Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 31, 2008


yet no title for the topic. i have not many words to say. i dah ask his apologize. nak get back to him. please.. please.. love u very much. tak sabar nak habis period so i can pray to God, something very very important yang i dah lame tak buat. even buat pun tapi tak penuh. hello.. i'm 25.. bile nak penuhkan ni. makin lame makin tua. haha. must really improve myself. most probably insya-Allah i nak puasa if can this thursday. maybe him will join me too on that day. tapi see first biler i blh pray la. nak cpt sbb nak pray to God. sume nye.. nak cite kat Dia. Tuhan yang maha agung lagi maha menyayangi.

sayang.. i love u so much. please forgive me. i want to get back to u.. please... appreaciate that if u choosed me. will not make u feel regret. ever ever n ever. love u so much..

Sunday, March 30, 2008


pls give me strength, pls give me courage, pls give me another chance for our relationship. u can count on my words. n i'm really serious bout this.

little sunday

i'm at home. dun really have the mood to eat or drink. but i ate nase goreng this morning. maybe roti la later juz to lapik my perut for not getting gastric. last nite i slept bout 1am after got home from kak yan's house. along is going to langkawi today. dunno for how long la. wished she n family got a very nice holiday. i woke up roughly ard 5.30am. then i called him. he haven't sleep. he juz got home from sending her back to her house. they spend some time together. i managed to talked to him on the phone til like 7am b4 he went to sleep. oh God! i'm feeling the pain here. it's really pain here in my chest. i can't describe it. i cried again. i can't take it. i'm sad n sad. i talked to him n we shared a few stories. i wanted him back. n will change my attitude for him. everything i mean it this time. guess so this time God really wanna show me something that i don't realised in my life. how small am i to be compared to GOD. i'm thankful to God for still giving me the air to breath, food n drink n place to survive. how i take things for granted. i love u so much sayang. please forgive me n accept me back. for our relationship. last time trying for our relationship. i wanna prove to u that i can change. the way i think, the way i communicate, the way i handle problems, the way i appreciate things n the way see things in future. plus not forgetting improving the family's quality that i yet to be missing in me. guess too much pressure keep me to all of this. n for not praying led me to all of this. Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku aku berdosa kepadamu. Ampunilah dosaku. kepada Muhamad Faiz Marican bin Mubarak, i'm guilty. as well and i regretted for doing all that to u. i love u so much. please forgive me and accept me back. i will change n u can count on my words this time. pls yang. i'm begging me. will try my best to not let the things keep hunting u. please sayang.. reconsider bout it. i love u very much. please..please...

kuasa tuhan maha adil. apa yang anda lakukan sekarang mungkin anda akan dapat balasannye di dunia atau mungkin di akhirat. tapi untukku ia sudah terbukti di dunia betapa kuasa tuhan itu sangat besar. Tuhan yang maha agung, maha segala-galanya. aku berasa sgt bersalah dan ingin menukar caraku dan ingin kembali bersame dirinya. Ya Allah aku memohon padamu, kau lembutkan lah hati Muhamad Faiz Marican Mubarak supaya dia dapat memberi peluang kepada ku sekali lagi dan menerima ku kembali. semoga hatinya terbuka dan hatinya lembut dalam memikirkan ini. aku amat menyayangi dirinya. Ya Allah aku memohon kepadamu. aku berdoa kepadamu, ampunilah dosaku. terimalah diriku ini. lembut kanlah hati Muhamad Fazia Marican supaya menerima aku kembali. aku amat berharap dan aku akan mengubah segala perbuatan ku supaya aku dapat meneruskan kembali cinta kami ini. kepada fana; i'm really sorry. tak pasal2, u are being dragged in this situation as well caused by me. i'm really sori. aku berpegang pada janji dan aku akan buktikan yang aku akan berpegang pada janjiku. this is for real n u can count on my words. YANG... I LOVE U SO MUCH! DO ACCEPT ME BACK... FOR OUR RELATIONSHIP. PLS GIVE IT A TRY FOR THE LAST TIME. I LOVE U SO MUCH.. I WILL DO EVERYTHING N ANYTHING TO GAIN UR TRUST BACK. PLEASE DO HAVE SOME TRUST IN ME. LOVE U ALWIZ. TIL END OF MY LIFE. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I'M SINCERE.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


mum even though not having a stable mood, but as a mum she is sad for what happened to her daughter. maybe now it's time for me to re-think and re-figure out how to improve myself in all manners and also to put family first. even though i have probs n even though i have my bf, i can't juz dump everything at my bf. whatever it is family comes first coz u were being brought up by them and they raised u up. coz they will not throw u unless u did a very major major thing. family's love will not end (endless love). so juz pray to God that everyone is healthy n fine.

i'm suddenly feel damn hungry. now like 7am. i woke roughly round 5am coz i slept at 9 last nite. coz the nite b4 i dun have enuf sleep. i think the last i ate was the kfc (visiting my ofismate coz she gave birth to a baby boy-so cute)

urrgghh... wanted to type somemore but i dunno what to type. n at times i'm speechless. okaylah.. going to class soon. nak mandi. i really i can't describe my feelings at the moment. i can't. i really can't.

wat a day..

guess evryone knows now that there's a huge huge problem happening in my love life. after all these things we went thru, i la.. screw things up. went out with another guy but we did some hanky panky stuff la. him said what's got in ur head? can't u think of me. kesian kat me or don't u ever love me anymore. if don't juz say so. dont simply go out with other guys while u're on another relationship. urgrghhh.... have no words to explain. i'm speechless.

TO HIM --> i'm really sorry. i really mean it. apologies for doing all of that. he gave me another chance but he said if i screw things up again, there'll be no more chance and he'll hate me til end of his life. it really thought me a lesson. really really really. oh gosh.. shima shima.. i have to prove it to him as his trust is zero on me. he's counting it again. thanks. before we end the talk, he said "juz remember that you are carrying my name if u r my gf, so pls behave"

earlier and yesterday nite ard 4 to 5 something.. talked with mum. confessed eveything to her bout our relationship. she cried as well. we cried and mum juz comforted me to say *sabar*sabar* <-- heard of this phrase before? it gives really a lot of meaning.. patience can lead to success, patience can lead to happiness, patience can lead to satisfaction, patience can lead to happy ending. believe in that coz whenever we have patience, we r fine and can go that far. the thing that matters is TIME.

suddenly, when all of this happen. i dunno la. i'm speechless. maybe God wants to show me something that i haven't realize. Ya Allah, ampunilah segala dosaku kepadanye, kepada orang tua ku dan sesiape sahaja yg telah hatinye aku lukai. maybe i don't know who else. but i'm really sorry. pls take me back to my origin. i know i've been missing my prayers for many months already. n i regret it. pls god give me strength to go thru this. i'll will try to improve myself to become someone better and to achieve my dreams as well.

thnx to parents too. u kno la i've been membebeling bout my parents, family, yes i know ppl got problems, but maybe mine are not that worse as compared to someone else's probs. n i shud be thankful to God for letting me to breathe in his world of creation.

