Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas

merry christmas to evryone and happy new year!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


wow.. a month is almost over. and yet i havent really post anything in my blog which i love to do so for like these few months. expressing and writing sumthing wat i like most. well lets just continue. but here i want to state why do i dont have the time to actually blog. but nvm.. just proceed with my updates.

1st week of december

i was alone through the weekend coz my dearest husband went for a convention at jelebu. so on friday after work straight away went home to mum's. and besides the sad sad part..on that morning we went for the first check up for my baby in the tummy. i'm already at that particular moment 9 weeks 5 days. through out the scanning session, we can see the baby is moving about. wow how it is so miracle. God's creation. then ade worried part sket. tang my sugar level. a lil bit high and maybe ade kuman. so i kene pegi the next urine test scheduled the week after that.

2nd week of december

i was left alone again as this time hubby needs to go outstation. this time it is a lil bit longer. so i was left alone and sad. tapi tak tau la hubby i tu. maybe die suke kan pegi jauh2 from his wife. ntahla.. mengade2 feelings i ni. pastu talking bout the urine test.. haa... i was prescribed a type of medication sbb ade kuman. pastu kene minum banyak air kosong. at least 2 litre a day. wow that's quite a lot. tapi lame2 sampai skang dah bole minum la air kosong sket2. hehe...

3rd week onwards..

my beloved husband is at home.. we spend our time together. i sangat2 miss kat die. tak tau la die tapi katanye die miss i jgk. ntahla.. tapi i tau die miss i kan yang kan..

now i am on holiday. xmas holiday. hohohoho!!


owhh talking bout baby.. i am now 12 weeks already. wow cepatnye masa berjalan. dh dekat 3 bulan.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

december~ it is here already

beginning of d month is abah's bday. wished him thru sms. then he replied sumthing funny "abah mulai 1 dec ni dh jadi org awam" then i was like eh kitorang ni bukan orang awam ke?kitorang orang awam la tp diff nye kitorang keje tp tu je la. lain2 semua same. bukannye we all ni fall under category pemerintah. aishh..mcm2. then siap tanye lg takde hadiah ke?ucapan je?haha..kelako la bapak aku ni. sis pun said d same thing coz she also got d same sms as me. hehe.. talks bout new mth. now practically bz ngan month end kt sini. juz sumtimes wonder camne nk tuka attitude diorang ni. tak kumpul bnyk2 skali then post. nnt yg pening org yg receive nk check plak kan. 2day i ade termun wek2 wek2. kena baju kurung. dh cuci tp ade bau susu lagi. was a bit uncomfortable.

talking bout being emotional. i skang mmg tgh emo. malas nk layan semua org. i juz got things to say bout my husband. i know he is currently bz doing jobs finding extra $ for his wife n future kids tp kan sometimes he juz lost his attention to me. few times i terasa tp i bukannye ape. bukan nk lebih2. tp kdg2 tu a simple sms/call/email during day at work shud b sweet enuf. dh tau kn i ni pregnant. sumtimes tanye la i ok ke tak. muntah ke tak? dh mkn ke blum? hmm..maybe i am too emotional kn. n then calls i received fr him bnyknye worriedness. bukan la tak leh nk share ngan i. blh..i ni kn ur wife. tp smp i rs ade gud news or sumthing funny pun die tak cite kt i. might be tu diff kawan n wife kot. he is diff when at home n wif frens. sumtimes ade jgk wonder kenape dgn i bnyk diam je. tak suka i ke? pas2 nnt i kena marah. and i pun dh lame tak dgr die call/sms me sumthing sweet. bile i ckp kt die n ask he tried to make my qs funny. tp usually i tau bile tgh couple guy mmg camtu. so sweet. bile dh kawin tak sweet.ntah la. btul ke? kalo salah mesti kena hentam. biarla.. let it be. i malas nk layan. sumtimes being silence is better than anything. haishh.. sori 4 i am being too emotional.

Monday, November 30, 2009

last day of the month

i guess tis wil b the last post for the month n meaning tis month is d least no of post that i posted on my blog. not that i takde time but my condition require me to rest n melepek je kt umah. tgk tv. raya haji juz passed. wishing evry muslim selamat hari raya aidiladha. we went back to klg on thurs nite. tp sat nite dh blk our hse. nk rest kt umah on sunday. tp sat n sun i a bit kesian. i wek..wek..muntah smp ade color brown kuar. tak tau tu blood ke tak tp i am worried k. hopefully n insya-Allah takde pape. hubby ckp mayb satu sbb throat i dh luke sbb bnyk kali wek2. satu sbb lg mayb sirap yg i minum kt uptown semlm. kemain merah lg color die. smp cam ade stain kt gigi i. hehe.

my baby today dh 9 weeks. meaning dh nk msuk 3 bulan. borak ngan hubby kire2 6 bulan lg nk deliver. tak decide mane lg sebenarnye tp skang dh ade 2 tmpt dlm my mind. 2day wil find some info on the places.

btw,told my boss already that i am preggie. hehe. rs lega sket. he juz pesan sabar n take a lot of rest. he also congratulate me. hehe. i mula2 takut gak tp i kene bg tau kt die kn. coz i report to him. thnx anyway.

another great news. ape yg i ckp sumthing big is on d way yg i cite i dh sign tu. jeng jeng jeng. iaitu kereta saya. vivalicious which is in white color. sgt tatek..hehe..i mean cantek la. tp x sempat snap2 pic. nnt dh dpt i post it k. k la. i nk g lunch break. kang ade time i smbung blk. bye.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

mid of the month

the last post was on 6th and toda it is 14th of the month of november already. sekejap je rasa. tau2 i dh 2 weeks pun bekeja di rhbim. hehe... so far alhamdulillah i boleh cope la. cume sometimes ade attitude ofis mate yg menjengkelkan. [learned the word from hubby] my baby is 7 weeks already. actually i already register myself in the pregnancy community called www.babycentre.com.my basically banyak jgk info i get from this web site from the food, taking care during pregnancy, vitamins and supplement needed and lots more. i even shared some of the info with my dearest hubby. n know wat hubby i sgt chommel. die almost every nite b4 go to sleep die akan talk with the baby. hehehe... pastu kalo i cam ade sickness or loya2 die ckp kat baby "Jangan kaco mummy at work k" hehehe... bile i tgk his behaviour i senyum and gelak sengsorang. how thankful and happy and glad i am... REALLY REALLY glad okay. this morning i woke up then i hugged my hubby kiss kiss die ckp i am soooo happy and he is mine and i am his. so lovely. =)

sumthing sweet to be shared. on thursday i wasnt feeling good to eat. so he cooked tis fish dish for me. asam fish. no name yet to be given. he upgraded it from his mum and dad recipe. hehehe.. thanks a lot dear. really appreciate it. love u so much.

n today saturday. i dh signed and insya-Allah it is coming soon okay. lets wait til next week. adios amigos.

p/s: ysterday i watched spread acted by ashton kutcher. alamak comelnye and hensemnye die. tapi cite tu dirty sket i mean. free sex la. btw, enjoyed the show.

Friday, November 6, 2009

first day at RHBIM

i've started my work on 2nd nov. and no lies i do feel nervous. to be seeing new people, how is the work flow, n politics of course. btw, wishing for the best here. i woke up quite early. feeling excitedly. roughly dlm 730 dh kuar umah. sampaidlm 820am. pretty early. got my parking. pastu breakfast ngan kak maziah before being introduced to the team. well, pretty nice people la so far i dh keje sane. keje pun okaylah. bleh paham. hehehe..makan so far okay. cume ade time tu i loya2 nak wek..wekk.. siap beli asam nak bagi tekak sedap. my place okay pretty big tapi peli sket sebab die takde cubicle. just meja and i bertentang ngan orang depan. cam pelik sket tapi must get used to it. boss kate nk renovate tempat tu. furniture baru, carpet baru, lampu baru. takpe asalkan selesa bekerja kan. okaylah selamat bekerja di tempat baru.

i'm pregnant

omg.. cam tak percaya kan that is wat is really really really happening..alhamdulillah.. simptoms: period was late, a bit cramped around tummy n breasts, gets tired in a short while and alwiz feeling so hungry. so on the 31st october, dad in law called his doctor and told me to go and see her. so the nxt day we went together. masuk2 je bilik doctor, i kena trus wat urine test tapi i dh squad squad tapi tak nak shi shi. so doctor said go n drink first then come back. so i pun minum la almost half botol air pastu rasa nk shi shi dh mai. tunggu tunggu test result, doctor panggil. "congratulations" "sudah ade" i plak haa.. ape dh ade.. wah tersenyum2 suke. muka hubby time tu memang happy giler and i wonder wat does he feel at that time. he said rasa nk nangis tapi takleh nak nangis. suddenly rasa so lapang kat dada n mind rasa soo peaceful. kejadian ciptaan Ilahi. sangat menakjubkan. lepas tu session calling calling family. they seems to be happy as well. n thanx all for ur support.

