Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, May 15, 2008


it's thursday morning. having breakfast at the moment. meehoon. last nite gi round2 cari kedai makan. we all pusing2. tgk2 jln ni tembus sane jln tu tembus situ. tapi last2 makan kat area taman desa jgk. i ordered nasi goreng cina + telur mata kerbau. he ordered meehoon goreng. tu la suddenly this morning i tetibe nak makan meehoon lak. hehe.. then we went to pay our maxis bill. i nak tgk visible bil tapi it is at home. btw, nnt nak mintak tlg him bwk next week. pastu balik cleaned up then tido. soooo sleepy. smp this morning. tapi dlm kul brape tak sure my kaki kanan cramped. huhu. syakit la... tapi managed to control. if that time i rs sakit sgt tak leh handle i nak wake him up tapi since i blh handle so takde la nak kejut die. tgk him sleep.. sooooo chomel... like a baby...

*wanna love u til end of my life*

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