Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 9, 2008

lunch on friday

today i'm going home. yaay! after 1 week tak balik. syok plak kan.. kan.. this morning talked with mum on the phone. she sounded okay to me. glad n happy to hear that. but i keep on praying to God so mama sembuh dan sihat seperti sedia kala. Aminn! sebab ade sumthing serious that i want to share with her. love u mom!

i'm waiting for my mcd to arrive. blum smp lagi. a bit lapar. skang tgh mkn roti coklat. husna n shirley pun mkn roti coklat skali. haha.

happy story for faiz's side.. i tgh tunggu die nye post ni. i'm really happy for him. sooo happy. alhamdulillah. he managed to do it. he managed to do so. congrats him. congrats yang! love u yang! selepas beberapa bulan he went through so many obstacles. i know u can do it. he shared the story with his parent. they r happy fr him too. keep on praying to God. insya-Allah we work hard, pray to God, play true... Go's will we can make it.

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