TO SHIMA --> please please and please take all of this thing as a lesson to u. thinkk twice or even more before u do something.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

i'm full

that's rite. haha. i makan nasi tapi taklah banyak sgt. standard what. or i mmg dh kenyang since agi. hehe. makan makan makan. i ni funny le.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

blur day

i was quite sleepy la this morning when i woke up. i woke up roughly ard 7am. glad to know that hubby is getting better. tapi stil asked him to take a day off mc if not feeling well. tapi he said if boleh tak nak cuti for the 1st month he started working. 3rd march to 3rd april at least tp i told him if dh tak sihat nak buat camne. health or $? lost rite.. me too. but in order to generate more $, we have to have good health. am i rite?? btul kan. at ofis, wanted to log in to facebook tapi the address got banned. huh? dunno y? but friendster stil can. takpe la. btw, i was thinking that, nvm la i'm going home today so might as well juz login from home la.

today i finished almost all on the icps. not many major deviations but wil look into one major area that i'm stil not very satisfied with. most probably can be done by tomoro then need to feedback to boss regarding it.

hari ni hari balik ke umah. i cam a bit like urrgghh.. tension sket la. with the condition. n now i mean NOW while typing this, i'm very very feel like tak nak duduk kat rumah, nor klg lama nor malaysia. nak pindah mane2 yg tak tension. urrgghh... macam2 hal la. mmg kat umah i skang ni tgh tegang kan. i sebenarnye tak nak balik tapi not allowed to stay until further notice. tapi most prob esok tido sane balik. then friday balik. dengan umah yg sgt bersepah with all the baju n no one NO ONE really cares to kemas. plus kata nak renovate umah plus situation mum yg hmm.. no answers yet. plus sisters, plus brothers, plus dad sometimes plus hubby nye situation. how i wish now i nak be alone.. alone.. malas nak pikir all of the stuff. nak tido can or not.
tadi before kuar gi jusco n nak amik my book kat fotostat shoppe, dad tak kasi we all kuar sbb kawan die nak datang. tp we all kuar jugak sbb buku i tu kena amik b4 10. we kuar jgk. then gi beli burger. then, masa i dh blk tadi, tgk dad tgh renjis air kat dinding. mum like lari2 tak suka. i tak paham ape sebenarnye yg mum larikan diri from. then masa nak kluar balik to send dad's wallet, kwn die ckp suruh bwk mum gi jumpe doctor nak check her blood circulation. hmm.. tadi masa tak emo sgt, ade la terpk.. we tried many ways to get mum back to her situation. i mean masa die normal. sometimes jgk i ade pk malas la nak pk pasal topic MUM ni. urrghh.. orang lain cam tak kesa. y must i.. pastu orang lain like *sabar*sabar*sabar* n orang lain pun slalu ckp *sabar* tu ade limit n bile limit tu dh kat maximum.. bile2 boleh burst kan. uurrghh...geram. tapi bile pk balik (macam2 la i ni-tapi tapi, kelakar) i pk positif je la. insya-Allah mum akan sembuh n from there on mmg medication kena amik til end of her life. n pls give me strength to go through this situation so i dgn tenangnye akan dpt go through day by day in my life till i gets old.

hubby got flu

syian die tak sihat. sbb kena flu. get well soon. yesterday, teman him potong rambut. then he bought panadol soluble and also vicks. sayang him so much. told him to sleep early. love u.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

monday monday

yesterday, i went home quite early la. roughly ard 5.40pm coz it looked like it's going to be raining heavily. but i got in the car, car can start but it cannot move when ever i press the accelerator. y huh? i dh a bit worried coz it is goin to rain. then camne nak balik. roughly smp umah dlm 6.00pm. hahaha. but tak jadi hujan tau. then, i angkat some of my stuff to the house. a bit penat la. then turun balik gi kedai serbaneka sbb nak beli roti. milo ade tapi lapar la sbb roti takde. pastu bedal la roti cicah milo while watching this new cinetron called 'bella' org lain blum balik lagi. so i sengsorang la kejap kat umah. roughly rumah tu penuh dlm 7.30pm. haha.. lepak jap. borak2 tgk tv. then hubby citer kat i psl he tak satisfied with this kakak at his ofis sbb curi his perfume. tapi the kakak returned it back by putting it under his car seat. he like so BENGANG.. BENGANG. syian die. tapi he said lps ni mmg tak trust lagi la kat that particular lady. aiyyoo.. kata gaji dlm rm6k. but y la must curi2. really bad habit. or izzit her habit since young? she's like what ..37 if i'm not mistaken. or is she doing that to get the limelight or to attract attention of those ppl ard her.
dinner makan hot dog n fried rice. kenyang giler. pastu watched the holiday. but tak hbs sbb sanagt mengantuk. planned to watch it later at nite la. haha.. dlm satu minggu rasa blh hbs 1 movie je sbb tak tgk habis. hahaha..
nway, juz got back from lunch. hujan lebat sekarang ni kat luar. rain.. or that RAIN from Korea.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

@ home b4 moving out

woke up ard 9.30am. guess so have enuf sleep last nite but i was bitten by mosquitoes on left n right's hand. syian i. =( ade mark la tapi tak luka ok. juz red red dots. haha. manja nye bunyi. hehe. slalu kalo ade kena gigit nyamuk, nnt ngadu kat hubby. pastu as usual hubby will like aler syian die. kena gigit nyamuk. then, die gosok2 my hand. hehe. that's y i said i ni soooo manja. today, i kemas kemas my almari. ade part2 tu i nangis sbb tensi tensi la. hmm.. hubby lak takleh nak cakap sbb bz ngan family die. hmm.. pastu i pun pk malas la nak ckp ngan die. nak merajuk. pastu jap lagi dh ok balik. emotional terlebih plak. haha. i start kemas roughly round 10. tak mandi pun time tu. juz berus gigi basuh muka then breakfast makan roti coklat n air kosong. oklah. kenyang. i kemas2 smp ade like 10 bungkus. ingat nak bawak sumer pastu hubby ckp " don burden urself by carrying unnecessary stuff. yg mane yg u tak pkai sgt leave at home. so selepas mendengar sumer bebelan hubby kat i, oklah, i filtered it down to 6 bungkus. i mean 2 bungkus kain batik, satu travelling bag, satu paper bag, satu hand bag (the same size as my GUESS handbag) abd satu beg raga i. almost the same size as my paper bag. haha. then, hubby tak ckp ape. i mula2 decided nak bawak sumer sbb mum ckp die nak renovate umah. so nk kluarkan sumer barang, so easier for the carpenters and the working ppl to do their job. n she said dad yg suruh. i pun wonder.. btul ke ni ar.. i macam tak sure je. i asked sis tapi she pun tak tau. n roughly ard3 habis kemas. pastu angkat some of the stuff masuk dlm keta. penat ni. fuh..fuh.. macam nak semput. pastu rest la kejap. then mandi air sejuk. tak gune water heater pun sbb i mandi ard 3 something kan. badan pun macam panas sket. mandi air sejuk tu lega sket.. cam sumer feelings yg tak puas hati, anger, emo terlebih, bengang... sumer kluar. n rasa SOOOOOOOO LEGA..... fush! sejuk. je. rasa best sgt. cam baru kuar dari mandi air terjun. lpas mandi, siap2 nak kuar ngan hubbyy jap. gi beli stuff kat jusco. like laundry basket, dustbin, utilities nye kotak. we spent like rm100. ohh.. before tu gi lunch dulu sbb i tak makan nasi lagi. n hari ni jugak i dah start to do my budget. daily expenses like i used to do before. seriously shit this time. nak btul2 control la sbb mmg ingat nak bawak kuar myvi. so must save n save more to achieve my aim. balik shopping, hubby gi basuh keta. then gi makan lagi. i took maggie goreng n milo tarik. kenyang la kan. haha. syok.. balik tu plak. dad call ckp mum takde kat umah. Allah. i baru je smp umah ingat nak happy then takpela.. take it la kan. * sabar * sabar * then, dad told to go to pkns. me n bob gi sane. bob drive ke sane. shuu!! hehehe... then we split to find her. finally jumpe die. i asked her y she pegi sane. she said pegi spa nak buat rambut. tapi i said y tak ask me earlier so i can bring her there. to my saloon la. then she said lupakan la perkara 2 3 jam sebelum. then i said lupakan la perkar berpuluh tahun dulu k. then she mentioned something bout him. then i said back lupekan la bekas tunang tu dulu. then she got no more points n trus diam. macam2 la. i was trying to go with the flow. dunno la. trying my best. my mum ni sorang je. anyone with experience handling bipolar mood cases??? do send me some suggestions n what i shud do. thanx....