~ a new venture of life is beginning with dearest husband ~

... Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, berikanlah aku kekuatan dan ketabahan dalam melalui tempoh mengandung ini. Semoga kesihatan yang baik diberikan kepada ku dan bayi dlm kandungan. Aku juga memohon semoga selamat dalam melahirkan anak dan juga mudah. Aminn ...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

so many things to say in one post

but today is my birthday. i will share with you all about it ok..
3rd november 1983. now i am 26 years old.
semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

it's over at AMTB

yep... my official last day was supposed to be yesterday but insisted by 2 ppl that i should help around through out month end. so with courtesy i came n to my surprise, the kakak takde until like 1145am. i was about to go at 12 noon. pastu cabut. semalam kemain lagi cakap i need ur help tapi hari ni lain citer, so takpela.. i pun gi jalan2.. jumpa people yang i liaise with...cakap sori.. kalo ade pape in terms of work or my behaviour yang i dh offended mereka. hehehe.. ayat kemain lagi. pastu kemas2 setel things pegi HR. got the letters and then went for lunch with x-colleagues. well, thanx a lot for treating me.

yesterday got farewell for me la after work. potong kek chocolate indulgence. wow! yummy.. shedapp shangat.. pastu listed below are some gifts from them. glasses, kasut crocs putih. hehe.. chocolates, frame, handbag fendi tu and quran kecik. tapi wait a minute. mane i letak quran tu. omigod kene carik la. apara la i. pastu b4 balik today...siap orang ckp kalo ade gud news let them know la ok. keep in touch..alah..touching touching plak. tapi tadi kan masa nak salam kak siti rasa cam sebak la plak. apala i. die pesan be a good girl ok.

lepas lunch i terus rasa pening. dizzy sangat. pastu plak call la hubbybertuah tu nk ngadu. die takde kat tmpt die. pastu tak return my call. i ter'emo' la plak kat umah. hhmm... i drive je slowly. malas nk cakap banyak. fon pun tggl one bar that time. sampai kat umah dlm 3.30pm. lepak2 tgk tv,lipat kain pastu ingat nak basuh telekung. terus teringat alamak beg telekung i tertinggal kat ofisnye surau la. takpe... esok ke ape nnt i gi amik. see how.. hisshh so careless la i ni. oklah i nak meng"farmville" chiow!!

to amtrustee..thanx for all the lessons, guidance and advices given. will keep it as good memories. and to the new employer rhb investment... insya-Allah will work hard for it and gud luck to myself for future undertaking.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

picnic @ pantai kelanang

last sat's activity. really enjoyed myself n i had so much fun.


i wasn't sure where and was the right time and place at the moment but i practically feel that at the moment. i wasn't liking wat i was feeling at that time. too many things in head n heart beating gets faster n faster. mm.. guess we were on the way to sumwhere to 7e or either on the way home from 7e. so few of songs seems to be playing on-line. and it all reminds me of those time which i dont like. isshh..bukannye sengaje nk ingat ok. tapi slowly when the nite goes on i can free my mind frm the things i dont like to know. well, basically lessons learned are important here. got to be more matured and thinking wisely. that's true aite.. ok enuf bout the wek feelings n thoughts. am currently listening to imeem. dewa's listings. best gak layan malam2. hehe..

husband out for a meeting with tunestone. he's on the way home tapi nak gi beli burger dulu. i'm hungry la yang. busyuk i pun lapar. hehehe..padahal tadi masing2 dh makan.hmm..hm..

well today is official last day at amtb. but tomoro 2 ladies insisted me to come to help out on the closing. but wil only be half day. then i'm of. basically i also got things to setel with HR. bukan la ape. nak submit exit questionnaire, ID, amik letter tonew HR. semalam yes i was bengang [amat bengang ngan management i] sangatla bz body tapi i dh malas nk citer. biarla..dengan die.. malas nk pk lagi. buat kusut kepala je. tapi ape2 yang happened in amtb akan dijadikan sebagai pengajaran untk meneruskan kehidupan di masa depan. insya-Allah, n my motto sekarang "life must go on" and please analyse with ur heart n mind b4 u b doing anything.

p/s: hari ni saya wat laundry 2 kali. ehehehe.. rajin la plak kan. bukan ape. laundry basket dh full la.i rimas tau.. kah..kah..kahh.. off now. sayonara...

Monday, October 26, 2009

something big gonna arrive soon

hhmm..hhmm..tak sabar kan nak tau. hehehe... i lagi la tak sabar. well, got to be more stories next time. hari ni online kejap je sbb nak fill exit questionnaire je. oklah nite.
finally i dh reveal wat is that that is soo sooo sooo surprise.. hehehe.. well, bought this after a few sessions of checking out, surveying n discussion with parents. basically dad la. mum is alwiz agreed with wat we r choosing. so far alhamdulillah. juz nk pk pasal plate number je. hhmm..kusut kusut..oklah nak kemas2. chiow!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

1st weekend after raya

bulan syawal telah pun sampai ke penghujungnye. meaning no more open houses. and peoples activity during weekend is either back to normal or more exciting things to do. well for me, it is new journey for me as i am now married. so after this there will be more things for me to explore with my dearest husband. yes..we got so many years to celebrate those wonderful events together and i am sooo excited n glad to have the opportunity to do that with en faiz. love him so much..

today's activity will be sumthing extra ordinary sket. this morning i n hubby went for a jog at stadi. whusshh! dh lame tak berjogging. terasa letih sket la and i tadi brape round dh pancit. hehehe.. tapi i rasa that is my level. takleh force. kang lain plak jadinye. hehehe.. jap gi nak gi tgk keta i. nak test drive sekali, pastu nak gi wash n blow rambut.. mesti syok rasa kene paper harini. pastu hubby nak gi thai massage then petang nk gi picnic ngan cousins hubby. banyaknye nk buat ni tapi takpe takpe.. syok..isshh.sooo exciting.. bestnye. woohoo! nnt i upload gambar ye ape yang i wat hari nie ye.

tgk tu hubby kat sebelah. nak baca plak. malu la..nanti la kalo nk baca biar i takde sebelah. hehehe..i baru mandi ni. syok nye. badan rasa ringan. dh bersih. dh wangi. sape busuk sile ketepi sket eh. hahaha..

Thursday, October 22, 2009

a week to be update

weehoo.. it's thursday already. i was on leave yesterday. so syok. rasa dh lame tak on leave. previously was mc not feeling well.. setakat ni alhamdulillah sehat hendak-Nya. aminn. today was raining pretty heavy during the day. and today also hubby sent n picked me up from ofis. thanx a lot. in the evening had pizza in the car.. and to my wonder we can actually finished the regular pizza. new flavour, classified chicken. after eating haa now it taste a lil bit like the burger king mushroom burger. however i love the pizza too. a new variant to be tasted accross the day.wat a cool ending day. love it so much. came home cleaned up i cooked sup ayam n nasi putih.hhmm..tapi blum makan lagi. tnggu hubby mandi.. he went in like 940 tapi dh kul 10 blum kuar lagi. mesti tgh shave eh.. hehehe.. hhmm hhmm.. sebenarnye nak upload gambar kawin dlm facebook. smp sekarang tak la update update. ishh lambat sungguh. hahaha.. dh 2 bulan kite kawin. ape rasanye skang ni eh? hhmm...banyak lagi ye rasa bende2 baru. rasa nak belajar hidup bersama. masak.. kemas umah..basuh baju n treating my dearest husband to my best capability...

