Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 31, 2007

last day of the month

i'm in the office. just came back from lunch.. last day of the month and last day of the year..

good bye 2007 and welcome 2008!

Sunday, December 30, 2007


after a full week of not dating him, yesterday we went out together. after breakfast, we went to cineleisure to watch "warlords" acted by Jet Li, Andy Lau and Takeshi Kaneshiro. war, strategies, women, money, food... it's the first time for us to catch those epic movies coz i'm not interested to watch unless if i want to watch la.. then.. jalan2.. i bought these selendang. purple + beads. can wear to office one day. bough two more new baju. 70's and baju bunga2.

even though i dah lunch nasi tapi petang tu i stil lapar. both of us stopped by kat mamak to eat tandoori chicken + roti naan, our favourites. then kenyang giler.. balik tu .. mandi.. then online while watching tv. then me n bros tgk video clips kat you tube while karaoke-ing.. hahaha... i slept almost 1am. but kno wat.. i have to eat again coz i'm hungry.. whoosshhh! betapa banyaknye aku makan hari itu.. pastu kurus gak.. hahaha.. orang ckp sbb i punye metabolisme tinggi. ye ke.. i pun tak pegi check on the info bout that... nnt la i survey ye..

Friday, December 28, 2007

end of the year

currently i'm listening to once-aku mau. it is bcoz he dedicated this song to me. wanted to know what's the song is all about. the music is pretty nice. can really take me away from reality. thinking n dreaming.. about past n future.. 2007 is almost over. n 2008 is almost opening it's curtains. good bye 2007. the year with a lot of things. happy, sad, tears, anger, bored, loved, missed, lost, patience, blur, sleepy, nervous, sick, tired, over-slept n many more to list.
basically, not juz me i'm sure.. everyone will almost face the same thing in their lives. just the detail stories is different. mmm.. y not i recall what happened to me since i only started blogging in october.

jan-> fever n cough, him : practical : i tension coz i don't understand =<
feb->valentine's day, cermin keta pecah : cried : dad scold : not my fault =(
mac->shopping carnival : haa : my fav =D
apr->coloured & higlighted my hair, annual dinner, AQUARIA : syok nye.. =D
may->anniversary, holiday : JB : fren's wedd, sis gave birth to a cutie baby girl : fay
jun->didn't go to tmn negara, aunt's wedd
jul->acca registration : enrol for class
aug->50th celebration of merdeka, atuk passed away : sad : sick : =(
sep->sunway lagoon : best : dah lame tak pegi, fasting
oct->his birthday, raya + raya + raya
nov->my BIRTHDAY : yahhoooo.. =D
dec->exam.. : takut = , christmas : raining season : blum shopping lagi =<

but of course ade banyak lagi la.. basically ape yang i ingat i tulis la.. previously i used to have a book to record down everything happened in my life.. tapi i dah lame stop that sbb start keje.. then i dah malas.. now starting to do that but in different method.. blogging..

Thursday, December 27, 2007


not much to say. 2007 almost over.. 2008 here it comes..
may all the ups n downs in 2007 teach me a lot of lesson..
may 2008 brings joyful and wonderful stories...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

i'm bored

i'm bored la. wanted to be alone.. but ...

Thursday, December 20, 2007


today is public holiday. SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA. so, sekarang ni i baru balik ffr beraya. tadi gi umah nenek then umah mak ngah. skali gus visit my cousine, ali. die accident motor. what he told me that, he wanted to play football on monday evening. he went to the field with his bike then one of his fren got a motorbike. so pandai2 la budak ni naik motor ni, ape lagi, smp satu tmpt where ade bnyk pasir, die tak dapat nak control, so jatuh la. gigi patah, then jatuh terseret. kulit kat siku kiri terkopek. issyy.. teruk nye i tgk. kesian die. then kena sapu iodin la n makan mum die masak bubur. sekolah session nk start in 2 weeks time. hopefully by that time die blh recover. issyy.. isyy.. then as usual sumer my mum, aunties, uncles, n nenek bagi nasihat. jangan la bawak motor ni. if jatuh teruk diri sendiri.

my brothers pun dok mengusik si ali tu. hehehe.. kesian funny pun ade jgk. dahla. take it as a pengajaran for us.

