Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


harlow.. it's 7th may 08 or in numbers 0705. 5--> my fav no. 7-->his fav no. i like to see the combination of this no. either 57 or 75 or 0507 or anything with 5 and 7 like 5757 or 7575. like it so much! LOVE U BABY!

i want to share something with basically ladies out there coz u have to be extra careful. for guys of course u have to beware as well as we don't want anything bad happen to u. it happened last monday when i was on the way back from ofis to the car i parked at the parking space nearby. i saw it in front of my eyes ok. i was damn shocked. n i guess i was pretty lucky ALHAMDULILLAH! on the way towards my car, i saw 2 guys. one on motorbyke n the other one was walking towards my side. i was a bit like pelik2 tgk ape this guy ni buat. then i tgk2 that guy smp kat my car. tit tit the kunci masuk terus lock. takut i. pastu masa tgh nak tukar kasut, suddenly the guy yang jalan2 tu dah snatched 2 bags belongs to the lady. i pun macam terkejut giler la. lucky i was in the car. then i cam menggigil terkejut. plus rasa takut. called hubby then story to him wat happened. called husna. told her to be extra careful when going down to the parking. i was ok. i was ok. ALHAMDULILLAH! -lesson of the day, if u're at an open parking space, dont sibuk2 nak simpan semua barang. buka pintu sane, buka pintu sini without looking at ur surroundings. sangat sangat dangerous.

pastu sampai rumah ard 7 something. talked on the fon from parking til i reached home. a bit tired plus terkejut. hubby kasi air suam suruh minum. then rasa relief sket. mandi2 then gi dine makan mee goreng mamak letak ayam goreng then gi mid val beli brg umah. hubby beli lagi tempat gantung baju tu lagi. it's unique. nnt i post pic. pastu yang syok kan we all dah tukar jam n it is working til now. happy happy.. hehe..=)

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