yaay! weekend is towards the beginning. enjoying it to the max coz nak gi survey keta. yoohoo!! well... was really happy sbb dh nak start keje baru next month. alhamdulillah.. semoga murah rezeki, sihat amin..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

angin dalam perut

i was on medical leave on tuesday. right after breakfast dh rasa tak tentu arah. rasa loya pastu sengal+sakit sampai ke belakang. then relax la kejap. pastu ingat dh okay. shortly after that muntah. habis ape yang i makan time brekfast tu kuar. syian i kan. rasa nk nangis ok. hubby pun kene postpone lmbt sket pegi keje. sowee.. dh la die ade convention kat sunway. sorang lak tu. die kene inform kawan die to cover kejap. hhmm.. then pegi clinic he accompanied me then send me home to mum's house. i rest je la kat umah mum. doctor cakap i gastrik ni. die bagi i makan bubur je. jgn minum coffee, nescafe, teh, n if ade cirit birit jgn minum susu. sayur+buah pun takleh makan. juz for the 2 days la. so i rest at home. dad pun tak sehat. die pun dh mc dua hari. mum then cooked sup daging. lps makan ubat i pun tido je la kat sofa. until like 430pm. bangun mata terkelip2 wondering where am i. call hubby. die stil kat sunway. tapi shortly lps call die dh sampai umah. nak amik wife balik umah eh. ingat nak stay umah mum. hehe ;) lps prayer, kemas2 barang dine kejap [perut dh kurang sakit] we gerak balik. tapi singgah studio abang boy kejap. nak kena hantar cd gambar. abg boy nye studio siap ade dog la. besar k. cam anjing polis. takut i. rasanye die atas sket dari peha i. kalo berdiri 2 kaki maybe boleh sampai bahu i or telinga. isshh..color hitam. lucky kene ikat. huhu..siap barking la kat we all. balik tu tgk tv. hubby nak siapkan design die. so die duk dalam bilik tu sengsorang. biarla. shortly i visit je la tapi room tu bau okok. bau terkuhup. tak tahan duk lame2. then the nite i tido dulu lps makan ubat. owhh kno wat by 11 camtu i lapar. so masak nasi n goreng telur. yummy yummy. letak kicap. apa la psal lapar balek ni. isshh isshh.. tido dlm 1230. bangun awal. dlm 615am. pastu hari hujan. mula dh rasa moody sket sbb dh lambat. tapi takpe la. ingt naik lrt kat pj pastu hubby ckp takpe he send i kat kl sentral. thanx anyway. pastu semlm kat ofis i emo. ntah pape ntah. hehe.. jgn ikut sangat. tak elok k. oklah think so that's all for now. chiow!

Monday, October 12, 2009

eating time~

makan2 event was made at my homme. after confirmation from both mum n mum-in-law, they were agreed to come on saturday. we get confused on wat to cook for the makan2. so las2 we have decided on kuah lontong/lodeh, ayam masak merah, ikan sweet sour, nasi impit & kuah kacang. after work decided to shop for all this barang masak tapi last2 kan tak jadi pegi. we all tetido. dgn tak mandinye. dgn baju ofis lagi tu.haisshh... ape yg penat sgt tu gamaknye.. =) sampai la the next morning. we all bgn pretty early. around 733am. bangun tgk2 ape yang nak masak. pastu prepare ie potong potong bawang, halia, serai, sayur, tempe n few other things la. pastu hubby gi cari ayam n other barang yang last minit order. he went out from 930 smp kul 11 baru balik. uisshh... lame gile.. *lesson here: to find n setel the baran2 masak the nite b4 d event so takde kelam kabut: * hehe.. pastu dh start masak kuah lontong. first time okay i masak lauk ni. i tgk resipi kat www.myresipi.com thanx for the resipi nway. rasa die tak lari la. sedap k. ehchewah masuk bakul angkat sendiri. tapi quite worried jgk. masa nk masak tu. tapi thnx to my dearest husband sbb tlg i masak. 2nd task is to masak ayam masak merah. i tgh goreng ayam 2nd batch where by my guest dah sampai. pastu mum in law yang tlg masak kuah ayam masak merah tu. pretty easy. takpe next time boleh try lagi. thank u thank u. then around 3 baru start makan. my sisn bros came early as well.. segan plak dtg awal sbb i ta setel things lagi. hubby pun last2 minit vacum rumah. haha... kire cpt gak die kemas umah eh. kuar kan pinggan glasses, sudu n garfu. tapi semua campur campur. colorful tapi takpe yang penting ikhlas untuk menjamu para tetamu. soon my parent came. then dad ckp sedap la kuah lontong i. tapi die ade mentioned kalo pekat sketlai sedap. hehe... nway thanx for the compliment aite evry1. towards ptg my sis in law n a fren of mine came. borak2. i was pretty happy yesterday. semua orang looked comfortable n happy being at my hse. walaupun kecik hopefully they dont mind. mmg full la umah i. dari hall ke kitchenke bilik. sume occupied. owhh..hubby relatives including nenek came from segamat. thanx and they all pun bwkkan sedikit makanan for us. so sweet.. hehe.. roughly guests balik around 730. lepak2 tgk upin ipin [i kindof liking the movie. n even cried watching it at the part where oopet has to go n leave his frens..huhu] farmville kejap before accompanying darling to ikea. he bought his meja n kerusi for our homme. kesian die tgk nak wat design bersila la.. meniarap la... cam cam style. so takpela beli satu set then hopefully boleh bagi kesenangan n keselesaan kepada die..busyuk i ni. kiss karang. around 11pm.. ared n his family came plak. beraya.. was a lil bit sleepy tapi kene entertain guests sbb diorang dtg beraya. thanx u all.. for coming to my house. hehe.. last2 we tido around 1 am. tak kemas ape sgt. juz simpan lauk2 sket dlm fridge. then gud nite malaysia.

we all bangun kemain lambat. myself around 1130am. hubby lagi lmbat ard 12noon. pastu die bangun looked like nk marah i n he said yang next time if weekend bgn awal la. rugi bangun lambat. sori. bukannye sengaje bangun lambat. maybe sbb letih the day before. pastu kan i start la kemas2 dapur sket. tapi tak fully kemas sbb nak pegi beraya. hari ni nak pegi umah sis in law. n then pegi umah cousin in law. [ade ke terms tu] haha.. i sgt la kenyang. masa kat umah sis in law [anne] she cooked nasi goreng cina, daging masak sarawak, ade puding n special dish "ayam cheese" she told me to try n i wil do so. already got the recipi. hehe cam syok plak nak masak ni. pastu kan my father in law terkunci kat dalam bilik after prayer. panic we all nak kluarkan die. dh la pintu tu takde kuncinye. pastu ntah mcm mane last2 bole buka plak. fuhh! lucky okay. almost 15 minutes k. pastu dgr anak buah husband i panggil atok..atok.. alahai.. keciannye. atok terkunci kat dalam bilik. roughly lps maghrib gerak gi umah abg boy. fara cooked mee kari. bole tahan sedap jgk la juz a bit pedas la. hehe.. makan satu mangkuk. ingat tak habis pastu towards the end habis kan la jgk. tu yang rasa cam ikan buntal. kenyang sgt okay. tgk tv lepak2. umah abang boy cantek k. combination of color hitam, merah n putih. so sexy. nway merah mmg sexy kan. huhu.. balik from his house ard 1030. smp umah ard 11. kemas2 ape yang patut. pastu time to sleep. ape yang tergendala siang tadi ie kemas dapur n umah tak sambung. biar je kat situ. mmg sepah giler la. hehehe...

wat an experience to me. cooking my own dish to jamu orang makan. haduisshh.. rasa sgt nervous. hehe..

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

check out my house

guess room..check out the curtain n bed sheet..nway it is cosy
it's my living hall..cantik kan.. ade langsir kiri kanan..
red room... cant really see coz it is dark. hehe..
our closet.. sumer baju simpan dlm ni. syok bile kemas ade almari.
blue room. weehoo.. cantik n cosy eh.. hehe..mesti rs nak tido.
kesan pertukangan hubby: cantik kan.. shelves diy bought at ikea
another kesan pertukangan hubby: also bought at ikea.. so useful.
thanx syg..
skang umah i dh cantik..

officially announced

my resignation was officially announced by sazali. my current supervisor. well, a lot of things has been discussed. bout people in amtrustee, the environment. basically a lot of things he shared with me. n to my surprised, when the legal people knew, they were like so not supportive. u know wat they said. buat penat je dtg inteviu sume pastu resign. tapi ye la i cam terkejut la plak. mentality org melayu macam tu ke? i mean we tuka2 job sebab nak lebih exposure and of course secara tak langsung money do play a role as well as position. tapi i wat tak tau sbb my main penyebab is for my career advancement.

upon announcing, i was going to made available the workload of my current position. to list out whatever is still outstanding. but yes of course, i have to make my work up to the mark wher ppl can catch up easily. well..gud luck. not penalising but "life has to go on" blaming each other wil not solve things so have to be good based on the right situation.

these few days been talking with mum on the fon. kind of miss my mum. kalo balik umah tis weekend, hopefully balik umah mama. hehe.. sowee.. manja plak tetibe ni.

tonite's menu is ayam goreng lumur ngan halia + bawang putih. i dh ngantuk la. my husband gi meeting blum balik lagi. kejap lagi la tu. drive carefully. nite. adios!

i've made my decision

i've resigned from my current position with current company. i tendered on 1st october giving 1 month notice. but nj gave me time to think bout my decision and asked me to think bout wat i want here. well after 3 days thinking, i've made up my mind and i am firmed with my decision. woosshh.. after that i felt sooo relief. but actually sumthing happened on d day i tendered my resignation. after sending n talking with my manager, i went out n cried. YES I SAID CRIED. i cant help myself. teruk gak i nangis smp hubby kene tenteramkan i over the phone. masa i tender i refresh back watever had happened thru out my career here at amtrustee. plus 2 very important occassion happened to me while i'm here working at amtrustee. my engagement n my wedding. but thinking rationally, i have to look forward. life has to go on. i am now a married woman. and i am now should be thinking positive and maturely. insya-Allah, semua akan berjalan dengan lancar. so as planned, my last day will be on 30th October 2009. may all the wonderful memories stil fresh in mind and all the bad things happened here to stay there at amtrustee. to amtrustee thanx again for the 1 year ++ tenure and to new company here i come.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

a very pack weekend for me

chop! i stop dulu sb nk mandi. hehehe..nt i sambung balik k. chiow!