hari ni i tak makan nasi as in nasi + lauk pauk tu coz ni hari raya. i makan nasi impit, lemang, rendang (nyum..nyum..) pulut kuning, pulut putih, kari ayam n ade tadi aunti i masak daging palembang. tapi i rasa jap gi i kena makan balik la sbb rasa cam dh lapar.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


nak gi holiday..


don't get me wrong. tadi kan i cakap i happy coz this week i keje 3 days saje. i moody coz last saturday la. hmm.. sometimes rasa cam yela... i yang kena faham ppl's situation. i ni takde sape nak faham. so sumtimes i pun rs nak be alone. sape2 yg rasa dah don't need me tu, blh la cari partner lain or do whatever yg die rasa syok nak buat. i ni kan selfish. slalu buat orang marah, tak pk pasal others, suke complicated kan situation, suke pk things tak habis pastu sumtimes kiddish. mengade2 la. hmm.. i pun dah bnyk change myself in order to get along with ppl. sumtimes i pun pk gak, i ni bnyk buat salah, so tak yah la kawan ngan i lagi....

you kno, in relationships n life, there shud be ups n downs. i rasa i ni pun have very high level of patience. my mum pun slalu cakap biarlah orang nak buat kat kita. kita jgn la buat kat diorang. when the time comes, they will get their pay back. tapi i learned from past, u cannot simpan semuanye dan pendam seorang diri coz nnt u sendiri yg suffer. what do ppl call that? hmm.. mood swing eh..hmm.. not sure la. it connects real close to emotions. so it's gud to have someone close so u can share things out n let it out but don't pick the wrong frens. they will like you when you r happy but not when u r down. nowadays blh kira brape ramai yg really nak kawan ngan kita. but fist all of all it falls on ourselves la. how de we treat them, n how do we carry ourselves will potray the attitude to ppl. n they will decide whether to be your good fren or not.


this week i'm working for 3 days only coz then i'll be on leave due to restive celebration. yoohhoo.. dahlah last week almost 2 weeks cuti then cuti balik. hahaha.. takpela. most prob we blk kampung tomoro.. dunno la.. the plan is in the hands of the master of the house. that is my dad. i'm currently watching news on tv. news news.. with the flood thingy. kesiannye kat victims tu. i should be thankful to God sbb my area takde flood. hopefully the flood akan surut n sumbody should haf the plan how to avoid flood in that areas yg senang dinaiki air. since new school session is beginning soon. almost 2 weeks time. so pity to all those kids.

x'mas is coming n stil i haven't go to any shopping mall. =( weekend hari tu i kan demam. hmm.. takpela. i will take a good care of myself then only i'll thingk bout going shopping. i juz nak window shop dulu. that day i wanted to buy this baju la. it's 60's. i like it. plus the colour n design rare la. skali masa nak bayar tu kan i asked the shop assistant for a new one la coz the displayed one dah ade benang2 yg dh tercabut. so die return kat i ckp sorry la kak dah habis la. i pun.. hhmmm=( sad lo sbb baju to consider cantik plus harga yg berpatutan. i siap testing n tangkap gambar lagi tu. hahaha.. funny la..

jap gi i nak gi dinner. dunno where. tapi i blum mandi lagi. jap lagi la. today i had mcd for lunch. i had BIG MC. dh lame rasanye tak makan big mac. tadi i survey my frenster a/c then i viewed la my cuzin's page then wahh.. budak2 skrang.. jauh perjalanan nye ye. ntah parents diorang tau ke tak. haha.. takpela .. i malas nak campur. when your kids is groing up, mesti akan face situation same dgn parents yg dah face situation with their elder kids b4 la. so.. lagi sekarang ni. macam2. so i juz pray n hopefully sumernye will be fine rite.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


hhmmm.. my plan to go jalan2 is aborted. i got flu n slight fever so did not go anywhere. =( hubby told me to juz rest at home. so now only bob n me at home. orang lain sumer dah kluar. dunno to where. i already took my medication. so most prob jap lagi i akan feel sleepy so i akan tidur. now watching tv while on-line.

oklah..need to do some research on certain articles. gtg.

