat a few goals.. yahhoo! yahoo! viva! viva! kaki die keras tau. sgt powerful... whoosshhh!.. guess so the exercise he mentioned he did before main tu is important. that's y he punye kaki kuat.

oklah.. i nak mandi.

sayang... i sayang u so much!.. love u so much!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

love.. wat do u understand bout L-O-V-E

Free Graphics - MySpace/Xanga/Friendster


So every time you hold me Hold me like this is the last time Every time you kiss me Kiss me like you'll never see me again Every time you touch me Touch me like this is the last time Promise that you'll love me Love me like you'll never see me again

new month

haa...dah bulan may in year 2008. towards half of the year already. my exam next month. roughly dalam sebulan lagi. uisshhh takutnye i. suddenly now i rasa cam seram seram sejuk. nnt plan nak amik cuti awal sket so blh concentrate baca buku. tapi tak sure la nak duk umah ke nak duduk library. exam i on 11th june. insya-Allah i'll do my best. wish me luck.

i juz woke up tadi. roughly dalam 10.30. today labour day. 1st may 08. so it's public holiday. ingat nak gi jalan2. tapi tak sure lagi. tgk la dulu. if he can fetch me then maybe we'll go tapi sekejap je la kot. tak lama. he dh kind of bising. asyik nak jalan je. duk la umah. hmm.. i tau die tak suke when he mentioned that already. i ni asyik nak kuar je. tak reti nak duduk umah. hmm.. nnt id dh kawin, tak keje takkan la everyday nak kuar umah kot. if husband tak kasi mana boleh kuar kan. must duduk umah. dosa tau menderhaka kat husband.

dad takde. guess so gi main golf. tadi sis kejut bro ckp mum merayap. tak tau she pegi mane. i ni tgh wonder nak pegi cari ke tak. tapi these few days masa i call umah, farid ckp die kuar tapi kejap je. pastu die balik umah semula. i rasa cam now she is stil in the active/hyper mood kan. sbb she doesn't feel tired when she has to walk bwh cahaya matahari panas2 gi kedai atas tu. wonder how she cross the road. that means she is stil conscious when she crossed the road kan. everyday dalam my prayer i mintak kat Tuhan, to sihatkan mama. to make sure she is in conscious mind, bagi kesihatan physical n mental. n pray that my parent are happy towards their golden age. insya-Allah. juz pray hard. n be confidence.

tu hubby... thanks for alwiz caring bout me. semalam i sakit perut. die ckp i angin. so he gave the ubat ape ar. distril. sumthing like that. towards nak balik shah alam dah kurang la. smp umah roughly dalam kul 11. cleaned up then by 1130 tido. mengantuk la. he went out for meeting then for futsal. i terjaga dlm ard 51m. sbb my kaki kana cramp then called him tanye wher is he at the moment. die blum tido lagi. then shortly he called wishing me nite. thanks. love u so much! very very much! i'm very lucky to have him. i shud be thankful for having him as my partner. never ever forget who is he..
never ever forget my status. GIRLFRIEND of MUHAMAD FAIZ MARICAN. nak sayang u til end of my life. to give u the full of myself. i'm yours. u shouldn't doubt that.