Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, May 29, 2008

graduation day

his graduation day.. congrats to him.. congratulations n congratulations! how does he feel? nnt i tanye.. congrats to him sbb dh grad. after all the ups n downs thru studying life. how many years we have been thru studying time. and how in the first place we nak study same2 tapi tak dapat. sbb God nak tunjuk yang there is a reason y we tak masuk the same place at first. tears, happiness, madness, love, anger sume ade. tapi we managed to go to the same place on bulan puasa last year. he fetched me to clas then we masuk the same place sbb nak gi clas masing2. pastu bile dh habis he fetched me back then we all gi shopping raya. syok kan. sayang sgt kat die. he is so damn sweet. willingly to do anything for his partner. tak kira penat ke tak. as long as his partner is happy. thanx yang. yang, y u r so sweet? u betul2 syg kat i ke?

hari ni i cuti full day. half day lagi i EL. tak larat la. tadi tido jap pastu bangun sakit bahu la. maybe salah tido plak. =( yang nak kapuk u..

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