Friday, December 14, 2007

wet friday

y do i say so? know y? coz now it is raining heavily + thunderstorm. ha.. hopefully petang nnt masa i balik keje hujan dah reda.

juz had my lunch. i turun lmbt sket sbb tadi hubby called. i flu lagi la. since sunday that day. guess so.. tension due to exam. i just took my medication n hopefully it will recover soon. that's y i said, i kena start active in sports balik. if not selang 1 or 2 weeks pastu i flu or sore throat.

weekend ni.. i nak wat ape ar? hmm.. might be tgk movie. or might be shopping as i always like to do. nnt i figure out what la. mlm ni nk discuss ngan bob dulu. n most prob hubby. i tot nk pegi klcc tapi dunno yet la sbb my parent nak gi wedding. so, juz wait for my updating tomorrow or later tonite on where is my venue.

arrgghh..nose tgh block la. tak syok langsung... cpt2 la sembuh.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


i'm quite happy today. i woke up ard 630am. took bath, breakfast nasi goreng lagi. hehe. 3 days in a row i had nasi goreng due to excess of nasi. the, check the water level of the car, then off to work. stopped by to isi minyak coz yesterday after work tak isi pun. malas sbb i nak tgk tv so cam dah tak sempat. so i balik je la. almost 1 hr baru i smp ofis coz jln tutup n i have to make a big round due to the building of fly-over. hopefully it's going to be useful for the motorists.

started doing my work. so, basically what i wanted to do today, managed to do la. it was quite cold in the office. then had lunch with colleagues. i had nasi with kentang + ikan bilis n ayam goreng. kenyang. tapi as usual ard 4 or 5 dah start lapar blk.

went home with husna ard 6pm. then decided to meet hubby at sumwhere. had nasi goreng for dinner. but it is nasi goreng special. hahahaha... few days of nasi goreng. takpela.. as long as i'm full, if not i takleh nak tido nanti sbb lapar.

hmm... one great story to share. hubby managed to complete his degree. most prob he'll be graduating sumwhere in april next year. wish him congrats n semoga success selalu!

since it's december n xmas is also around the corner, i was thinking to go for some shopping.. SHOPPING...sHoPpiNg..ShOpPiNG... hehehe... (hubby jgn jeles ar) nnt i bawak u k. tapi i tau la. try not to overspent. i was thinking nak tambah collection baju keje since i macam dah tak tau nak pakai baju ape. nnt i decide la what to buy.

b4 balik umah tadi stop by at the mall to see farid. then secara kebetulan jumpe my ex-hsemate. nanie. she lives nearby coz she is working nearby as well. she said if senang2 dtg la umah die. so i said insya-Allah nnt ade time i pegi. cam dah lame tak jumpe die. she looked different. tapi i wonder whether die dah habis belajar ke belum? takpela.. if she's not as long as she's finding $ dgn cara yg elok. that's much more better.

so, end of the day. lps ni nk tgk tv. then it's time to sleep.. lalala... lalala... lalala... lalala...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


wish to have this car. will work hard to achieve the target. insya-Allah.
and i want it to be in white colour.
for cleanliness and purity.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


hallo... hie... here i am again after for about 1 week i did not post anything. bz studying for exam la. yesterday was my exam day. started at 3. luckily my clasmate told me bout 2 hrs b4 exam started that the venue had changed. so i confirmed with my lecturer n another friend of mine. they said yah, it's changed n do go early to find parking lot. if not there wil not be enough spaces. coz a lot of ppl will go there. my exam room was damn cold. rasa cam duduk dalam peti ais. i like menggigil giler2. i dah pakai dua layer of baju. tapi sejuk gak. sum of them even takde sweater pun blh tahan. hisshh... dah la i ade flu. luckily i brought tissue. i managed to answer those qs. so now what i can do is berserah n tawakal kpd Allah sbb i dh jawab pun paper tu. sumwhere in february baru result kuar. insya-Allah. i did my very best. dengan banyak sgt emosi terganggu through out my study week. hehehe...

for almost a week i left my office. so as this month we need to close the accounts faster due to board of directors going for annual leave. so my colleagues like balik late like 9 then i balik tadi pun blum siap lagi. so i settle the things completed everything. wow! hehe.. then tomorrow distribute.

anyway, it's december already. last month of the year. my appraisal form is already being sent. so i have to complete the form then it's time to appraise. alamak... a bit takut la. coz i donno what my boss wil say bout my performance this year. i tau la myself sometimes this month i okay, the other month tak ok. juz wish me best of luck. hopefully tak masuk office political kan.

