Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 19, 2008

wat i did for the weekend

as previous post, i told nak tuka the pump kan. so roughly ard 12.45 send bob n his frens to sri aman. got some event at the school. then i'm very happy sbb farid can accompany me to the workshop. so smp je, parked my car then gi lunch kat restoran mamak nearby. roughly it took like 2 hours to repair. i took the japan made. pastu told the uncle to betulkan my seat nye belakang. asyik tercabut je. clip tu sudah patah. then ok. juz the hand brake switch blum repair lagi that's y lampu keep on menyala. tapi hubby ckp yg tu blh tunggu die tlh bwk gi the kedai eletrik kat simpang 3 to repair. but the most important thing yg i dah lega is sbb bile brake tak yah nak tekan dlm2 sbb dh ok. yahhoooooo! pijak sket je dh ok. dah ketat. hehe. syok.. then semalam i told my sis bout the uncle coz the uncle is an old fren of dad. he said he stil remember us especially my sis. coz of the word "repleated" ape ar tu? tak sure la plak. hehe.. tapi it's funny how he can remember us soooo well. i tak ingat la. maybe i was too small at that time coz we were at jb. roughly i was like 5 years old. mmg tak ingat langsung. tapi rasa touched how ppl remember us even til now. so sweet..

then yesterday, after breakfast know where i went? to see queenie. i've changed my hair style. i permed my hair. roughly she said it will last dalam 4 months. i tot of colouring it together but she said nnt rambut i rosak coz perm got it's own chemical, color also the same so takut takleh blend then trus rambut i rosak. queenie said june la come n see her to color. coz perm looks nice with color. n now she said takyah use hair brush sbb curl hair mmg cam tu. juz use ur hand that will be ok. rasa pelik lak. then she said if tak sure can just give her a call. we exchanged numbers. hehe.. first time ade phone number hair stylist. cam artiste lak. haha perasan! takpel.. selagi i satisfied with her service, i'm going to use her service la. so sekarang juz wait n see i nak buat ape plak kat my hair. color tu i ckp nak buat reddish sket tapi she said not so red la nampk tak cantik. bronze she said cantik. tapi takpela.. i try to tgk2 pics dlm magazine if ade yg rasa syok i wil show it to her. then i mms hubby... hehehe... he said i looked diff.. and hot.. tang mane yang hot tu b? then i told my sis then she said muka dh la chubby buat rambut perm lagi nampak chubby. montok.. hehehe... but i feel diff. rasa more adult and mature. tapi stil my sayang on him tetap same. juz looks and most prob improved in attitudes.

btw, semalam pagi i jumpe satu novel melayu kat rak buku bob. ape.. mahligai cinta. i finished it by today. 2 ays only dah habis. biase la. pasal life.. life... some of it i can use it as reference for my own life. how to go through ur life with partner when u r married. how to handle things and many more. tapi jangan lupa. to tunaikan tanggungjawab kite kepada-Nya. Tuhan Yang Maha Esa supaya hidup kita ini diberkati dan dirahmati. Amin.

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