Saturday, March 22, 2008


hari ni saye duduk kat umah je. gi clas tapi terlambat sket. hehe.. almost evry time clas pun lmbt tp td blum start lagi. tgh sibuk2 nak tukar clas. roughly starts at 10 la. pastu i a bit bengang la sbb roti or biskut satu pun takde. orang ade kat umah tapi tak reti nak beli ke. sumer nak kena feed ke? nyampah.. balik clas gi beli catridge pastu tapau nasi lauk ayam masak kicap, tempe n a bit of daging masak merah. total rm4. balik umah je lunch then install catridge tu. mula2 ingat tak blh nak gune sbb my printer suits for color catridge je. tapi die ckp kat manuals, blh select blank ink only. i gi la troubleshoot by selecting properties n select black ink only. pastu tried a few times lagi tapi fail jugak. at last i decided to put back the color catridge. then it shud be alrite. yaay! berjaya la tadi. haha. sungguh gembira la ini hati. dah blgh gune. pastu print kan farid nye forms yg die dh save hari tu. for future reference of his results.

then hari pun hujan. ingat nak gi big apple donut & coffee tap tak jadi. cam malas la plak kan. so decided to go tomoro. then i tertido sbb sejuk n hujan lagi smp ptg. then, i bgn, tgk doraemon. i mandi then dh lapar. lps dinner nenek call ckp esok ade kenduri arwah. pastu i was a bit serba salah. dilemma. sbb i ingat nak gi jalan. pastu hubby ckp that's more important. i pun decided pegi la. bwk mum jalan2. at least tukar her mood ke like that. sbb hari ni i tgk mum macam a bit murung. muka die nampak sedih je la. dunno y. soemtimes dare not to ask. n sometimes silence is golden.

pastu td tgk af, af season 6 dh start. ade la dull n bored sket. maybe dah biase with aznil's way. but ac has his own way of mengacara kan that thing n it is not bad. haha. n the theme is red n black. like hubby's fav color. haha.

pastu lagi satu bengang. i kan ckp tadi i gi beli catridge. pastu sister kan oh senang2 je nak gune kan. i tak suke la. takkan duduk umah ni suemr nak free kot. from food, sabun basuh. bukan berkira tapi gune la brains. u 2 educated punye org. so shud think la kan. rasa cam nak bawak je pc i ni pegi umah sewa.

btw, talking of rumah sewa, i dh decided to move out. bukan la lantak la. tapi sbb pk i nak travel hari2. sometimes rasa cam arrghh boring la jam. tapi duduk situ pun jam same jgk. sbb traffic lights. at least kat situ kena spend 20mins. i kena bgn dlm 7am la. pastu 7.45 dh kena kuar umah. if kat shah alam sometimes kul 7 pun baru bgn tapi mmg msk lmbt la. roughly 9 sbb jam giler pagi. tapi sometimes i ni cilok2 je drive. ikut2 mane2 lane. masuk sane masuk sini. haha. hubby ajar sbb bile jd drivers kat kl ni, kena aggressive sket. if not mmg lmbt la smp destination u unless u kuar damn awal kan. kan. kan.

Friday, March 21, 2008

sleepy n bored

that's wat i felt at ofis today. first half la. i smp hari ni awal. dlm 8.20am. hehe. syok. then masa nak naik cafe gi beli nasi lemak, shirley gave me nasi lemak. she said lai yeen bought for her at pudu tapi since she got gastric she cannot eat coz nasi lemak pedas. syian die. last week friday pun she's on mc. gastric. told her to go home la if she feels not rite. i can take over n by the way not many urgent cases today. boss pun on leave. btw, y kl tak cuti ar sbb it's good friday rite. last time masa kat sekolah evry year pun cuti sempena good friday. i pun sebenarnye tak tau good friday tu ape. y izzit being celebrated. yg syok sbb dpt cuti. haha. typical students mah.. that time. bile cuti bukan main syok lagi. bile time sekolah. boring. haha. tu semua kenangan yg paling tak dpt dilupakan. actually ade jgk plans nak jumpe my old groupmates. sheri n arina. gi makan ke hang out sometime sbb dh lame tak jumpe. tapi since sheri is in my clas then shud be ok la. juz nak jumpe arina je tak dpt. ape ar our names dulu. funny, but stil i've been using the name til now. zedra, tierra n ard. haha. sungguh kengkadang terpk cam super girls cam totally spies tu kan. haha. so cute. i'll be the green, arina yellow n sheri red. haha. funny..funny..n cute too. nnt la i sms arina tanye when is she free. if can i tot nak jumpe die la. hmm..see la maybe weekend ni kot. sunday. sbb esok i dh ade plans. tapi btw, i mmg dh ade plans for both saturday n sunday ni. plans on my own. nak gi sengsorang je. cam a bit merajuk la. tapi mmg dh decide nak pegi sorang. pastu ditambah ade incident tak syok sket siang tadi so menambah la ke mengada-ngada i tu. haha. tgk dulu ye if jadi pegi ke tak. tapi most prob i take public transport.

i was like a bit bengang ngan hubby la today. i asked him on how his ofismate looks like. cantik tak? n he siap sms ckp what do u have in mind? tanye him that qs when he is in front of that person. in the first place i tanye sbb he said the colleague tgh eksen2 kat die. so i tot la they all nak in the serious mood of meeting sbb tgh gurau2 kan. btw, baru blk from prayers kan. so i tot takde la nak start trus. i pun malas nak ckp panjang2. juz say dah la..i'm sory. i tak call die pun smp la nak balik. tu pun bile die cancelled my call, i tak call. juz when i reached home, baru i call. kalau ikut hati ni mmg tak nak inform pape pun. pandai2 la cari gf u dh balik ke belum. btw, he did mention also yg i shud know the situation. not all of the time blh gurau. ape2 la ye. die kan works in sales & marketing line. so evrytime pun kena jumpe client. ape ape la. sometimes rasa ye la. i je yg kena paham. i orang lain tak payah nak paham. hmm.. :< biarlah. kalau ikut feelings i ni lagi teruk kan. i rs better i write it down. i'm happy coz i blh release in writing. takyah nak ckp "dont call me till i call u" cam menyampah sket ayat tu. haha. bile bengang kan. better not to talk to hubby nnt i ckp yg bukan2. later die yg bengang then, biler hati dh panas macam2 words blh kuar. arrrghh.. malas nak ingat time tu. time tak suke. urrgghh.. dah la. now i'm okay. terlebih express plak kan.. kan. * wink * wink * don't worry.. skang blum kawin, okaylah duk umah lain2. nak merajuk ke, tak nak call ke, tak nak cakap ke, nak tido ke. but if yg dh kawin, if merajuk camne ar. nak lari gi mane. satu umah ngan husband kan. duk dlm bilik pun he can open the door. haha.. tapi if husband to sweet n pandai memujuk mesti cepat cair kan. tapi biase la. girls mmg cpt cair ngan guys. bagi bunga ke chocolate ke belai2 rambut sket. hug hug sket. pastu dh ok. haha. cute tak. =)