saturday: i attended ptd exam which was held at bangi. it was d whole day exam from 9am to 4.30pm. actually i was like nak pegi ke tak nak pegi ke tak exam tu. i cam malas nk pegi. tapi last weekend dad sms n called regarding the exam. he opened the letter n told me bout the issue. by the way, i already knew bout it sumwhere in bulan puasa. i've received the sms asking for confirmation whether i want to go for it or not. i've decided yes back then. pastu dgn baca la ala kadar pegi la exam. there was 5 sections all together. omg soalan die susah ok. adoi.. but i did my very best la. tatau bile d result wil come out. pretty nervous. i did my extra 120% for both english and malay essay. but so far yang quite tricky is the first section and the iq test. ishh..isshh.. hubby send me there then he went back home. he tolong kemas umah ie vacum, mop and lap2 furniture. thanx dear. maybe friday or saturday ni i punye turn plak. pastu mintak favor die packing barang sbb nak balik kampung. woohoo! ade open house. habis exam gi makan pastu gi jpe mus kat the curve. dh lame gile tak jpe die. we lepak for like almost 2 hours. macam macam la we all borak. bende2 bengong+gile+bongok. hahaha... tapi i really enjoy the moment. happy sgt. pastu kan sumthing funny happened. when i was at the curve, hubby was supposed to go to ikea to get the meja komputer tapi kan sbb mlm semalamnye die tido lmbt. ard 5am, die tertido dalam keta. almost the same time like when i lepaking with mus. isshh..isshh... noti ni. ade ke boleh tertido dlm keta. syian die. penat sgt la tu. pastu bangun2 gi toilet trus cari wife die. sebbaik tak sesat. hehehe.. *mmuuaahh* then send mus to lrt balik tu gi makan jap kat kak na and then balik umah. tolong2 sket la buat preparation for open house on sunday. isshh.. lastly dlm kul 1230 we tertido. siap tak clean up tu. apara.. dua2 letih kot. sampai la next day bangun kul 930am.

sunday: the event occurred.. started at 2pm. uiishh.. i ade le terlelap2 kejap sementara tggu orang dtg. tapi yang ramai tu if tak silap between 4pm - 6pm la. ramai orang k. my parent pun dtg jgk. pastu lepak ngan mum n kak in. borak2. hehe..i makan nasi beryani 3 kali ok. banyak tau. melampau k. ohh lupe nk ckp. menu: nasi beryani, rendang ayam, kari ayam, dalca, acar. nyum nyum! kenyang sehingga menjilat jari. hehehe.. pastu dlm 1045pm gerak balik our house. kemain ngantuk lagi we all dua. aduisshh.. last last tido ard 1230pm selepas berkemas kemas ape yang perlu.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

1st october 2009

new day of the month. we are at the last quarter of the year. meaning 2009 will be over soon. too many sweet memories for me in this year. sometimes bile teringat balik rasa nk cry ok. anyway, on this sweet morning would like to wish my husband a very wonderful birthday. yesternite bought cake for him then sharp at 12 mati lampu, light candle then nyanyi for him. alar.. so sweet. semoga dipanjangkan umur, murah rezeki, sihat sentiasa dan dirahmati Allah SWT.

Friday, September 25, 2009

things to update

from the second raya till now. bit by bits ok.

2nd day raya: i'm at segamat. the whole of husband's family slept at the main part of the house that is called the hall. it was made of wood and i tell u it is damn cold ok. even i put a blanket on it is not sufficient enuff to cover the coldness that i am having. i cant even hug my husband coz i felt it is not appropriate to do so at kampung. haha.. segan la. segan. so the morning i had jemput2 and nasi goreng for breakfast. pastu tgh hari mkn nasi lauk ikan goreng sardin, ikan bilis+sambal kentang, ikan asam pedas n i am soo full. hehehe..pastu kan sbb dh uncomfortable, kepala dh gatal2, i went for hair-do (wash n blow). rasa sedap giler. kena massage and terasa ringan rambut bile dh kena cuci. woohoo.. and pretty cheap as well. with the hair length of my hair how much will u think it is cost? could be rm45 rite but nope it is only rm14. tapi takpela.. as long dh cuci. best n syok ok. hehehe.. balik tu tuka2 baju time to go raya at husband's maklong's house. had laksa johor. tambah dua kali ok. kenyang la. bukan kenyang biase. kenyang tahap dewa. perut kembung giler. pastu gi umah nane plak. anak maklong. makan kuih2 and minum air je. balik tu ingat lagi nk tgk citer cicakman2 tapi i tersangatla mengantok. ended up tido kat depan tv. orang lain mesti tgh concentrate tgk tv. time tu perut mmg sangat sakit tak comfortable. i decided to not eat anything besides drinking. so alhamdulillah, perut i kembali normal the next morning.

3rd raya: woke up a bit late la. ard 10am. huhu. dh la kat umah nenek mertua pastu bangun lambat. isshh... prayers ntah kemane la peginye. sekejap ade sekejap takde. cam biskut chipsmore. hehehe... malam tu i tido quite late. ard 2am. borak2 with mum and sis-in-law. macam2 pasal dunia perkahwinan ni. bout husbands, cookings, managing households, uiisshh..banyaknye responsibilities when becoming a wife. insya-Allah i wil try my best to be a gud wife for my husband. pagi2 bangun makan nasi lemak. pastu snapping snapping photos coz bnyk family dh nak bertolak balik umah masing2. we all belum lagi. ptg tu jln2 gi town. beli sket2 barang umah. murah la dekat kdai one stop centre tu. basically sume rm2. balik tu siap2 nak gi raya umah mak gee. i ate meehoon n minum air kosong. tak larat k nak minum air manis. perut rasa tak syok. pastu kan kat umah mak gee i cam bengang sket ngan husband. in the first place die beriya-iya tanye sayang nak air ape, i tolong amikkan. then i said la air kosong. pastu tup-tup bile nk minum, takde. the reason being takut tersepak bile dh tuang air dlm cawan. hmm.. pastu i cam ok takpela.dh terlupe nk wat camne kan. i malasla nk layan feelings tu. so i tgk je la tv. duk senyap2 tgk cite anak halal. acted by maya karin. balik umah tok mah, kemas2 barang coz the next day nk balik kl dh.

4th raya: woke up in the morning, i dh kene flu. bersin2. mlm tu i tido siap baju 2 lapis, selimut lagi. isshh.. dh mmg tak comfortable ok. tapi i mandi jgk ngan water heater. dh rasa belengas. tot of juz having morning flu, tapi sampai ke sudah stil ade. dlm keta dh selimut and then mintak tlg offkan air-cond tapi kesian kat family husband coz diorang ni tak tahan panas. takpela. ingat nak mengadu kat mum tapi later la bile dh sampai umah. we reached klang ard 130. pastu kemas2 trf brg, lunch b4 bertolak. gi clinic dlu before pegi umah mum. dh lame tak jumpe die. rasa rindu plak. mengade la i ni. cite la kat mum itu ini. mum ckp i ni maybe letih la tak biasa jln jauh2.tu la. mum suruh rest at home je. manje nye anak die name shima ni. pastu sambil2 tolong2 hidang food nak makan, mak ngah + family pun dtg beraya. borak2 ala kadar. amik mane2 brg yg perlu then berangkat pulang ke umah kami yang tlah ditinggakan selama 1 minggu. issyy..apa la khabo umahku itu. sampai2 je kena unload things from car. the day was pretty hot ok. maybe becoz of raya kot. so the weather is at it's good condition. ptg towards malam, buat laundry sbb bnyk giler baju nk kena basuh, kemas2 dapur and mane yang nk kemas2 hall tu husband tolong. i dh rasa uncomfortable giler sbb nose keep on running. asik kena hembus2 je. sian i. dh bertissue2 lap hingus. hisshh.. pastu ade ke patut husband i i kutip tissue tu tlg buangkan. tak geli ke? dh la kuman all over the places.hishh.. thanx anyway. love u so much. mlm tu mkn lemang ngan rendang before makan ubat selseme b4 sleep and end of the day. hari ini terasa sangat penat.campur letih. campur macam2 rasa. wishing to be better soon.

