Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, May 17, 2008

saturday on a long weekend

yaay.. here it comes again. weekend. supposingly i gi clas today. ade revision. tapi i tak pegi sbb nak repair keta. tadi dh pegi check and the pump sudah bocor. that's y masa i pijak break tu die kena pijak dalam2 sket sbb breeak cam tak makan. and at times pijak pun keta stil jalan like that day at futsal parking. scary ok. soooooo dangerous. btw, shortly i'll be going back to the workshop nak repair the stuff sbb uncle to ckp kena pegi beli barang tu kat kl dulu. n now i tgh blur sbb my bros takleh nak teman i. both bros. coz they got things to do. takkan nak bwk mum. i dun think so it is a good solution. tapi kalau dh takleh i bwk je la. at least got ppl to teman me. n him.. can't accompany me sbb he is on the way on the way to the south.. holiday.. to JB. have a safe journey n do enjoy ur hols...

this morning i bfast makan roti telur. last nite tetibe ingat nak makan roti canai tapi ended up makan roti cheese naan and tandoori. soooo kenyang. alhamdulillah..

btw, this week cuti lame sket. til monday. sbb cuti hari wesak skali. haha.. syok kan.. hehe...

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