juz had dinner. nasi putih + ikan kicap. kenyang. yesterday nite pun same cam tu. takpela. syukur alhamdulillah sbb ade food. ni parents+bob gi golf. tinggal me, farid along n her family. i sebenarnye dh lame tak main ngan fay. she can sit n merangkak sekarang. n now die pun tak berape nak ngan i sbb maybe tak biase kan. tadi lps balik keje, i n radhi tgk citer mr bean kat disney channel. haha. pastu almost tertido. baru mandi. feel refreshed la sket. syok. ni hubby blum balik lagi. ade meeting. amboi dari siang smp malam. so long. lame giler. meeting ape ar. y tak start pagi je on saturday, then at least by 7pm dh hbs. but maybe theu have their own plans. esok kan saturday, so takpela if tonite blk lmbt. esok tak keje. hopefully everything goes well as planned.

i br download lagu miley cyrus. dgr kat hitz. tak tau sape until i search her image. then i tgk eh.. hannah montana rupenye. sedap gak suara die kan. oklah. nak enjoy other songs ni.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

jalan2 di petang hari

hari ni woke up quite late. roughly ard 11am. haha. lmbt giler. maybe a bit tired la kot. these few days ade overtime sket. so that's y la kot. haha. bangun, mandi then breakfast nasi lemak. then, roughly ard 2.30pm someone from kolej lagenda came to have a briefing session with farid regarding his plans to further studies. he actually gave his name n contact num to the college's rep thru the results day. at first ingat dad wil involve tapi tak. NOT n NOT n NOT. sungguh rasa tak puas hati sbb dad tak involve. then die marah2 lagi ade la sbb ckp my bro ni pandai2 je mintak sane mintak sini, tapi he as a father ade ke nk tolong pk kan yg the best for anak die ni. n die tau ke yg farid tu mmg takleh amik course yg bnyk gune otak. at least amik course yg more to practical sbb then i think he got the skills as well, n i'm pretty sure that he can success. actually this situation same ngan i masa lepas spm dulu. masa i isi borang, i pilih la course yg i nak amik yang i minat. pastu on the day nak hantar dad suruh buka the envelope than told me to change most of my course. apsal la awal2 dulu tak nak buat kan. then, bile i dh decide nak amik course ape, marah ckp takde future nnt. it goes on to the time i nak cari keje. bising2 sbb i tak dpt keje lagi. tapi takde pun tolong cari keje ke bagi frens die ke i nye resume. pastu bile i dah dpt keje plak bising2 lagi. tapi i buat tak tau je. la ni dh almost 2 years i keje kat company skang. n nw he stops telling all the things coz maybe he sees that i'm stable already so.. tak yah la nak bising kan. eh.. story i plak. back to farid... tu la yg i a bit tak puas hati. ckp lebih tapi takde initiative nk tolong. pastu bile org dh decide buat sakit hati je. hmm.. i juz told farid to discus it with yan coz it involves hiss future as well. i tak nak nnt die regret.

btw, petang tadi after dropping off farid at yan's, me hubby n haziq gi cineleisure. saje jalan2 sbb hubby ckp kesian kat his brother. pagi tadi kena marah ngan dad die kaw2. syian die. he seemed to be happy la tadi. i tau la dad nak the best for the anaks tapi kan sometimes the solution tu tak menepati citarasa we all dimana we all rasa if we all further ngan what we believe we can success, insya-Allah Tuhan tu maha segala-galanya n dimana ade usaha di situ ade jalan, n i strongly believe we can go on n be SUCCESS.. SUCCESS.. SUCCESS..

tadi kat cineleisure, we all main pool. i gang haziq. hubby sorang. tp biase la hubby yg menang. eleh.. eksen la tu ;P pstu main fusball lak. we all kalah le of course. hubby pusing the strokes really strong k. pastu bunyi cam "boom" meletup bile bola tu masuk goal. lastly i bengang so i push the ball into the goal. haha.. sorry.. then, lapar. at the same time hujan lebat giler la tadi. we all lepak kat kopitiam. i makan maggie goreng. they all makan roti canai. then kenyang. gelak2 cite pasal history paleolitik la, mesolitik la, neolitik la, nomad la n masihi tak masihi. then borak pasl name2 org la. satu name tu cute 'bagedot' haha.. sounds funny. pastu we all gi ikea. alamak penat la. jalan2 pusing2. beli plastic dispenser n also blanket for hubby. we dh survey a wardrobe. only rm100. most prob end of the month we'll buy in put in the house. simple je la. at first we tot nak beli railing then belik kotak2 tu pastu isi barang. tgk railing tu je dh rm99. mm.. we decided to get the wardrobe instead la. tapi if ade $$ lebih, maybe beli gak la sbb boleh save bnyk tmpt dlm wardrobe tu la. haha. simple je style die. kayu (pine wood) as hubby aid n ade kain sheer white colour and quite transparent. tapi very simple. n i like the design. lupe plak nak snap picture. takpe la. ade dlm mind n we dh jot down the info on the paper but the paper was in the ikea's plastic bag.. eh. wait think so it is in my handbag la. nnt i check. hmm..tapi kan i nak beli baby-T putih tu tapi lupe plak. hari ni kan thrusday. mane ade saturday market tu. a bit sad la tapi takpela. haha.

btw, here are some photos to share with while we were there. enjoy!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

3 days 2 nites

hmm.. sounds like i'm on holiday mood. yess.. of course. got since sunday, get to spend banyak time ngan hubby. when i looked at him sleeping, so comel. he's the one i love. n i will spend the rest of my life with this guy. i've made my choice which is quite hard in the first place la. but, after knowing him n feel the way he treated me, i liked him n most important is i LOVE him. lagi, my feelings bile tgk die tido? syian die, looked so tired. sometimes i ni tak faham ape yg he went thru, i kan selfish. looked at how he hold on to almost evrything when a lot of probs striking him, he's very strong. n that character , every guy shud have coz they r the ones who is goin to lead the future family. n i kno one thing, he loves me so much. thanx for all yang. so much n i love him too.

yesterday, we watched enchanted till end. yaay! mmg la ade mengarut tapi syok la. not heavy. animated + reality. really like it. and at last like most princesses' stories, happily ever ending. the character switched places. the reality goes to the cartoon, n the cartoon lives in reality world. enjoyed the songs too. haha. cute. the main character is very sweet n she so cantik like patung ok. with the curls, nose n dresses. nice. n among the funniest character, is the bad guy acted by the guy from the sweeny todd. haha.. sesuai for him to hold that post. eh.. eh .. i ni cam movie critics person plak. takpela. juz sharing, how i enjoy the movie, even tho dah lame gak kan movie ni. i think the movie was shown somewhere in nov last year. skang baru tgk. haha. to sesape yg blum tgk, gi la tgk ENCHANTED. syok!

pastu ade movie lain plak. censored =) as hubby said.

eryn's last day

well, i juz got home roughly around 9.30pm. then, a bit sakit perut then kno la. haha. then eat nasi with the daging burger. hmm.. hubby takde. misshh him la. btw, yesterday was zurina's last day at maakl. we snapped snapped few photos. quite sad coz i'm kind of close to her la. hopefully, she's doing great at the new place. well, everyone come n go.