hopefully whatever happens in the year 2007 will give me some experience to go through my life n make mo more stronger in the future years. sometimes i do feel like wanting to have some time for myself. but my bf slalu ckp what's the purpose of having him around. takleh nak share stories ups n downs. tapi u kno la. girls will alwiz be girls. =)

Friday, November 30, 2007

last day of the month

holla everyone. it's like almost a week i didn't update my blog. life seems to be quite bz n pack for me as this week i did not drive to work. dad's car is in d workshop so he had to drive the other car. so i have to take trains to work loh.. first day, i was late. i reached almost 9. but subsequently, tuesday n wednesday, managed to come b4 8.30 but yesterday since my mood was a bit out so i also reached almost 9 n today i reached 5 past 9. hahaha... takpela.. after raya i tried to keep my attendance as good as i can so basically only this week i was pretty late coz i had to use the public transport.

in the old times, i like taking public transport mostly to many places la. buses, cabbies, taxis, lrt n komuter. bcoz u know y.. not that many ppl like now n the timing is always right. tapi la ni.. omigod...!! pack like what je... if it is peak hours especially going back time more worse. it's like sardine in the tin... n that can cause me tired la.. n after i reached home, cleaned up, makan, watch a bit tv then it's time to sleep coz i need to wake u by 6 the next day to catch the train.

so, yesterday, i was down. so i slept at my fren's house. she lives nearby only. told mum bout i moving out tp she said she doesn't agree with my choice sbb nowadays bnyk benda tak elok happens. so.. that makes me think to work harder kumpul $$ to kawin. hmm.. if org lain blh lak move out.. smp time i sumer tak blh..not fair tau..

btw.. it is the last day of the month. then dec 2007. few more days b4 year 2008. may next year will become another good story. insya-Allah. semlm hubby ckp kena pg t'ganu tp tadi die ckp tak jadi lak. actually i was kind of sad sbb die nk pegi jauh tp sbb die ckp nak cr experience so i pk takpela. for our benefits as well... hmmm....

may all of you have a wonderful weekend. =)

Sunday, November 25, 2007


hmmm...after a long lepaking hours yesterday at hartamas. i don't expect to have staff bday celebration as well at the bar but it's oklah.. having fun at the end of the week. btw, ery did not go coz she tak larat. n she said today she got this kursus kawin to attend. hhmm... takpela.. sumtimes juz wonder ..i lagi la.. i used to sleep late as well n kena bangun awal the next day but if i got any event will try my best to go. then, celebrated gonz's fren's bday. he is 27. then, to the teh tarik stall til almost 2. got home cleaned up and sleep.

but today, surprisingly i woke up around 9.30am. quite early rite. hehe..sumbody woke me up. that's y la. but i don't feel tired or have not enuf sleep. took bath, branch trus then balik coz mum said nak balik kampung today. coz tomoro nenek is having the kenduri arwah for atuk. it's 100 days already. sumtimes, til now still teringatkan atuk. his words, jokes, himself. so the best way i can do if teringatkan dia is to baca Al-Fatihah. Mudah-mudahn rohnya dicucuri rahmat. -Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin-

tapi tak jadi balik kampung coz bob buat hal. die kuar since tgh hari n tak balik2 smp 12 midnite. so..my dad sudah pukul n hentam same die. ade pukul gune payung lagi kat kaki. i rasa kesian kat die tapi as what hubby told me, that should teach him a lesson. boys especially nowadays need those to keep them on-track coz skang bnyk budak youngsters ni dah lost. he cannot msk dlm. kena sleep kat luar. dad suruh coz die marah sgt. i nak buka pintu tapi dad tak kasi. hhmmm.. worry la.. hopefully esok die dh ok.

so i lak takleh nak sleep. nak tunggu hubby habis lepaking with kengkawan dia. i pun surf la net n downloaded a few songs n currently listening to them while singing. hehehe... hopefully jap lagi i can sleep. ohh..kno wat.. i went for a jog previously at 5.30pm with farid. nearby only. 2 rounds of jogging n 2 rounds of walking. oklah.. rasa lebih sihat.. hehe.. nak tambah kan stamina. pastu to make myself feel better. dah lame tak kuar peluh.. so rasa syok bile dh jog ni. blood circulation pun becomes better.

