Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, May 24, 2008

last class

today i went to clas. mula2 ingat malas nak pegi. hhmmm.. slalu ade perasaan malas ni. apsal la. pastu 845 mandi bfast then gi clas. i was lucky sbb ni last clas for exam. lecturer shared a few tips and also some very useful information for the exam. tapi from today til the exam i blh jumpe die untuk consultation if i ever need some info and answers. maybe if i have qs maybe i'll send sms to her. sudah rasa nervous. lagi roughly 2 weeks je lagi. pastu towards the end, i tanye my fren whether they have receive the docket ke blum? i pun ckp blum. i dh query sbb diorang dh dpt. i juz print out. pastu from clas nak balik i kena kejar ngan guard itm. sbb kena kluar jalan terbalik. ade convo. haha.. gi bind buku kat sek 7 then balik umah. cari2 letter atas meja pastu haa.. cam recognise je envelope tu. tgk2 my acca docket. haha.. happy.. sbb dh ade docket. pastu trus simpan dlm bag. then lunch nasi lemak. tido jap bgn kul 5.

petang tu gi mcd drive thru. farid drive. farid drive.. dh beso dh die ni. dh boleh drive. lps tu if bob suruh gi mane2 mesti ckp "suruh farid la" hehe... i had big mac. kunyang.. i tgh search certain eye treatment stuff from body shop. tot of buying them. tadi mus ckp body shop ade sale. nnt nak gi tgk la esok.

heart to heart talk. love u so much!

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