tata see u tomoro.. no la.. tonite will post more topic coz i dh lame tak blogging ni. plus nak add more photos of yesterday's one. skang. nak gi shi2. then, nak balik. chiow! adios amigos!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

happy monday

yesterday, i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy. coz get to spend time with hubby. i ate quite a lot la yesterday. coz we had department lunch. we all went to tupai-tupai. we ordered tomyam, siakap black pepper, kailan with oyster sauce, telur bungkus, sotong goreng tepung n butter prawn. but the tom yam not that syok like the one in port klang. btw, the fish was soooo big. i've snapped the pic of the fish. will upload it soon la.

yesterday also quite bz with the report. i went home ard 7.30pm. then balik makan nasi goreng cina + telur mata kerbau. then, balik umah. after cleaning up, ingat nak watch enchanted tapi ended up tertido. i think like citer tu baru jalan 30min i dah mengantuk tahap dewa. apa lagi, tido la. that time dh pukul 11 la if i'm not mistaken.

pagi ni bangun cam sakit pinggang sket la. maybe sbb sejuk so i tido like mengkrekot. u know wat i mean rite? i mean like cam ulat gonggok. curled up coz sejuk. lupe nak amik selimut. hmm.. then lps mandi air suam, feels better.

rite now i tgh breakfast, makan meehoon. tadi kat umah dah makan roti cicah milo. maybe after this lunch trus la.

today i sampai ofis pun quite late. 8.45. semalam lagi la. 9.10 jam teruk gile. menyampah ok. not telling that i'm a very very gentle n good driver, but nowadays, u have to be alert n concious on the road, if not u'll bump someone else's car. am i rite? i rasa like all the way from shah alam jam. haha. plus i pun bgn lmbt sket la. roughly seven. tapi stil i managed to go out by 7.30am. siap blh isi minyak lagi. pastu huiisshh.. jam tak ingat. maybe like some people say BLACK MONDAY. haha.

oklah goin to work soon. nak finish up reading. tata for now!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

cannot la

haa.. nak cry coz i haven't found anything that i want to add la. how ar? i want to add more stuff. but nvm la.. i'll keep on surveying and browsing so when i found anything interesting i will capture it. nways, hubbyy baked pizza again. italiano week for him. nnt nak tease him la. let me call him chef marican.. hmm.. cool name aite. btw, i nak tido dh la. esok working. n now nk kemas barang. adios!


well, i've added few things to my page. but it does not turn out to be exactly wat i want. but for the fist try, i think i succeed. yahoo!! tapi yg raindrops tu tak jadi la. dunno how to do so. it juz came out half way. any ideas..? anyone? hmm.. that marquee thingy, sort of jadi la tapi it shows at the bottom. i tot of showing it at the top but i kept finding it -ERROR- but thanx to bob la for sharing with me the webpage. haha. dh told hubby bout it. tapi tak tau la. maybe he got some other ideas yg lagi relevant and lagi gempak. haha.. nnt nak share ngan die la. yang, tolong comment eh? hmm.. tgh pk ni ape lagi i nak add ar? i tgh browse lagi ni. if ade benda yg syok. i will add that to my page. check it out k.

more photos

reptilian fair

went to that place earlier with hubby. snapped few photos. weird n some are like scary. haha. ade snakes, monkeys, hmm.. ade satu tu cam wolverine tapi dunno la betul ke tak. sbb the whole body hitam but kaki n tangan all yellow. then, cobra takde. maybe die simpan. not suitable for that time. masa nak balik tadi, parrot tu marah tau. got this guard like feed the bird, then the bird cam nak jatuh, but the guard pushed him up n that makes the bird thot someone is attacking him/her. bising bukan main lagi. cam nak protect himself. syian lak. tapi he kena gari kat tiang tu so die tak fly gi mane2. so many species n types of animals. nnt i upload photos.

hari ni i like mkn bnyk. sbb lapar. ape la i. hari tu baru baik sakit perut kan. kena take care. tapi tadi makan nasi lemak curry ayam. then petang tadi plak makan nasi + tomyam + telur dadar + ayam kunyit. wah.. sorry hubby. die ckp nak pegi jog but at last tak jadi. pegi makan instead. hmm.. bertambah la berat badan kite ye. how to diet ni. ohh.. tak blh tak blh. haha =)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

haha.. in the fitting room

dunno y skang suke sgt tangkap pic dlm fitting room masa tgh cuba baju. haha. ni lagi photos. notice or not my perut dah buncit sket. i dah tambah 1kg. (that day gi timbang berat kat klinik) *wink *wink hubby pun dah ejek. ye lar.. takmo kawan. nak majuk ah..

pizza baking day for him =)

shopping.. =)

yaay! shopping. that's wat i like to do. haha. today i went to bb wit farid. we gerak from home ard 12pm. then amik license L farid then isi minyak. off to kl. jln tak brape jam until i reached the bukit bintang area. as usual la. saturday afternoon aite. dh park. roughly dlm 1.30pm. then lunch dulu. makan chicken rice. kenyang! baru ade energy nak berjalan. pastu start our shopping. quite lame gak la sbb hubby call kul 5.30 we all blum blk lagi. i tgh test baju time tu. haha. at last tak jumpe. we bought cookies instead then gerak la balik. i bought few under garments, baju n skirt. i got took photos of it. will upload it soon. haha.. then balik jumpe hubby. hari ni die lepak umah baked pizza ngan mum die. dough tu a bit tebal. tapi takpe. congrats congrats sbb sedp jgk. not bad ok. n beruntung nye dpt u sbb pandai masak. love ya.


i'm not a responsible person. senang2 judge orang macam tu. if u really want to see, then i can do it. bengang + geram. i cried already. so most of my unsatisfied feelings dh kuar masa i nangis. i really pressure ler. hmm.. hubby said. "sabar" "sabar" tapi camne i skang mmg tak tahan. orang lain ade tapi boleh buat tak tau k. bengang je. i tak suke la. ni bob tak balik lagi. br form 3. so damn mengade. think he is so damn big la. buat la pape yg ko suke. i lps ni mmg malas nak masuk campur. pandai2 la. nak pass le nak fail ke. suka hati. btw, i juz ate roti canai. tadi mum yg tgh tak tau die buat ape. jalan kaki from surau tu mamak beli roti canai. we all like kelam kabut cari die. i tgh tido that time when i kena "tak bertanggungjawab langsung" mama dgn dad so ape lak nak expect kte yg tgk. pape la. i skang rasa nak hug someone n tido while orang ti belai2 rambut i. sayang i, kiss i, n i know the very suitable person for this is my busyuk. nak kapuk u. =( honey tension la. skang pun tgh cry balik. this time pressure really hard. sakit dada i ni. tadi i berzikir jap. to calm myself. n then i ok. tapi skang tgh tak happy balik. macam2. jap lagi nak layan lagu then go to sleep. hubby tgh main futsal la ni. jap lagi die balik.