Friday, November 23, 2007


yaay..it's already weekend. a few more hours b4 i blh balik n haf fun. i'll be having no class tomoro as my lecturer is out of town for training. i got staff dinner tonite. will be going there with eryn. i'm at the training centre but now i'm having a tea break. hehe.. nvm la.. will continue to story more when i have the free time alrite. chiow!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


the week is almost over. my last post was on tuesday. eerrmm guess so. yesterday, finished the last bit of the report b4 i hand over to my fren before i went for training. so, i'll get back in d office on monday. got home quite late. but since i was a little tired i slept early. at first wanted to spend some time on the phone with hubby then at last tak jadi. it's like dah lame tak gayut kat phone. hopefully tonight i dpt la kn. today, i got training. it is out of office but stil in town. i took train to the place. i woke up around 6.30am. then, clean up, had my breakfast.. time to keja train. i wa lucky coz once i reached the station, the train almost arrive. so kelam kabut la gi beli tiket. i tanye kat cashier tu sempat tak sempat tak.. he pun kelam kabut..hahaha..sori.. i met my colleague at sentral, then both of us same2 gi to that place la. b4 that janji to meet another colleague at starbucks. he is from puchong. he took bus. so that's y he reached there earlier than us. through out the class, i learned many new things regarding formulas n functions. to do with our work. will try to apply those new formulas in my worksheets. but towards the end, i tend to get a little confused coz too many functions in one cell. if, and, or, left, right, len, find .... after class, went to jalan2. eryn nak tgk langsir if ade. tapi survey tak banyak options la. told her to go to jalan TAR for more options. or if not tempah je. masa nak balik.. i tell u..pack sgt dlm train. like sardine. kesian this lady depan i. die pregnant n ppl keep pushing.. haiya..lastly i reached home ard 7.45pm. what a tiring day for me. not so on the class tapi nak berebut train. balik resy, ckp fon kejap then had my hot bath.. haahh...baru lega..scrub sane scrub sini.. syok tau.. hehehe... then time for dinner before tunggu hubby's yurn at 10.45pm. oklah..that's all for now. time to go..

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

mid of d week

hi..it's me again. completed the day with satisfaction. not really 100% but oklah. alhamdulillah. manage to go through one more day. thanx to God. today. i don't see sunshine when i get out from office coz it was raining. guess it already stopped while i'm typing this. i'm hungry la. blum dinner lagi. most probably in a short while. hehehe... tomoro will be the last day of working day for me coz i'm going for training the next 2 days. my colleague said.. wah. best la.. minggu ni keje tiga hari je.. sort of a break from work la. tapi not really bercuti.. i'm going for training n hopefully i can adapt it in my work to make it more easier especially if u involved with excel almost everyday.. so it will really be helpful if i can apply those new stuff i will be learning this coming days. yesterday nite, i watched the shaggy dog n the perfect match. it's like cute. n that guy in the perfect match.. certain angle of him is sexy.. hehe.. don't tell my hubby.. nnt die jeles.. haha.. takpe.. but my hubby is much more sexier kan.. hubby.. agree with me? ;)

Monday, November 19, 2007

lecture is almost done..

holla.. remember that previously i told that my lecture to my colleague on the reports left only 1? so.. tinggal roughly 80% lagi. then consider lecture is done. hehe... i'm feeling a little better today. last nite stil took ubat flu. n last nite i tido dkt hall. my cousin came by coz his parent is going sumwhere for 2 days. so, i gave the bed to him n i slept outside coz i can't stand the cold in the other room. hehe.. last time, my fren used to say, hey u studied abroad b4 but y can't u stand the cold in m'sia. haha.. i said bcoz the weather here la. there continuously cold.. n here sekejap cold sekejap panas.. n i tend to get flu or fever.. syian kan i..

hubby wanted to stay home today tapi he finally decided to go out. but from his voice he doesn't sound good. told him to go n see doctor. hopefully he is recovering real soon. take care baby.. love u alwiz..

juz had my lunch with colleague. today my group had to be separated coz the seats are fully occupied. might be it is before the salary time so everyone is saving by eating indoor rather than spending time outside. coz going out need $ for fuel, need $ for food and need $ for parking. well, it is all ended up $ $ $.. told my self n hubby not to be a slave to $. starting work soon. so gtg now.. will catch up with ya later. chow!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

pening la i..

