Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, May 10, 2008

more things to learn..

last nite after work, get home mandi2 pray then off to kara-o-ke ing. him n his frens. at klang la. we were there for like 2 1/2 hours. i sang one song with him. "Jangan Ada Dusta Antara Kita" so meaningful. he sang few other songs plus his frens sang few other songs too. then we danced along with the song. syok la. dh lame tak dance. i was a bit cold but then lps dance rasa warm sket. from there gi minum kat pak li. i makan kuey tiow goreng. sedap la. recommendation balik rumah dlm 1 sumthing. cleaned up then pray pastu tido coz the next day i got class.

i woke today roughly ard 8.30am. class kul 9am. mandi pun dlm 8.45am. mula2 cam malas giler tapi sebab pk exam nak dekat. maybe lecturer nak share some tips plus result trial exam hari tu mesti dah kuar. i lps bfast then gi clas. masuk kul 945am. haha. haizum n ila dh reserve a seat for me. thanx. pastu amik paper i. tgk dpt 50%. i was like shocked sbb tak sangka la plak. cam tersenyum2 "eh..aku ingat aku fail sbb tak baca sgt pun buku that day.. plus a lot of things happened yg ade disturb my concentration for a few weeks kan.." alhamdulillah.. tapi as wat my lecturer said to those yg pass dont feel so comfortable.. n don think u r in the comfort zone already. u stil have to work hard. to score more. insya-Allah. clas habis awal. pastu trus gi umah kak yan. siap2 then gi kedai kain. we planned nak beli kan mum kain for mother's day. we bought this kain for her. so lovely. cantik tau. color hijau. hopefully she like it. we spend like 2 hrs there. knowing girls. bile kat tmpt kain.. mesti lama. then bought satu pasang kain design yg pelik sket. n i tempah trus kat situ . baju kurung pesak gantung+kain selisih. colour kain tu.. jeng..jeng..jeng..jeng.. dh siap nnt i post pic eh. pastu belikan mum faiz satu pasang kain for mother's day gift. hopefully she will like it. tapi tak sure bile nak kasi. tot of tomoro tapi sbb pk esok dh plan nak lepak umah, so maybe next week or maybe bile ade free time lagi.
then balik amik mum kat umah. we gi lunch kat secret recipe. i makan grilled chicken mushroom. pastu kak yan bising ckp i tak makan sayur. pastu i pun oklah.. i makan sbb it's good for health. then, balik lepak kat umah kak yan jap. roughly ard 5 baru gerak balik sbb i nak gi jog. haha... jogging.. dh lame tak jog..

tadi i managed to go for 2 full round jogs n 2 rounds of walking. tapi a bit pancit. maybe dh berat la.. pastu jumpa hubby n serap kat hakim. makan our fav food. ayam tandoori + naan. kenyang giler... n rasa healthy. sampai umah tertido jap. pastu mandi. n tadi ingat nak byr bil pastu tak jadi. kena confirm ngan dbkl tu balik. kang if takleh bayar i bayar gak takleh nak claim kan susah. then here i am blogging while watching AKADEMI FANTASIA.

yangg.... love u so much!

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