Friday, March 14, 2008

friday nite

hari ni cam baik sket. bukannye hari lain i tak baik. i study tadi. haha. rasa macam eh.. bile aku nak study ni? dh lame tak pegang buku. nnt lupe plak kang ape yg dh diajar for the last classes. hmm.. i've decided wher to go tomoro. but dunno with who sbb tadi bros gaduh besar. plus mum n dad. whoosshhh! pening kepala ku. dah la nak baca bku. then, i baca sket je la. pastu ngantuk. biase le kan, bile tgk movie ke shopping ke tak ngantuk. bile baca buku.mmpphh.. ngantuk bukan main lagi. tapi kena lawan kan untuk berjaya di masa depan. chewah..

hubby gi main futsal. die ckp nak balik awal today. tapi tak tau la awal berape. i kang ting tong awal. jap lagi lps hbs type type ni i nak tido. tadi kan i tak tau la apsal yg farid n bob tu bergaduh sakan. mum plak nangis. ckp nek..nek tula pasal diah tak nak kawin. bile anak2 dh besar gaduh. dad plak bising2. urrgghh aku tensi nih. then i just shouted to all of them, bros suruh improve attitude, mum suruh die pk rationale. nasib baik i tak menangis td. i ni kan queen of tears. haha.. i managed to calm myself. i largi gi dapur. duduk kat meja makan, then baca buku kat situ. pastu situation dh cool i gi depan balik. ni bob blum blk lg. die kuar gi mane ntah lps bengang ngan farid radi. sambil nangis2. ape la nak jadi ngan die tu. i dh bnyk kali pesan. tak yah nak ikut sgt kawan2. belajar dulu. score fr ur papers. nnt u regret. how? tak nak dgr. sumtimes rs kan if ade abg yg besar sure senang kan. nak control adik lelaki. coz bile zaman teenager diorang ni mmg bnyk memberontak unlike girls *wink*wink think so la kan.

dh la. malas nk pk. esok maybe i'm going alone. bosan btul. tapi that area hubby cam tak kasi gi sorang. see first how la. gud nite.


tgh checking on work. jap lagi nak balik. hu hu. tomoro saturday. yaay! nak gi jalan. tapi haven't decide where to go. nnt dh pk i akan update k. chiow!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


dh balik. tadi dinner ngan hubby. makan nasi + ikan bawal sweet sour + kailan ikan masin + telur bistik. yum.. yum.. i kenyang. alhamdulillah. hari ni from ofis quite early. roughly ard 6.15pm. tadi lepak2 b4 mandi i menari-nari. sway. among my favourite tune. i was like recalling wat i've learnt thru my dancing class in school. hmm.. i menari ikut rentak sendiri je. haha. nnt nk ajak hubby gi dance la. dh lame tak dance. i mmg suke dance. pape pun blh. dulu i ade la nak masuk dancing clas time college tp hubby tak kasi. =( skang ni malas pun ade kan.

sometimes kan i teringat la time dulu2. awal2 masa baru kenal itu orang name gonz. a lot of things yg i nak buat die tak kasi. sume tak kasi. tu tak boleh.. ni tak boleh. reason die u tu tak tau pape. i ni guy n i see for ur future. ye la. ye la. dulu slalu gak gaduh kan. almost evry week. ade je benda nak gaduh. pape ntah. so childish. kelakar pun ade. haha. tapi tu semua kenangan n memories. money can't buy all of that. so hopefully blh dijadikan panduan for me to teruskan life in the next generation.

i ni dh lama kenal hubby. this year is almost the 8th year. alhamdulillah. banyak benda yg we all go thru. from susah senang gaduh merajuk.. nk break-up pun ade. but on top all that i sayang sgt same die. love him so much only God knows. tapi adat la kan couples gaduh. i ni degil tau n very2 selfish. even now i tau i stil sellfish. evrything me, me, me my stuff, my stuff, my stuff. tapi takleh la nak macam tu slalu. not good. kena give n take. in a lot of things.

tadi masa we all makan. we all talk bout future, $$, how to generate more $ for the usage of our future. hmm.. rasa cam sakit kepala pun ade. tapi tu la. we all have to start early as wat hubby said so towrds the pencen time dh boleh lepak je. income tetap masyuk. hehe.. tapi kena work hard la dulu in the early days. takpe la. pelan2 la kite susun strategi so blh survive n success. gud luck! chaiyok! chaiyok!

panjang nye aku membebel ni. haha.. takpela.. rasa cam nak tulis panjang2. kekeke... if takde idea mesti tak tulis pape. actually i start writing journals when i was in standard 6. then, that habits continue to secondary skool, to college, then to now la until ppl discover "blogging" journals online. but i have fun doing it. last time i used to buy cute cute books then i'll write into them. so one year like 3 4 books. ade la kat umah. if org jumpe mesti baca. tapi cam funny la bile baca balik. like blogging ni it save trees. tapi bile nak baca kena online. takleh nak simpan2. tapi takpela. for my own kan. happy to have thi sort of thing. so, when i was away from home n got internet connection n feels like blogging, there u go. blh trus post je. syok kan. last time i used to carry that cute book around. so i can jot down many things. la. tapi at times skang ni ade jgk i pk nak tuka bali pegi buku. tapi susah la plak. nak bawak buku2 ni kan. blog je la jawabnye. haha.

now march is in the middele of the month. brape hari je lagi nak habis bulan 3 ni. pastu masuk bulan baru. we got like 8 months ok b. kena prepare ourselves btul2 ni. how? jgn stress sgt. insya-Allah rezeki ade di mana2 as long as we berusaha kan.

oklah. i'll stop now. dh rs panjang plak i tulis this time. maybe take half of the page. hehe.. =)

results of election

last saturday, was Msia 12'th election day. and as we all kno, BN loss most of their chairs to opposition. nw, there are like 5 states won over by opposition n they seemed to find it hard to select the menteri besar due certain issues. on top of all this voting things, i was like err.. don't really like politic issues. but stil as a citizen of a county we need to know not much but at least kno something bout current issues in the country. but i do hoping for our country to be in a harmony n peaceful environment plus stable economically for now n future generations. humans r stil humans. jealousy n heartburning will turn good frens to enemy. that's wat ppl most fear of.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, kau rahmati lah kami sekalian dan semoga Malaysia aman makmur sentiasa. Amin..

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

1st day of work

hari ni setelah berehat selama 2 hari, i'm back to work. pagi nk gi keje jam giler.. ntah pasal ntah. tapi i layan je. malas nk pk if not mood i dh ruined. dgr lagu.. nyanyi nyanyi. dlm 845 baru smp. everybody at ofis also wonder kenape i tak datang. wat's wrong with me? i said sakit perut la. eat too much. haha. tapi in the morning i cam rasa a bit boring sbb dh 4 days lepak at home. so a bit malas la. juz update myself on certain issues of the company n surroundings. then, wat i know is time to makan. i amik lauk ayam masak kicap je plus nasi letak kuah sup. our topic during lunch is bout kak zurina's wedding, plus the HOT HOT TOPIC that is POLITICAL. gave bits of my opinions la tapi as usual. benda ni secreto. so malas nk post lebih2. kang tak pasal2 je.

balik keje ard 6.30pm. gi jumpa hubby kat subang jap. then, we makan at this warongjunction. the nasi i took not bad la. tapi as usual kena limit ape yg i makan sbb perut baru nak okay. on the way balik, hujan la sket2. tapi smp shah alam ok la, macam baru nak start hujan. ni baru mandi. terasa sgt sgt FRESH !! cam peel fresh. aha.. well, tonite nk sleep early la. chiow!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

mc second half

harlow.. currently listening to boyz 2 men while blogging. tetiba jiwang plak. haha. tadi ard 12.30 hubby amik. we gi tgk cite duyung. he ckp sbb ade maya karin. ade certain time, movie tu cam bosan. ade time funny la. tapi time masa maya karin as mermaid tu marah she really looked sexy. eh... hubby suke eh? then, before tu i lunch bubur mcd je. hubby ckp jgn makan benda lain. perut baru nak elok. kena sacrifice sket. hmmm.. orait dear. then, balik tu lapar la plak kan.. pegi la layan nasi kat section 2. tapi tak syok le sbb tempat die terkuhup. -->hehe.. hubby fhm tak? then balik tu.. i cam bengang sket. la. bilik baju tu penuh dh macam store baju2. i pun used the opportunity to kemas smp puas hati. then, hujan lebat. pastu i tido sampai ard 6.45pm. then mum gerak suruh bangun sbb dh maghrib. i bangun, lost kejap, mandi, order pizza then makan. kenyang.