wasn't feeling that good. fever and flu. i think i juz had flu recently n it took bout 3 weeks before i finally recover. tapi by last friday i kena flu n sore throat. yesterday i had fever. so i took my medication already. now feeling a bit better. it's juz that now i don't feel like seeing anybody.. at the moment only. mood is stil not okay.

earlier of the day, mum told me bout a story which i feel is not right. it's usual for parents to bercerita with their frends what they're child is earning when working n how much their contribution towards them every month. so, she sounded like what i'm giving her actually is not enough. it's like alaa... ape blh buat with that sum of $. for me i don't care how much i give as long as i give. rather than some ppl with big income each month tapi takde pun nak bagi kat their parents. so i told my mum.. this is what i can afford to give at this moment. i ckp if i don't have enough $ pun, i'll try to give her seberapa yg blh. so, biarlah org lain nk ckp ape kan.. they don't know what i'm going through currently. tp i juz rs unfair. y my mum must ckp kat i sorang je.. kenape die tak ckp kat anak2 die yg lain yg keje jgk yg earn more than me.

i told her of my plan to move out. i rasa tension sekarang tau dgn situation rumah. like what i always think, i ni dh terlalu lama dok kat umah. so ppl dh get bored. sume pun org nak blaim i. i bosan tau. that's y sumtimes i pk.. it's better i blk lmbt. so at least bile i blk lmbt, i got home, mandi, have dinner then tido. next morning wake up. so my time sebenarnye tak bnyk kat umah. so takde nk kaco org lain..arrgghh.. boring la...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

big girls don't cry

bet u must haf listen to that song by fergie. well, it gives a different meaning for each n every one of us. but what it is trying to say is "big girls don't cry" haha.. that song is also telling me that i'm a big girl now n don't cry. hahaha... but sometimes we do need to cry. depends on the situation..

hhmmm.. weekend it here again. most probably saturday's class is my last class. i'm having a trial exam. i did my very best. it doesn't really come out exactly like the one from the book. it needs a lot of thinking n evaluating. at the same time, it should make sense. will arrange for a personal appointment with my lecturer to discuss on this matter. but he will be away till 4 dec then 10 dec my final exam already. will try n do my best. i already told my boss that i'll be on leave on the first week of dec. permission granted. but my colleagues need to come to work on saturday to start processing for month-end. pretty sure got a lot of work rite.. BOD meeting will be the second week of the month. n by that time i juz got back fr leave. so camne nak buat kan. so, i'll try my best to assist my colleague on the reports needed by BOD. so far so good. left with one more report b4 i can consider "lecture is done" hahaha.. ;)

so, will use the time i have smartly. 1st attempt rite. will study hard n pray. to huBby hopefully he will also success in his path that he has chosen. i can see him as someone with a strong spirit inside him. juz at times when he was so tense, it will affect his mood. that currently affect me as well. wish him all the best.

farid, in the middle of final exam before blh masuk university. tu lagi sorang. pening kepala. tadi wish him all the best n tak pressure dia la.. as long he passes his exam itu dah cukup baik.

dad out for golf. donno what time blk. k la.. time to go.. adios..!! haf a nice day.. !!

Friday, November 16, 2007

it's friday

holla.. it's friday. 1 more day b4 my trial xm. juz had lunch with frenz.. it's pretty cold in here. already put on my sweater. but i don't feel rite. later going to buy strepsils. hopefully it's ok. planning on what to do after clas tomoro. hhmmm... will ask hubby's opinion later la.

oklah..time to go. will continue typing. btw..i kind of no mood la today.. but i should have mood rite since it's weekend la.. takpe la.. will gain that mood slowly. guess so it's quite cold. nak sleep!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

a happy day

hello.. hi.. holla.. i'm pretty happy today. syoknye.. eventhough my perut is stil sakit tapi i mmg happy. i got home at 6.45pm after checking out from office at 6pm. my accounts is consider closed so tomoro can start to prepare fs. btw.. tomoro my task is to teach my new colleague how the report works. so, hopefully she understands what i'm trying to tell.

already had my makan. had daging masak kicap, sambal tumis telur ans ikan bilis goreng. kenyang la.. n guess that's what make me happier. plus tadi i talked to hubby on the phone for a while. he is sumwhere at the event he is managing. previously, i wrote a bday card for my old fren. she's turning 24 next wednesday. so tot of posting the card tomoro or latest by friday.

