Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

woke up late

got my period already even though i was 3 days late. on monday, i got a very very very bad period pain. tak tahan ok. even dh siap naik kat clinic ingat nak gi rest then the nurse ckp clinic nak tutup within 45 minutes, akak bagi adik ponston, makan lps makan nasi pastu rest kat surau. hmmm... nak nangis. siap picit2 perut lagi. then turun balik kat cubicle i. takleh nak wat keje. picit2 perut. then peluk my cushion pastu time for lunch. amik lauk sup ayam je. pastu kurang sket rasa sakit. sakit smp petang la. then balik umah, lepak jap tgk ezora. sakit perut dtg balik. then i goreng ayam for dinner. we ate with nasi. kenyang! finally tak amik pun ponston tu. btw, that nite hubby kene keje overtime. syian die. tapi sbb nak cr and generate more $, i relakan la him pegi even though dah pukul 11 that time. hmm.. i tido sengsorang je. wished him happy anniversary then tido.

today i woke up late. pastu breakfast ala kadar je. then smp ofis beli nasi lemak. my fren ingat i salah cuti. supposingly esok kan. hehe. perut tetibe ade tak sedap sekejap, then i buat dunno je. hari ni keje based on follow up on certain things regarding the related party. btw, hr AMTB dah call ask me to collect the medical letter. since i'm on period, most prob next week i amik that letter then trus buat medical check up. pastu i pun ade tanye kak maziah whether she nak pakai orang lagi tak? she nak guy. pastu i pun tanye hubby, he said ok. u boleh submit my resume. so nnt the next day i nak submit la. syok la if we dpt keje at the same place. boleh save cost. insya-Allah murah rezeki we dpt keje satu bumbung kan. juz pray hard to God and berdoa supaya dimakbulkan. Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat yang telah Engkau berikan setakat ni.

hari ni i balik umah. from ofis smp umah kl, packing packing while tgk ezora, then roughly ard 7.45pm gerak balik. tadi dine ard 10 ngan farid. kenyang. ni dh sleepy la. hehe.. jap gi nak gi tido.. tadi dgr lagu eric clapton. if i saw u in heaven.

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