like this photo

m.c. 2

hey lo.. i'm on mc lagi. hehe. nw lepaking at home. perut i ade rs cam tak syok sket la but better than yesterday. today kena jaga wat i makan, most prob til end of this week. tapi kn time ni la i banyak benda nk makan tapi hubby ckp no! no! perut u tu baru nak baik. jaga la perut u tu dulu. pastu br blh makan. hmm.. =( takpela i'll wait for it. anyway, i pun dh bnyk makan last weekend. ha ha ha. syian kan i. tapi takpela. i juz use this opportunity to rest at home. thnx hubby for advising me. love u!

Monday, March 10, 2008


yeah finally get to upload. but i did it by clicking one by one instead of 4 at one go. nvm la. as long as i can upload. nice or not?


y suddenly i cannot upload gambar ni. i dh delete cookies n temporary files. hubby, please help yah. the error said, please try again in 30 seconds but when i tried stil takleh. y ar?


hari ni saya mc sakit perut. pagi tadi bgn ok je. then, masa on the way i think b4 batu tiga, i dh start rasa uncomfortable. even though dh on air-cond i like berpeluh2. tak tahan babe. i was like.. wusshh! sakit nyeeeee perut saya. then, terus gi klg lame. i told hubby think so may not goin to work coz i can't handle the pain. then, dh lepas buang everything, letih tak ingat. tido til like 10.30 am. told friend that i'm not coming in. went to see doc to take medication plus mc cert. balik tu beli sup n nasi. everyone at home like terkejut i balik tak kerje. i said i mc. diarrhea. ha ha. hubby ckp maybe sbb i bnyk sgt makan these few days. remember when i told u that since friday i like makan tak ingat punye. kenyang gile. tula.. plus weekend umah org kawin. makan campur2. tu la. btw, dkang dh kirang sket. nk dinner je jap lagi pastu nak makan ubat then sleep. perut sekajap ade la cam on off rasa sakit. syian i.. yangg.. nak kapuk.. =(

Sunday, March 9, 2008

yesterday's story

semalam, i n hubby gi wedding my ofismate. soon ex-ofismate coz she has tendered resignation letter. was a bit sad la coz of that news tapi it's ppl dreams. maybe she wants to pursue something else that's big. congrats her on her wedding. back to the stori, at first we were supposed to gerak from home ard 11am tapi sbb banyak benda yg tak blh dieelakkan we all kuar ard 12.30pm. isi minyak then, drop to mcd drive thru then start our journey. btw, it is HARI MENGUNDI FOR MALAYSIAN CITIZEN ha ha. that's the reason of the jam. imagine we all smp kuala pilah ard 4pm. ceremony dh over la tapi takpe la. sbb hajat n niat dh tercapai. happy le. tapi macam2 scenarios we all jumpe. lembu, hujan, panas, jam giler, bengang, ngantok, bla.. bla.. bla.. btw ade nice scenarios punye pic. jap gi i upload eh. pastu makan kat umah kak zurina bnyk. tambah 2 kali. haha. pastu hubby gelakkan i sbb malu nak tambah. yg syok tu sbb dapat makan puding pengantin tu. sedap. hehe.. i dh post the pic of me eating the pudding. haha.. tapi penat n letih sket la. jalam balik tak smp 2 jam pun. sbb jln quite clear. juz that hujan lebat masa on the way balik. we all quite tired. ingat nak tolong hubby drive, tapi die ckp takpe he can drive. syian kat die. tapi thnx to him too sbb sayang punye pasal die bawak i gak kan padahal hati tu tak nak pegi. thanx yang.. thanx yang.. love u..

hari ni plak..ade 2 wedding ceremony lagi. satu my old skoolmate n lagi satu ofis mate hubby. we all like makan tak ingat punye. i siap cakap minggu ni minggu buncitkan perut sbb i sampai sakit perut k. annoying sbb kenyang sangat smp kena un-buckle kain. dh la pakai kebaya. ha ha ha. balik from ther hujan lebat. lepak la kejap then pegi thai massage. urut kaki. lega sket. hari tu i citer tgh tido kaki i cramp. sakit tak ingat punye. tapi dh rasa lega sket la. maybe stress ke ape. oh.. know wat.. mak hubby cakap i dh gain weight. tapi i tak tau kat mana yg naik.. maybe muka kot sebab i sendiri pun tgk i dh tembam. haha.. shima dh gemuk..

well, here are some more photos. from the sceneries...

thru kak zurina's wedding

here are some photos to share.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

time appreciation

everyone in this world must kno how to appreciate time. i skang ni tgh tak suke ngan condition. i n hubby were supposed to go to my fren's wedding. i like woke him up ard 9.45 am n nw at 11am baru nak mandi. then wat time nak pegi? wat time nak balik? urrghh.. sometimes rasa kan baik la i pegi sendiri. if this situation kena kat die kan, he is damn mad i tell u. isshh.. bengang la ni. i elok2 happy. this thing can really drag my mood. please la hubby, time management is very imporatant here. u're an adult n u r a working man n i'm supposed that u can think wisely TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN .. as mentioned in ur blog.

Friday, March 7, 2008

mak mak..then perut kenyang giler ..

hari ni i bgn quite lmbt. almost seven, then iron clothes, mandi, eat breakfast, then off to work. b4 gi kerja, i saw mum tgh sorokkan i nye selendang purple. then i asked her y did she take my stuff? then she said, i took her heart. then i said wher got. bengang la tu. pastu i teringatkan my gold necklace. i naik atas tgk mmg sah takde. i asked her again. then she gave it to me. then she said " sampai hati shima tak pakai rantai ni , tak suke lagi ke " mm.. ape lagi bertambah bengang i jd nye. then she bising2 marah2 ckp i ade cerita our family stories kat orang luar. then she said that person wrote a cerpen or short story on it. then i told her dlm nada yg agak bengang. "mak, mak ingat mak sorang je ke yg ade masalah camni" then die diam. then she said summore. habis tu kenapa diorang tulis cite macam tu. then i repeat wat i told her earlier. then, she seems to understand wat i said. bile i nk gerak nmpk die dh msk dlm rumah. i pun drive all the way to ofis. btw, takde la smp lambat sgt pun. dlm 8.45am.

pretty cold in the ofis. had to wear my red sweater, dh lame tak pkai. sbb b4 this cam blh tahan. lately ni la cam sejuk semacam je. ha ha ha. . . then, almost lucnh hubby called ajak lunch together. i pun apa lagi la. =D senyum lebar accepted the sweet invitation. then off we go to eat nasi. i punye nasi oiihh.. bnyk giler.. plus lauk daging masak kicap, rendang daging n sayur plus some kuah2 la. total mine hubby air rm8.70 quite cheap rite. dh la bnyk then rasa pun ok gak. lepas tu i makan plak pengat pisang. then, perut i cam dah sgt buncit sakit ok. sebab terlampau kenyang. ha ha ha. . . padan muka as wat shirley said to me. i cam tak comfortable. very2 tak comfortable. pastu ok balik ard 4 camtu.