dad's not home yet. he said got a lot of work to do. oh.. my bro get scolded by mum. due to his final exam results. told him jgn banyak main game. n now see what happen. next year nak PMR. wait til along sees his papers sure kena bebel panjang lebar. org dh pesan tapi tak nak dgr.. so, mum said, next year no prefects no rugby no games... everything sibuk je but bout studies tak nak tak port.. bile i marah je.. die marah balik. so i'm not that garang kot.. ntahlah.. tau la die nnt. b4 dad bising he better do sumthing bout it.

lps ni.. i nak main game then nak sambung baca buku. wish me luck fr trial this saturday. =)


aiikk.. i thought sudah change la tapi it seems like tak change pun.. takpe la.. nnt nak check skali lagi.. hubby.. need your favour.. adios!

testing.. huh?

what is that all about.. actually i changed the time zone according to the place where i am leaving currently..so i wanted to check out whether the date of journal is the same as the date when i typed it. so.. after changing sudah same la sekarang..

i got a very stomach pain.. can't help it so i took panadol on monday as well as tuesday. today is wednesday rite so most prob i'll take another tablet.. sakit la.. nak nangis =( hubby ckp while i'm at work i might forget bout it but donno la.. will try not to think bout it..

these few days traffic is quite massive. i thought skool holidays started n supposed to be quite clear. tapi dunno y traffic quite bad. plus it is raining. lagi la worse. but as a good driver, i drive carefully n to keep a distance fr the car in front of me.. how good am i rite? hahaha...

oklah.. time to go now.will write summore if i have more time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007

i'm sad

i'm bored n sad at the same time. some ppl in this world will only see their 'not so big' deeds but hoping others to give a BIG appreciation to them. i've been through such a hard time between may to november last year which i dealt with tears often. n the person i can share this besides my brothers is faiz. i've shared so many things with him. that's y i said, they don't see the big deeds me n bros did but what they see is the small thing they did and seems like they r the only one doing it. that's normal. but today i can't take it what she said to me n that's y i cried like nobody's business. she's been acting really weird these few weeks. i've already told mum bout that.. mum said "biase lar.. if ppl got $$, others wanna b friends with them but when ppl have no $$, they'll get out of ur life" it's like.. menyampah nye.. lps ni.. i tau la nak buat ape.. will not seek for ur help bcoz nnt in d future kisah ungkit-mengungkit will happen. so the best way is i do it on my own.. not revenging but to teach lesson..

i haven't had my lunch yet. full with all the tears.. hahaha!!! =) later la.. going out soon so will eat la.. not sure where to. movie? shopping? or some other things? will decide later la. looks like it's goinf to rain. actually know what, i have this kind of feelings telling me that whenever i'm sad or down, the day will be the same. if i'm happy, it is going to be so bright n sunny day.. haha.. just co-incident rite.. yeah..that's true..

my brother is going for SPM tomorrow. wish him all the best. i plak yang rasa takut. told him to pray to God banyak2 and do his best for this exam. brother bob tak tau bile nak sedar he is sitting for his PMR next year.. tau la die.. nnt org bising2 die marah.. wish him all the best too..

and to myself... GOOD LUCK to me too coz i'm sitting for my exam next month. roughly like 30 more days to go. i haven't finish revising my topics. and one thing for sure i have trial exam this coming saturday. insya-Allah will do my best.

to my dearest hubBy, GoOd LuCk to u too in ur consulting line.. jgn give up. i will always pray for u. n as ppl always say " nak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih "

Thursday, November 8, 2007

public holiday

today is thursday n it is public holiday due to Diwali Celebration. i woke up ard 10am. hehe..as usual if it is weekend or when ever i'm on leave. if not i must already wake up by 6.30am. i felt a little sleepy n dizzy. guess so, i had too much sleep yesterday. n bcoz i had too much sleep, i had a few of unwanted dreams. aarrgghh..that's juz dreams right. so, next time, must recite prayer b4 going to bed.

i'm fasting today. together with sis n bro in law. dad told that his fren is having an open hse today fr 12 til 6pm but for sure i can't go coz i cannot eat. takpela.. next time.. mum will cook for our break fasting dishes. she went to the wet market this morning. most probably one of the dishes will be chicken.

i wanted to go shopping la. but guess so not this time. must wait for hubby due to some reason. it's almost towards the end of year so i think there must be some sale since x-mas is also ard the corner. hmm..then, next month la. so at least with year end bonus, i can buy extra things.. hehehe.. funny me..

