Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 4, 2008


yesterday, wat a sweeeeeet experience i got. after lunch n praying, i tgh surf surf things to put up at my blog while dgr few songs, hubby called tanye nak gi jalan2 tak? i pun ok la jgk. nak jalan2 ngan die. syok kan kluar ngan partner. even though ade orang lain tapi tak kesa sbb sayang is there around me. syok sangat. he said he nak pegi low yat cari flat screen. then, he fetched me. he fetched serap n fida as well. sbb according to hubby these 2 person amat suke dgn gadgets. syok kan.. pastu we all makan dulu kat berkeley. i makan nasi goreng cina. sbb lapar la. n my fav drink is barley suam. i akan order that drink boleh kata almost evry time makan kat situ. actually hubby dah lame tak dtg my hse fetched me. i think like 2 months ade kot. last is masa nak gi wedding kat zurina. then he met my mum. my mum semalam i rasa die concsious. she talked to him. asked how is he n sume. ingat time tu die ckp pasal cincin 'gurkha'. hmm... ape tu haa? mum slalu ckp pasal cincin 'gurkha' hehe.. then she asked him on one question yg buat i tersipu-sipu malu. then i rasa cam tgh fly time tu. haa... tak expect he is mentioning those things to her. i cam tersipu-sipu malu, shy shy la. alamak hehehe...

then we lepak kat berkeley dlm 1 hour. then gerak gi low yat. his frens ni funny la. like wat he said, ngan diorang ni tak yah nak on radio coz they r the portable radio. buat i gelak smp sakit perut ok. i'm sooo happy sbb tgk hubby sgt happy.. how he smiled and laughed while driving. jam pun tak terasa jam sgt. sbb ade wat he said crack ppl. hahaha... cute... =) then smp low yat dlm kul 7.15 survey survey flat screen. cantik la. it is wide screen. roughly dlm rm600. hubby nye monitor dh blow so that's y he beli yang beru. actually that was his dream to use a flat screen. so finally dh dpt gune flat screen tu. cantik tau. happy for him. we get out from low yat dlm 9pm sbb ape tau. we all ape tau... snap snap gambar dulu la. pose sane sini. pose cam tu cam ni. nnt i post pics sbb cable camera ade kat umah klg lame. nnt i trf to his laptop then i baru upload ok. syok la. really had fun. i ingat nak beli blank cds tapi as adviced better i beli thumb drive+mp3 skali. i blh simpan banyak lagu dlm tu. i rasa sejak i kenal hubby kan, i ni boleh kata dah start suke dgr lagu tau. sumtimes without songs, i rasa dull sgt. tak yah nak tgk tv sgt. even sumtimes lagu tu i tak suke bile i dgr banyak2 kali i bleh suke kat that songs. sedar tak sedar tak banyak lagu i download dlm pc i ni. so tu la i nak beli mp3 or might be the canggihs one now mp4 so i blh trf sumer lagu tu dlm that thing then boleh dgr. hehe syok kan.

balik tu singgah makan kat satu tmpt. aaa... this one is the most syok part for the day. not saying that the whole dating tak syok tapi ni laaaggggggggggggggggggggggggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii syok sbb nak tau tak.. cube tgk btul2 i nye topic this time. celup celup. wonder wat's that kan... haa... we all makan kat that stall. dkt depan citibank jalan ampang. is like makan yong tau foo. pastu kan u amik all the lauk mm bukan lauk la.. ape ar.. nak sebut u...cam fishballs la, kangkung, fish+tauhu, crab stick, pedal ayam. sume tu die cucuk kat lidi satay tu. pastu u kena celup dalam air panas. i mean cam rebus la. biar dalam few minutes je. masa mula2 i rebus tu kan, i cam really excited sampai ape yg i rebus tu tercabut from the lidi. hahah.. cute la. then abg tu amik gune lidi lain. die main cucuk je. skali cucuk dh dapt. cucuk skali lagi dah dapt. fuusshhh! dasyat tu...first time ok i makan tu. makan celup celup. thanx hubby for the sweet memories. mula2 i try 2 lidi dulu. i main amik je. i tried a few things la. pastu amik lagi 2. then tgh makan serap snap snap pic lagi gune his handphone. ape that function 'panorama' cantik la. die combined few scenes than jadi satu gambar panjang cam banner la. cantik tau. nnt dh trf i upload ok. heheh.. pastu i ingat dh setel. pastu cakap "yang, boleh i amik lagi tak? sedap la.." hehe shy shy.. pastu hubby pun ckp "amik la... eeehh sedap eh" i pun terus la smile je. ehehe... =) so total i makan 2+2+2+1=7 lidi satu lidi cost rm1. kenyang sangat. hati pun syok n happy. tgk hubby pun happy. suke sangat. wat a memorable memory that i cannot get anywhere. pastu makan sambil tgk orang yang lalu lalang tu. then i dpt la tgk malam2 org sume wat pe.. we lepak kat situ roughly dalam 1 hour. hmm.. rasanye nak pegi lagi la tempat tu or maybe tmpt lain. tapi kan... yang lagi satu syok pasal celup celup ni is the sos n kuah satay die.. nyum! nyum! sedap ok. i think that wat makes it profit making kot. rasa die ngam ngam. sedap la... whusshhh! best giler... mmm.... jom yang gi lagi.. i suke la. terasa lak lapar. eshh tadi baru je makan. i ni.. dasyat tul la.. yang.. sedap la tapi kan u kan u kan lagi seddaappppp.........hehe... ooppss! censored! ;)

pastu gerak balik la. roughly almost 11pm. called home. everybody is at home. masa on the way home tu singgah maxis centre jap nak bayar fon bil kat kiosk. then baru balik. masa balik tu diorang ni pakat ramai2 nyanyi lagu kawin for serap. ade la vid tu tapi kat hubby. nnt i bluetooth kat my fon then blh i trf. he's getting married by end of this month. pastu tgk hubby terasa sedih sket sbb one of his closest fren nak kawin. cam nak nangis je i tgk die. then they all flashed back zaman kecik-kecik dulu. sume tu sweet memories kan. even though guys ni jenis yang strong tapi bile closest buddy nak kawin, mesti terasa gak kan. sume memories masa kat sekolah, time kecik2 dulu sume terflash back. boleh nangis tau. ohh.. kawan aku nak kawin dah. lps ni time mesti dh kurang nak lepak sesame kan.. but i'm very sure guys if the bond is strong, sometimes bile dh ade cucu pun stil keep in touch kan. woman ni jarang. ade tu ade. tapi jarang la sbb bile dh ade family, woman's time is meant more for the family. husband + children kan. that's why masa diorang banyak habis kat rumah. yanngg... nak kapuk u!

hmm.. smp umah dlm 1145pm. rest jap then cleaned up pray isya' pastu dgr lagu jap kat fon. tgk2 gambar kat camera kat fon then smiled sengsorang. wat a sweet memory i got. thanks to God for all of it. thanks to faiz.
030508 first experience with celup celup n more things to learn bout life.

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