5th day raya: i was suppose to go to ofis tapi i took halfday mc. tak larat la. pastu hubby fetch me. makan nasi ayam then took medication then tido. amik la jgk vitamin c and also minum 100 plus nak bagi energy kat body. pastu dinner cooked nasi n sardine for hubby. syian die dh lapar. hopefully i masak tu ckup for him. sayang him so much. malam i got a nice game to play. hehe.. oklah.. basically dh update seminggu cite i. today's story will be update soon. so have a gud rest for the weekend. chiow!

Monday, September 21, 2009

2nd daya raya~with some photos of raya

hewo..i'm currently at segamat. my hubby's kampung. celebrating raya here. we arrived here last nite around 1130pm. alhamdulillah .

Sunday, September 20, 2009

~ salam lebaran ~

here, i would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin to everyone who is celebrating raya. to my parents, thnx for all n glad to be celebrating raya together again; to my sis whom is abroad, may u got wonderful raya there, my sis in penang, may u enjoy this raya together with new baby in tummy; and to both bros, may the raya bring more happiness to you guys; and last but not least, to my husband, congratulations puasa penuh n i am so excited to be celebrating raya with u. take care and love u very much! =)

raya eve

woohoo! setelah sebulan berpuasa [hehehe.. walaupun tak ckup sebulan] akhirnye hari raya menjelma pula. alhamdulillah sepanjang puasa ni, i sihat hendaknye, husband n family as well. juz ade few days yang our perut upset sket. maybe coz eat too much and sumthing spicy which our perut cant handle. juz the last few days b4 going back to our parent's house, we had bubur lambuk for sahur. i think was the first time for me to eat bubur but amazingly sangat menyelerakan. even nak tambah bile dh habis. huhu.. now time for early wake up for sahur almost over. maybe there'll be a few time where i will wake up for puasa ganti. talking bout puasa ganti.. haisshh... ingat lagi dh post sumthing bout it.. mmg nak ganti tapi tu la.. takde disiplin eh. haha.. insya-Allah wil try to setel it bit by bit.

well.. it is now raya eve at 1.45am. i actually need to go to bed already coz my body is aching here n there. yesterday satu hari kemas umah, then malam tu tido lambat coz we went to uptown, then hari ni tolong mum kat dapur preparing things for raya. walaupun penat dh lenguh2 pinggang sket, tapi hati i happy bahagia sebab stil ade chance to celebrate the raya with parent. alhamdulillah. more bahagia and special coz it is the first time for me to celebrate with my dearly husband. hhmm.. tadi kan masa on the way home from beli kuih samprit [yoohoo-akhirnye dapat jgk] ade la dgr takbir raya kat radio. terasa sayu sangat. indah pun ade. i dh 26 years celebrate raya ni, may future raya will be indah as well. as per previous raya, bile malam raya kan and duduk kat pintu rasa angin tu tiup so soothing. pastu rasa cam sedih nak tinggalkan bulan pose ni. isshh..ishhh.. emo plak i ni.

raya preparation--> kuah kacang dah siap, nasi impit pun dah siap, rendang dah siap jgk, lemang, husband dah beli, juz tinggal satu lagi dad's request. kari udang. yummy yummy..amboi kemain banyak lagi makanan. hahaha... tapi kena ingat makanlah dengan berhemat. =) tadi pun my husband dh tolong pasangkan peliata. thanx for the favor. syok plak tgk umah ade pelita. hehehe... esok perjalanan ku jauh k. tapi first of all kena gi sembahyang raya dulu.

oklah i nak tido dah. mum baru je tanya tadi "tak tido lagi shima" i said belum. jap lagi. n now i'm blogging outside while husband is inside the room. ;) nnt i update lagi ye. till then. gud nite.

Friday, September 18, 2009

housewife mode on the go

i'm on leave today while my husband is at work today before raya leave. well, woke up ard 9 am. today i did most of the house work, vacum, mop, changing bedsheet, wiping perabot, kemas kitchen so bile balik nnt umah dh bersih. hehehe.. wah..syoknye kemas umah sendiri. hubby dh siapkan installing mirror i n the bathroom. tapi sori tak kesempatan nak upload lagi. maybe after raya kot. but for sure ade k. nway, housewife get to go. got other things to do as well. here, would like to wish all muslims SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. wow! this raya is going to be a more meaningful to me coz i get to celebrate this wonderful time with my husband. our first time celebrating. yeeha... klah... time to go now. til we meet again. astalavista babeh.. ~

Thursday, September 17, 2009

kuih raya

haha. talking bout raya preparations, tak ketinggalan adalah kuih raya. semestinye ade time hari raya. since tis is the first time celebrating with husband, i also ade la buat preparation sket2 in terms of kuih raya. thanx to my sis for reminding me that i also need to bring back to my mum in law's hse. maybe tak bnyk. dlm half case je. nway amongst biscuits that i bought are, tart nenas, butter cookies, raisin choc cookies, choc rice, and few bought by husband; choc jelly and nuts candy. ohh ade lagi la. kekacang. kacang hijau, kuaci and kacang yang pedas2 sket tu. isshh isshh. banyak tak? ingat nak tambah samprit and almond london. tapi kang terbanyak la plak pastu membazir kan. ade satu cookies lagi, ni i buat. choc chip cookies. tapi sket je la. first trial. so ade kekurangan sket. next time kene try lagi la. hehe.. tapi my husband ckp takpe. die suke. it is not so sweet tapi die keras sket. mum ckp kene tambah tepung naik sendiri next time i baked. ntah bile plak nk bake ni. nnt kene mintak favor husband tlg belikan oven. then boleh le i menerai bnyk2 kali. wah syoknye.. umah dh almost complete. tateknye umah i. tnggl bathroom and belakang je. tonite or tomoro nak vacum then nak mop umah b4 balik kampung. balik kampung...ooooooo..balik kampung..ooo... (singing to sudirman's famous song) hehehe.. oklah. i nak siapkan keje so takde la bnyk pending masa cuti raya nnt. til the next post. *xoxoxo*

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

time for pelita lighting

wow! syoknye. maybe friday or saturday hubby nk pasang pelita kat umah mum. already ask bob favor to find the kayu. hehe.. oklah enjoy the pic.


umah i cantik. yesterday my husband already installed few things at our home. n i like it very much. cant wait to post a pic to be uploaded here in my blog. to be done when i'm at home today. yesterday, i did laundry twice. yesterday also i sakit perut. last nite hubby sapu kan minyak angin kat perut, belakang n kaki. i sampai tertido.. syoknye. husband manjakan. hehe.. thanx a lot for the favor dear. i tis bulan puase ade few times la perut i upset. kenapa ek? is it bcoz i makan yg ntah pape during buka pose. well.. takpe. lagi few days je. i wil jaga my food consuming. yesterday, we berbuka with lauk sup ikan, sambal ikan bilis n sambal potato+tempe. kenyang. smp tambah2. pastu makan chocolates then the candy kacang. wow! yummy.. ingat nak makan energy bar plak tapi perut dh start upset so i have to postpone eating it.

hmm..hmm. kuih raya sudah ade few balangs. ingat nk cari kuih samprit sket. lain2 tu dh ade kat umah mama. and i owe my sis rm40. to be paid upon seeing her. i nye kuih raya dh buka dh. yang mane ade kat umah tu la. husband opened the choc chip cookies, choc raisin, nuts candy. lucky yg lain2 tu kat shah alam. or else maybe kene buka jgk. hehe..

lalalala.. i'm having no mood to work la. nak cuti raya dh. takpe takpe. relax relax. tinggal sehari je keje. esok cuti dah. yaay! pastu time to kemas umah then packing2 balik kampung. plans raya my house first. tapi friday malam tu maybe buka kat area klg. to be confirmed ok.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

shopping raya

well tis year i tak bnyk shopping baju or kasut or pants for raya. i got my baju nikah + 2 pasang baju kurung baru. hehehe.. husband said it would be sufficient with our clothes at the moment plus we have juz got married last month. but tis raya will be special for me coz it is first time celebrating with my dearest husband. plus we bought few items at ikea for our homme. weee.. syioknye. from hall to kitchen to bathroom. wow! i bet it is going to be nice. nnt dh siap i wil post a pic to my blog ok. most prob tonite hubby wil sambungkan i mean drill the respective items into their places. hehehe.. i'm at work now but no mood to work. dh ade mood nak raya ni. mmm... mmg malas. okla. chiow!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

gud afternoon

hello.i shold have wake up in the morning but i ended up waking at 1230pm. meaning it is already noon. wahahaha... y during weekend i woke up damn late? even b4 i can wake up at 10 at least. so mengade. hahaha..earlier i had maggie and half butterscotch bread being toast. hehe. tot of going for jln2 today. but destination is yet to be confirmed. husband said around ikea/curve. well, lets see orait.

yeay! raya is about a week left. meaning dlm 7 days lagi pose. time goes by so fast ok. n tetibe je u rs dh nk abis. trust me when raya comes sekejap je nk habis bulan syawal. no wat i was thinking to ganti pose secepat yg boleh. this year nk kena ganti 6 days. last year dlm 7 days. year before. whuishh.. i kena period since form 2. so imagine how many days kene ganti. only one year of pose i mnaged to ganti. that was when im in dublin. i left like 7 days so i pun ganti kat sane. hbs dh. tggl yg lain2la kat malaysia yg belum ganti. kalo ikukan kena bayar ape fidyah eh. kena bagi secupak beras or makan for 40 org. tu la. nnt kene discuss ngan busyuk i.

oklahh.i nk mandi ni. dh mimas. chiow!