Monday, November 5, 2007

monday blues..contd..

sorry..sorry.. tadi i was on the phone for a while. so that's y i stop typing. i online ngan who else if not my hubby.. after a happy n wonderful weekend that i had, today i must get back to work. as usual..mondays used to be argghh a boring day. but today i manage to go through it happily.

i woke up at 6.30am. took my bath, pray, then breakfast, as usual..my fav first meal of the day milo n roti gardenia. send farid to school then off to work. at first i tot the traffic quite bad coz ppl seems to rush things on monday.. tapi tak lah.. i reached my office at 8am. only bout 30 min drive. not many ppl arrived but my colleague that sits next to my cube came earlier than me as usual.. dunno what time she arrived. have a chit - chat with her of what she did during the weekend until la she told me that she fall dekat entrance of our office. the lasy was cleaning the marble floor due to the raya celebration (i guess) sbb oily, so.. die pun gi jalan kat sane. then unfortunate for her.. she fell.. terlentang.. kesian her. told her to sape minyak angin to make the pain relief.

today..i cam takde mood nak makan nasi. i took rice with sup ayam, potato n kicap. pastu ayam tak habis. muak tau.. then.. borak2 with lunch mates then blk ofis. i bought sweets n asam tapi towards the end, tak makan pun. so dlm keta on the way back..i pun mengunyah la..

hari ni hubby ckp die pegi jog. n he did something for his work which i congratulate him. wish him all the best.. n today.. my dad pun cam comel.. hehe... alaa.. abah ni... hehehe.. mum tgh main ngan my niece. wah!! nak tau tak adik fay ni dah pandai gelak2..jerit2..geramnye kat die..tapi sekarang die kurang sihat..ade flu.. my mum pun dh ok sket kot.. i pun alhamdulillah selsema dh kurang. tapi kena banyak makan sayur la.. pastu kena take Vitamin C. hehe.. takpela...lps ni i sambung makan balik..hari tu je malas. apsal tah..

so.. oklah..i nak tgk tv.. chiow!

monday blues..

well.. today is monday but maybe for some part of the world it is only sunday or early morning of tuesday.. i just got back from work about 2 hrs ago.. took my shower then pray then dinner.. before that, i n farid nyanyi2 dekat baby fay.. haha..

oklah.. nnt i akan sambung lagi..

Sunday, November 4, 2007

it's my birthday

P. Ramlee Musical Theater

Finally, dapat jgk tgk teater ngan hubby. I've been asking him for so many times nak gi tgk teater tapi he said he is bz. at last dpt jgk and he said surprised for my birthday.. hehe.. thanks so much.. i really enjoyed the show.. n if boleh nak tgk lagi sekali.. thanx yang.. =)


hello everyone..

my 2nd post after creating a blog for myself. my name is Noor Aziatulshima Binti Jalil and you can call me Shima for short. I was born on 3rd November 1983 in Johor Bahru. I have 2 elder sis whom i called Along and Yan. My 2 younger brothers yang sometimes sssooo.. annoying, whom i called Farid and Bob. I live in JB for almost 6 years b4 my dad got transfered to PJ. Then, i had my education in Tadika Pertiwi in KJ and proceed to Assunta Primary then Secondary school in PJ as well. Until i was form 5. Habis SPM, tough decisions to make ie; where to pursue my tertiery education n to do what course that is in my interest.

Pusing2 i decided on 1 thing. ACCOUNTING. tapi blum decide nak sambung kat mane. that time i also dah kenal Muhamad Faiz Marican Bin Mubarak, my beloved hubby. So same2 decided to go to KYPM @ Cheras tapi then his dad tak kasi plak. so i kat sane sorang2 la. he further his studies in UiTM. That time..sket2 nak nangis.. tapi we take it as a challenge. n now i think i know why we did not go to the same college. there must be a reason, why it did not turn out to be what we have planned.

From there.. life goes on..

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

my blog

haha... having my own blog.. will keep posting everyday as i used to do b4..