Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, May 3, 2008

futsal nite

morning n afternoon! i blum mandi lagi ni. haha. busyuk kan. eee..jap lagi la. juz terasa nak blog kejap after a sweet whole day i went thru yesterday.

firstly in the morning (this part tak syok sket) dtg2 ofis ingat system dah habs run after we all left last wednesday, skali tgk ade error. dh husna log out n log in balik la. i tot yg tu one of the reason kenapa die stil bersambung sambung error. we already informed our it side n they liaise with the holdings it. after lunch baru diorang nak resolve. tapi as wat our it side said, the last time it took like 3 days to configure balik the data. i'm not pretty sure wat's the cause. tapi the guy said, the storage limit dah smp tahap maximum. so they have to housekeep the old data then only they can continue with the processing. at first they targeted until 9pm tapi we all b4 8 dah balik. ms tham yg tunggu kat ofis. so, semalam not all the reports i blh generate la. i buat those reports yg i boleh buat dulu so at least monday i boleh continue with the rest. hopefully today when ms tham dtg balik, it shud be ok. so monday blh continue processing kan. just cross our fingers and pray to God that semuanye akan berjalan lancar. enuf bout ofis work.

now my shayang.. shayang him very much.. yesterday i lunch ngan die. makan nasi ayam. then sbb that day i teringat nak makan bubur kacang. so he bought one for me. thnks. rasa pelik sket sbb ade durian dlm bubur tu. tapi sedap la. nyum! nyum! for him, he bought pengat pisang. not that sweet. so kire ngam2 la. kan. thanks to him. then we all lepak sesame. terdozed off sekejap la. roughly dalam 2.40pm i gerak balik ofis. smp ofis dlm 3pm. haha.. rasa cam dah few weeks i asik masuk ofis after friday's lunch lambat. hmm... nak kena improve tu kan.

then, after work, balik umah, rest jap.lepak2 then mandi. pastu diner. makan telur goreng n sardine. then roughly ard 10.45 amik farid kat ali c then we all zoom trus gi sunway sports planet. tgk hubby main futsal. kno wat. since i couple ngan die, dari awal sampai skarang, this is the first time i tgk die main futsal. he is soooooo damn sexy eventhough die sweat sweat yg banyak sgt. pastu ade bola terkena muka die. oosshhh! syian die. nasib baik tak darah. i cam nervous in the first place masa nak tgk die main. pastu farid alar... ko ni.. dah sampai cam tu plak. gi je la tgk. hehehe... first time mahh...tu la rasa pelik sket. i terasa SGT SGT HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY sbb tgk die happy tgk i ade masa die main futsal. that feelings is mutual. can't pay with money. tgk muka die je rasa like ohh..i'm flying.. nak shayang die til end of his life. sayang him so much.. **mmmuuaahhh** nnt i post vids masa die tgh main futsal ok. tapi tak clear sgt la.. hehe.. he really got the skills in playing futsal. guess so football pun same. masa die kick ball tu kan bunyi die cam pom! soo kuat.. ok..i ckp kat die if kena i mesti i dah nangis. so powerful. pastu he managed to sumbat a few goals.. yahhoo! yahoo! viva! viva! kaki die keras tau. sgt powerful... whoosshhh!.. guess so the exercise he mentioned he did before main tu is important. that's y he punye kaki kuat.

oklah.. i nak mandi.

sayang... i sayang u so much!.. love u so much!!

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