Friday, September 11, 2009

cold friday

i'm here at ofis during lunch time. at first wanted to go to the bank but i've settled my banking matters earlier. so rest je la kat ofis. ni tgh sejuk ok. i lemah sket la. tadi kat luar panas sket pastu i jln kaki gi sane. so a bit exhausted. takpela. i rest kat ofis je k. so tup tap tup tap tnggl lagi 8 hari je nak pose. time goes by so fast. n congrats to dear coz he managed to pose up to date. and it is his first time pose full ok. so chommell.. nanti nk gi cari gift for him la sbb pose penuh. btw, last weekend was a great weekend for us. we ade berbuka pose kat istana hotel. his ofis's contractor belanja ten of us makan. so roughly die byr dlm rm1000 k. bnyk k duit die. so far food die not bad la. then ade pengat pisang tapi a bit sweet not like mum buat. tapi at least there's sumthing. hehehe...i rasa la basically food yang pelik2 tapi i ignore itallian, lemang+rendang. lain2 tu i try. from beryani kambing, nasi kandar, seafood, roasted lamb+chicken+beef, abc, fruits, drinks, ice cream. wah wah wah.. kenyang giler aku mlm tu k. the next day tu buka pose kat umah je. tapi malam tu ade sumthing syok sket. sbb sbb sbbb hehehe i baked cookies. choc chip cookies. satu umah husband tgk i masak. a bit worried n segan tapi takpela. 1st time try bake cookies. tapi anyway husband like it. heheh.. ye ke? sincerely ke nak jaga hati wife ni? ewahh..ewahh..mengade k i. hahaha..
then monday tu supposdly keje tapi i el sbb so damn malas nak keje. selangor kan cuti. nuzul quran. bangun kan around 1130. teruk kan i. hahaha.. cant help it. weekend bgn lambat giler. same la ngan hubby duaorang. then malam tu we all ade berbuka pose kat flaming at sunway. makan seafood. again damn kenyang. tak elok k makan smp kenyang sgt cam tu. nabi pun kata it is not good to practise that. then lepak jap kat chanai's place. minum2 je. borak2. teman husband lepak ngan kengkawan die. ard 1030 we pun gerak balik. jeng jeng jeng.. sumthing that i penat to talk bout. our house takde air k. b4 we balik dh 2 hours takde air. smp mlm tu hubby kene tadah air from the pipe bomba. he angkut dua baldi. ya allah kesian suamiku. dh la letih pose pastu air takde. nak mandi pun ala kadar je k. pastu u imagine nak masak sahur then nak mandi gi keje then nk cuci pinggan mangkuk. banyak giler. so on tuesday after buka pose kat ofis husband we all kemas2 pack balik umah my mum. anyway dad pun ckp jenguk2 la orang kat umah. i mmg ckp i balik weekend. tapi takpe la. hubby pun worried we all pun balik. smp ard 1130. mandi lame sket sbb dh 2 hari tak mandi. so refreshing. pastu gosok baju then sleep sbb esoknye nak sahur. i drove to work so i fetched hubby most of the days. nway on wed petang balik tgk air dh ade and sooo syok. i tapau je food this time for buke pose. then revenging time. basuh baju smp 2 kali k. penuh muatan. muahahahaha... hubby pun ckp tak penah tgk i basuh baju bnyk tu. tapi lepas ni kalo sket pun basuh je. nanti takut takde air lagi.
talking bout yesterday, i had an interview job kat rhb. i dunno whether i will get it or not. tapi i masuk based on recommendation. so i did my very best. within 2-3 weeks i will know the answer. so if dpt kene fikir baik2 nak pegi ke tak. kalo tak.. itu takde rezeki namanye. anyway, balik awal la. dlm 430 smp ofis hubby. lelap kejap sebab so ngantuk. pastu tapau food b4 balik umah. kemas2 umah sket. prepare food lipat baju yang sebumbung tu. hahaha.. semlm pun i dh rimas sket ngan umah. so while hubby went out to see his fren, i took the opportunity to vacum and mop the house. terasa sgt bersih rumah. at least la. last week vacum n mop once. so dh smp time to kemas again. cuma blum ade opportunity nak lap lap perabot and furnitures. maybe next weekend b we balik for hari raya. yaay! talking bout raya i dh tuka plan raya i. one day before raya n one day after raya. n this raya we will celebrate at my hse first baru balik umah nenek then balik segamat. alamak. segan la. mesti ramai orang kan. kekeke..

yaay esok or tonite nk gi jln2. syoknye. thnx yang. k la i nak lelap kan mata kejap. chiow!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

~ aku dan dirimu ~

the song that i really like at the moment. owwhh...actually the photographer put this song in for the video slide show. tak sangka. i suka sgt ok. nnt i upload the video slide k.

i'm at in-law's house

well well well.. look who's here. hie again. happy fasting. it is the 15th ramadhan now. the time goes by so fast. sometimes couldnt even think that eyy we're coming to an end of sumthing that we have been waiting for quite sumtime. tis week we've decided to not be separated during weekend. that means when he is at his house i'll be there and vice versa. we starting with this week. so last nite after berbuka, we cleaned up our house then balik klang. i accompanied my husband for a badminton game sumwhere in klang town. upon finishing, we went home around 130am. hehe.. cleaned up then pengsan. sampai la nak sahur time. pastu dh sahur tido balik smp almost 1130am. teruk kan i ni. dh la kat umah in-laws. hahaha.. sis-in-law already went back home to bangsar with her beloved daughter. she spent almost a week here but her husband stayed in kl. coz sofea is not feeling well. talking bout sofea [wasn't realy sure how to spell her name; be it sofea/sofia/sofiya but i like the frst style sofea so classic look. btw, enuf bout that. i wanted to share my story of our house since in my blog i've stated our house our house.

we officially moved in to our house on the 1st ramadhan. we started to clean the house include hal, kitchen, backyard [oohh yard. like so big~haha..nvm but it is juz the back of the kitchen, dunno what it is called] bedrooms n toilet. put up the curtains n bed sheet and the house is so presenting and comfortableness cosy look. realy love it. basically the furnitures are there. lemme start with hal. sofa set, tv, dvd player, dining table, fan, lights, dapur gas, fridge, utensils, washing machine, eh ni dh masuk level lain. tapi takpela.. enjoying the moment. pastu bedrooms ade 3. completed with bed, lights, fan, air-cond [talking bout air-cond, we already made a necessary arrangement to actually settled the short-circuit of the house. be it, it was the last time when husband overnite there, sumtimes rasa y tak settle sendiri je dulu. pastu i jgk nk kluar kan cash. dunno la. that was a negative n bad thoughts. cam he got so many frens to rely on, tapi kenapa cari i jgk. uurrghh! nyampah giler feelings camni. sowee. back to our house =) upon cleaning and buy owwhh we already bought an almari baju. it is 2 sliding door cupboard. guess so it is enuff for our clothes la. but it is not going to be hanging all coz afraid of the pillar that might fell off. pastu we all beli la sket2 barang to make the house complete. that day we shopped at tesco for almost rm250. termasukla barang2 dapur as well. uisyy.. bnykkan expenses bile nk pindah. tapi takpela. that is wat trying to live with our new partner and beginning of new live.

so the first week of fasting, i drove to work. we seem cant organize our route of going to work. i came out from the house a little later but to my surprise when we came out at the same time, i was the one to reach the ofis first. husband said the route to his way[both fed or npe is also congested] but then he decided to use fed hiway instead coz it is much faster compared to npe. takpe as long as he reach the ofis within time. bulan pose i habis keje at 5pm. tapi if its raining and friday, i'll be stuck in the jam most prob for hours. like the first friday of fasting. i reached home around 7.15pm. like few more minutes b4 berbuka time. owhh that friday i ingat. husband's among closest fren came for berbuka together with us. but did not cook anything. bought lil bits of lauk pauk n kuih muih. so damn full. i was so damn sleepy that i tertido b4 mandi. ahahak... tapi yang kesiannye tu. the next day i tak bangun sahur. dh azan k time tu. kesian hubby sy tak bangun sahur. pastu i make sure i at least letak alarm kul 4.45am. kalo snooze pun at least baru kul 5am. takpe.. takpe.. baru baru nak belajar. for buka puasa. i cooked sket2 la yang senang. like sambal kentang+ikan bilis, sardine, ayam goreng, telur goreng and got few times husband cooked sambal kentang+capsicum and also masak kicap telur. anyway thanx for helping out. pastu the routine as a housewife started. like kemas dapur, basuh baju, lipat baju, gosok baju. tapi thanx to husband sbb die tolong vacum and mop the house for me. so shweet. tapi ade satu hari tu i terlampau ngantuk sampai nk gsok baju husband pun tak larat. he ironed his clothes himself. syian die. sini la i kapuk. when i looked at him sleeps, he is actually stil manja ngan parent tau. tapi umur dh bnyk n ade rasa keinginan untuk berkawen. takpe insya-Allah to become a good wife and mother to him n future children.

that nite when he is asleep, i looked at him, gosok2 kepala die, i ckp to myself, owhh ni la husband aku the man that my heart loves him heartedly. pastu i terwonder tak regret ke die ni kawen ngan aku? happy ke tak? ke pretending to love me when actually his heart is in love with sumbody else. pastu kan i cried. a few tear drops. then i said to myself, no la if die tak sincere wat for nk kawen ngan i. risking life withsumbody he is not in love with. b4 sleeps i juz pray to God to make myself feel strong and also sabar bnyk2 dlm alam rumahtangga ni. insya-Allah.

sekarang ni husband is sleeping next to me on the bed. we will be berbuka puasa bersame ofismates die di kl. jam dh pkul 4 tapi die tak bangun lagi. guess so he is tired being badmintonist yesterday. hehehe...

eh wait i nye countdown tu dh lame habis. ke-ba-boom tapi tak remove2. biarla. let it be sebab i ske tapi maybe nk tuka countdown lain plak. hehehe.. to my family selamat berpuasa. owh i dh order kuih raya tapi ade plan nk buat sket. nnt la ye. itu bisa di-atur. hehe. k la. time's up. to the next post. lalalalala... adios amigos..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

it's almost 2 weeks we have been fasting. guess it is not too late for me to wish Selamat Berpuasa. it's my first time celebrating puasa with husband. and there'll be more lovely ramadhan to come in the future for us to celebrate together. owwhh..i've been also very busy setting up things and organizing lives with dear husband from kemas2 umah, cooking, ironing and yes it is a new experience for me. but when my husband said thanx for wanting the best in cooking and ironing clothes for him, i am so much happy and so touched by his words. thnx yang! and to add to that that's y i don't really have time to blog. starting to know my husband. it is a great opportunity. maybe during couple it was not that i dont know him, it is juz that more of his attitudes being observed now. hehehe.. dalam diam memasang spy dekat perangai hubby sendiri. even kawan die ckp "faiz ni hyper-active tau" i pun ye la. agree. die dgn perangai sendirinye. so comel. yeah! the previous post was completed even yesterday but the event has past for like 20 days i guess. hehehe.. nway..more post in da future. catch up with ya later.

Monday, August 24, 2009

a story behind all photos

preparation before wedding
i applied for leave since 5th august so i will have ample time to rest, do extra touching up things, find some things which are not yet completed and kemas-kemasing rumah. before i reach the said dates, i already booked and confirmed many things as wat i've told in my blog previously. so this one just to re-confirm on the event la. inclusive of tok kadi, photographer, khemah, inai, mak andam, door gifts and banyak lagi la. so on wednesday, me and sis went to round2 kat area shah alam n subang to find things. last2 dpt. yahoo!! so my sis is 3 months preggy. so i dont expect much la. coz kesian her. that day i remembered that she almost vomitted coz she cant stand the coldness of air-cond at subang parade. lucky so far she's fine. come to 6th aug, my khemah is ready for builting. wow! i am so happy coz dad agree to put up the khemah on thursday, but i was pretty busy on that day coz i n fiance need to rn to putrajaya to sent in my letter. back from there wat else yah? oh.. we go and fittings the baju's for kawin. it looked nice on me k. from baju berinai to reception. tapi kan mak midah ni suke wat surprise. baju kat umah faiz tak tau camne lagi. die kata surprise. baju tuka2 tu pun surprise. tak tau baju ape. i pun ok la. takpe. i'm sure it is going to be canteks.. cantek like me eh. =) then as i feel towards my marriage, i dont really have the mood to eat. i makan tak habish tau smp kena scolding from dearest fiance. tapi i makan jgk sbb penah kawan fiance ckp smp sakit perut gastriks tak makan langsung. so i pun amikla iktibar sendiri kan. tanak kena camtu. sebab on my wedding i nak nampak cantik, and most important things is HEALTHY. on 7th aug, tolong2 put up bunga telur. my khemah nye scallop pun dh pasang. i nye pelamin pun dah pasang. wow! i cant believe it. hehe.. my house dh sibuk dah. nak pasang2. kemas2. angkat angkat barang. at last alhamdulillah kemas la jgk akhirnye. petang tu jgk i di pakaikan inai oleh kak majee. she charged me only 150 for both hands and feet. with major design. i mean yang complicated sket la. tapi i like sebab murah pastu cantik. even the inai on my kuku tahan sampai skang tau. tu yang tambah syok lagi ye. malam tu wished each other as usual. tapi ckp tak banyak sgt. maybe penat campur letih yang menguasai diri i. and then gud nite everyone. i got a big 2 days event that weekend.

siang tu my tuka2 baju session. sumenye dalam 4 pasang baju. cantik2 la baju i campur make-up die. i really like it k. then posing2 kat dpn pelamin, kat dlm rumah, kat dapur and i really love the moment. mum pun looked so happy. actually die pun berhajat masa i kawin die nak i tuka2 baju. then die bawak i gi depan gi belakang. jeng jeng jeng. oosshh i remembered the moments. still fresh in me. well, that event habis round 4.30pm. pastu i nak cleaned up. make-up again for bernikah. and i've decided to wear tudung for my solemnization. wow! i really admire myself coz i looked so chommel and canteks. that moment went on smoothly. dengan sekali lafaz je, i am now married to my husband. alhamdulillah. bile terkenang time dulu2 time couple. ishh.. sometimes i wonder tau ape yang husband i saw in me sampai he wants to marry me. plus cam dulu i penah derhaka kat boyfren i. astaga. itu sume ku jadikan satu pengajaran buat diriku supaya lebih berhati2 di masa depan. pastu dh setel nikah it is time for malam berinai. i pakai baju color purple. canteks la. i suke. then malam tu berinai besar. renjis renjis dipilis. hatiku sungguh gembira. mmmm... i loikkee.. my husband pun nampak segak and handsome sangat. malam tu after event habis, sebelum tido i macam termimpi2. terngiang2. eh betul ke aku ni dah kawin. dgn en faiz ke? orang yang i rindu sesangat tau. dah lame i berkawan ngan die. akhirnye kami berkawin jgk. alhamdulillah. malam tu i tido around 3am. mohsein said pretty late. i should have a gud rest sleep coz the next day is my big event that is bersanding.

bersanding! wow i woke up around 9am. mandi put on lenses. pastu breakfast kuih bahulu then mak midah dh smp. whoosshh! cptnye then i dh start lapar. we pun bermake-up2. my sis pun same. i am sooo happy that my kenduri berjalan dgn selamat dan lancar. sampai ke petang. takde hujan. alhamdulillah. then click click snap photos. posing sane posing sini. i suke gile. i am the princess hoohoo.. husband looked so kacak and bergaya. i looked so cantek and vogue. *ahaks* gediks la plak kan. tapi it's true i am cantek. i looked so stunning beautiful. wow! tapi ade tak syok sket sbb kompang smp lambat. dlm 2.30pm baru bersanding then round 3pm baru makan nasi beradab. aku main bedal je. lapar babe. pastu snap2 photos sampai la ke petang malam. pastu say thanx to mohsein and crew. then farid n crew. then bob n crew then semua keluarga. terima kasih y'all. TERIMA KASIH.

time to kemas2 and time to buka hadiah. banyak jgk hadiah i dpt. thanx frens n families. i really like all those gifts and presents u gave. satu hari kemas2. relax2 jap before the time to go to sabah.

that nite b4 sleep, i cried. thinking that who wil take care my parent. who wil look after them? well, hubby said eleh kalo i ade cam jaga sgt je. hehehe.. ye la tapi sedey la plak kan. mane ade duk berjauhan dari umah. eventho ade gadoh2 sumer. tapi itulah die permulaan sebagai suami isteri. selamat menempuh alam perkahwinan yang sangat bahagia. semoga tabah menghadapi dugaan semua. insya-Allah.

on tuesday morning fida sent us to lcct. our flight scheduled at 9.30am. so we reached ard 8 sumthing. sempat to eat breakfast. then time to fly fly..whew! dh lame tak naik plane. pastu i pakai lense plak. dah la nak tido cam takut2 je. apara i ni. if my sis selamber je die tido. pastu masa tertido tu i terperasan yang air liur meleleh. sbb masa nk smp tu i cam nk lap2 mulut. hehehe.. apada.. smp dlm kul 12.30pm turun2 je ade orang dh hold flash card. name i. tapi salah eja. nor aziatulshima. single 'o' instead of double. tapi takpe tanak spoilkan mood tu. mood for honeymoon. yaay! pastu kan nk check in la for honeymoon suite tapi kan my credit card got problem. aisshh.. i nye credit limit dh over the limit sgt. last2 naik taxi gi town ngan hubby withdraw duit cash. lucky ade cash. so at least takyah nk pening2 camne nak byr honeymoon ni. dh setel. i really enjoy the moment me and newly wed husband there. we round2 cari makan sementara nk setelkan hal bank tu. pastu jumpe la kedai makan nasi melayu. it costs us ard rm7. oklah rasanye. at least dh lapik perut ngan nasi pastu blh gi jln2. we dont take long sbb nak blk hotel n check in. than dh setel tu we naik taxi balik gi nexus. oh lupe nk advertise. i went for my honeymoon kat NEXUS, KARAMBUNAI. a very nice place for relaxing. so cantik. so beautiful. rasa nak stay sane lame2 sket. baru syok tapi apakan daya ongkosnye tidak mengiyakan. apa-apapun syukur sngat sbb dpt gi jalan and this is our first time to arrive at sabah negeri di bawah bayu. oh the taxi to n from costs us rm80+rm60 mahalkan. pastu after check in and diberi penerangan kalo nk gi town better naik shuttle bus. costs us rm24+rm24 to n fro la which we think can save our $$ quite a few dollars la. btw i tell u masuk je our honeymoon suite wow! marvellous. sgt cantik. i really like the view and the susun atur of the perabot. cantik ok. katil tu siap ade rose petals. wow! i suke gile. ade snap2 some photos. nnt mlm kang i upload k. ptg tu jln2 kat tepi laut, then gi makan pizza. petang tu we got bath-tub session. best giler. wanted to try to pop the cherry tapi tak success. sakit sakit sakit. oosshh... memang sakit. sampai hubby cam ade rasa a bit dissapointed. so we ended up sleeping normally. the next morning he tried again.. and nah.. successfully popped the cherry and i rememebered the moment okay. 12th august. with all the fluids. omg.. pastu rasa die sngt la pelik tapi belum really enjoy the moment. sebab stil sakit. hahaha.. hubby pun same sakit. pastu tido kejap before we pegi take our breakfast. i start rasa seram2 sejuk. maybe changing of hormones by the way i am starting to love the way i am now. living with my husband. so dearly in love with him. hhhmmmm...hhmmm... hehehe.. i can stil imagine the moment now. it's like stil fresh in my mind. well then that nite we had a candlenite dinner. tapi i tak brape sihat. cam demam. so i berselubung ngan shawl tapi snap snap pics tak bnyk sgt la. ade la few shots. then next day gi jalan2 kat town. gi shopping.. beli pearls..pearls.. pearls.. really like it. well, again there was a game being played. hehehe.. omg. nikmatnye. hanya tuhan yang tau walaupun sakit. then balik. ape lagi we all buat eh. oh biasa la. jalan2 kemas2 shopping sket lagi pastu time to balik. hhmm.. cam tanak tinggalkan island ni. nak stay sini tapi we got commitments so we got better to leave. upon arrival hubby's bros fetched us from lcct. balik to letih la. tido tapi cam tanak tido. friday tu, hubby dtg fetch setel brg mak midah b4 gi umah hubby. i got mlm berinai that nite. anne [his sis] make-up i. then diorang suke2 nak tepung tawar i. hehehe.. syok.. ye la.. pengantin kan. ye kan je la. pastu mlm tido quite late tapi takpe hati syok. esok hari bertandang kat umah faiz. i di make-upkan start kul 11.30am. awal kan. tapi takpe. syok.

hari bertandang. i dimake-up oleh mak mail. wow i looked so beautiful and cun. so classic look. dgn baju i yg ala2 modern gown so cantik beautiful. geram2 sgt. hehehe.. pastu bersanding tepung tawar makan adab2 then snapping time. my brother dilantik sebagai jurukamera professional on that day. so really depending on his shoots. juz to teach him how to capture all those nice shots. anyway i really like. i've seen the photos and they are beautifully captured. nnt i upload kan ye. tapi kena mintak farid change it to low resolution. baru leh upload or else besar sangat. hehehe... anyway tgk hubby kene usik ngan kawan2 die. n he looked so handsomely dressed. macam pahlawan melayu. pastu mama n abah pun nak balik. diorang suruh i jaga diri elok2. rajin2 turun ke dapur. pastu dh rasa sedih campur sebak sket. hhmm.. kene tinggal. tapi takpe bukan orang lain. husband i jgk kan. =) pastu time to kemas2 and tolong menolong. i was a bit lost sbb tatau nak wat ape n kat mane. i tolong la mane2 yang patut. i slept there for 4 nights. pastu get ready for the next phase of live as husband n wife.

~ Syukur alhamdulillah ke hadrat Illahi, kerana majlis perkahwinan kami berjalan dengan selamat dan lancar. walaupun ade beberapa rasa yang tidak puas hati, itu adatnye perkahwinan. apa apa pun semoga perkahwinan yang dibina ini berkekalan hingga ka akhir hayat dan dirahmati Allah SWT insya-Allah. kepada kedua ibu bapa kami, terima kasih yang tak terhingga diucapkan kerana telah membesarkan kami dan juga menjadi role-model kepada kami. kepada kakak, adik dan seluruh ahli keluarga kami yang datang dari jauh atau dekat, terima kasih daun keladi. hanya tuhan yang dapat membalas jasa baik kalian. Semoga bertemu lagi di lain post yang tentunya berlainan sket kerana kami kini bergelar husband n wife~

Thursday, August 20, 2009


well..hehe.. i am now officially a wife to my 9 years boyfriend. wow! i cant describe the feelings. it is mutual okay. imagine that you've been waiting to spend the rest of ur life with sumone u damn love n admire, alhamdulillah. actually i didnt post 4 more sets of photos [eh cam banyak je lagi] tu gambar masa tuka2 baju, then gambar masa berinai besar and wedding on faiz's side. and the most romantic moments that are during our honeymoon. yeah! i cant story banyak sgt coz later my husband nk fetch me. i havent finish packing. will do so soon yah. ok lah. nite!

faiz's berinai

look at my hubby tu. die wat muke lak kat belakang. hehe..kiss kang.


during nikah

lovely photos

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

~ beginning of new life ~

i am married to Muhamad Faiz Marican bin Mubarak.
alhamdulillah semuanya selamat dan selesai. photos to be updated soon. now time to sleep but hubby is not around. so i will be sleeping alone for 3 nites.

Friday, August 7, 2009

fireworks in heart

the day has almost arrived

today is 070809. wow canteknye date. basically today got not much to do la. nak kemas2 umah. mum dh bising suruh i duk diam2. pok pek pok pek je. pengantin ni bising je. haha.. sorry i nervous la. ni pun belum mandi lagi. insya-Allah wishing semuanye berjalan dengan lancar. actually i got not much to say coz i feel a lot of things. i cant describe. but i feel more tenang today. guess so the marriage itself gives a lot n huge meaning in anyone's life. marriage means changing to become a better person. whusshh! dam dam dim dum. la la la la.

tomoro's acara.
mula2 tuka baju dulu, pastu rest then get ready for nikah. then berinai. next day bersanding. well haa bnyknye event. pening kepala gue. hehehe..

yang-> if u ever read this, gud luck and all the best. honey loves u so much. cant wait to built my life with you. miss you lots. =)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

leave counting

i am starting my leave today til 19/8. for marriage. wow! a year has almost here as this time around last year i was bz preparing for engaging. now married. phew! i am so nervous. i can't describe the feelings i had at the moment. tadi siang dh setel kan barang2 hantaran. alhamdulillah basically settle. dh bagi to my sis. she will start doing the gubahan for the hantaran. yesterday nite parent-in-law going to be came over to discus the last minute agenda on our kenduri. n many stories being shared while they were around. i seperti biase tak tentu arah. last2 duk blakang kaca duk kat tangga. pastu mum ade ckp psl i ni suke melawan. 1 kite ckp 10 die jwb. aduih! kene sepak lak kejap. malu i k. bnyknye lagi i duk ulang alik gi dapur. uisshh i dh ngantuk ni. esok bnyk programe lagi. i nk kena rest ni. bangun awal tido awal. that's great. tadi dh confirm ngan khemah. they wil pasang tomoro that means thursday la. =)

~ saat-saat akhir sebelum bergelar seorang isteri ~

Monday, August 3, 2009

wedding card

~my precious and sweet design of wedding card. combination of both of our hearts.~