balik tu jumpe hubby balik. mkn mee goreng plak. plus telur goreng. this time mmg sakit perut giler. sorry hubby. tapi on the way home dh ok. hubby ckp toksah ingat sgt psl perut. tulah.. slalu komplen tak ckup food hari ni terlebih food la plak. ha ha ha. . . =)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

gift shopping

today woke up quite late. then, mandi eat roti n milo then off to work. i smp ok la roughly 10minutes b4 8.30am. then, beli bihun goreng ngan feeza. (bfast lagi-that means MAKAN lagi) hari ni ingat nk wake hubby tapi die ckp die nk bgn sendiri. sori la. rasa cam aler.. sori kacau u tido je. u bgn la wat time yg u dh decide td. my accs think so can finish by this friday lo. quite ok. not that bz mah.. n also need to prove to boss that with more colleagues, can get the report done faster coz the daily job being done properly. then, time to go for lunch. i makan mmm.. let me recall balik.. nasi lo + daging masak kicap n sayur. then, balik ofis. hari ni kumpul $$ nak beli gift fr eryn or kak zurina die dh decide on vacum.

after work, me husna akma n sha went downstairs to join the 630 club. hari ni makan fried chicken + fries + sup daging. (MAKAN LAGI) ha ha ha. . . then, naik atas, kemas meja, snap2 some photos.. hmm.. talking of photos ha ha ha i blum lagi la upload. semalam ade la charge the battery tapi blum nk transfer lagi. tgk. la. maybe this weekend kot. rasanye dh bnyk kali ckp nak trf tapi tak trf trf lagi.

from ofis.. zoooooooommmmmmmmm gi mid valley. beli vacum card then wrapped the gift. plus i bought another gift fr my fren's wedding. bought her a set of cups n saucer. tak tau nak beli ape la actually. i spend like almost 2 hours kat situ. jalan2 cr gift, pusing2, queue then sampai time nak blk, something stupid la. i can actually take the trolley with me use the lift go up one level then turun gune the kereta punye jalan sampai la kat keta. i like jalan then patah balik.. ha ha ha . . ape la i.. buang masa je. finally dh masuk keta. nak balik tu. jam plak kat kaunter bayar parking sbb satu kaunter je buka. dh almost my turn, the girl in-charged balik. maybe die gi makan kot. then... zooooooommmmmmmm balik la. tp nasib i ikut npe sbb jln ok. i tgk fr atas flyover tu kan,, cam jam je jln fr angkasapuri. malas la nk rempuh jam. i pun ja;an straight.. nyanyi nyanyi.. sbb tak nak ngantuk. roughly dh masuk shah alam, baru hujan. smp umah dlm 1045pm. call hubby ckp dh smp umah. die tgh cite ape ntah tadi die mention. lupe plak. need to discus something quite urgent with him. hopefully die tak kuar tonite. if not camne ar? kelam kabut i nnt. takpe.. jap gi i nak tido i wil call die blk to check on the things nnt.

hhmmm....skang dh lapar balik la. (MAKAN LAGI) ha ha ha. . . baru consume roti. jap gi tgk la if ade nasi ke tak. oh.. coklat i semalam mane ar? lupe la. tu my fren kasi. dh hbs kot. takpe la. nnt tanye kat yed or bob.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


haa.. finally dh dpt hw to change the font type or colours. playing around lo. tp takde smiley face la. camne nk insert ni. anyone knows how to do so? help please...

sakit kaki

i was asleep quite early yesterday sbb penat sket ;) ade bnyk keje la. then, masa tgh tido kan, suddenly kaki kanan i cramp. i mean like tegang urat. dunno how to spell le. sori. i cam nak nangis time tido tu. that time baru pukul 4am kot. tp i slowly stretch my leg then ok dah. smp la pagi. masa drive to work ok lagi tapi bile dh smp ofis nk kuar from keta, waduh! waduh! sakit balik la. tapi lucky blh jln. i tak pakai heels la. juz pkai normal shoes. jln2 cam terjengkit-jengkit sket. =( tapi as usual buat tak tau. then ok dah.

actually semalam plan nk survey brg for my ofismate's wedding. semalam pegi jusco tp die tutup awal sbb ade company's annual dinner. then, hari i kwn i tu msg balik tak nak dvd player plak. nak vacum cleaner. hmm.. patut pun jusco tutup. rupa-rupanye nak i gi survey today la ye.

so, after work tadi balik umah. mandi then me, farid n bob sesame kuar gi jusco dekat je la. i dh tgk2 harga vacum cleaner tu. tapi budget dlm rm300 je la. not really much choice. but wil decide with my frens tomoro la. then, blk tu dine kat kedai mamak. makan nasi goreng cina + telur mata kerbau. nyum! nyum!

skang ni, dh smpt umah, so i nak surf net plus nk add stuff to blog la. plus nak dgr lagu b4 go to sleep. haha.. hubby u wat pe ni? bz semacam ni.. dh dine blum?


juz got back from lunch. i'm very full now. mmg la sbb i makan nasi. yesterday tak sempat blogging sebab i am VERY VERY VERY TIRED! hahaha.. tidur pun awal. dlm 11pm dh bobom. haha.. tata bobom. a ungkapan by Piah.. she's turning 2 this year. Piah? never heard of that name before aite. actually she's hubby's niece. his kakak punye anak.

k la.. i nak sambung work. tata for now.

Monday, March 3, 2008


a bit rasa geram sbb i nak buat i nye blog lagi look fun. bnyk benda i surf tp tak jumpe ape yg i cari. i juz feel the background is a bit plain. anyone with any infos on how to make it fancy?? pls.. pls.. hehe.. btw, i juz started with fotopages. the same url except the last bit. change it to fotopages.com haha. but only 1 post at the time. will update those as well. tapi my pics bnyk blum trf lagi. nnt la ye. blum ade time yg sesuai lagi ni. i jap lagi nk tido dh. a bit sleepy. nk gayut kat fon kejap. pastu it's time to sleep..sleep..sleep..

my frens juz got back from penang. cam syok je. i pun nk gi travel jalan2. dunno when yet la. takpela.. nnt dh smp time sure i akan jejak kaki gak kan. kumpul enuf $ dulu baru syok nak pegi jln2.

hmm.. nw tgh search how to insert emoticons.. if i dh tau nnt i akan add banyak banyak.. eleh..hubby tu ckp skang tak senang. tak nak buat keje remeh. tak nak kawan. =( hahahahaa..jgn mrh ye. love u! =)

i'm late

hahaha.. don't get me wrong. i'm late as in to wake up. i locked my alarm at 6am but i woke up at 7.15am suddenly like sumbody wake me up saying hey, dh lambat. bgn la pegi keje. haha.. dh bgn tu termenung la plak kan. lost kejap. then kejut hubby. 1st day of work. dlm 7.30 br mandi. then kemas2, breakfast, pukul 8 baru gerak. haha.. smp ofis ard 9am. hubby ckp not that late. pastu gi beli bihun fr breakfast. hubby breakfast roti telur dulu b4 work. then i tell u, fon die ringing tp die takleh nk angkat.. ade briefing. bz.. bz.. tak sabar nk dgr full stories.

was quite cold la hari ni. hujan la i guess. today a bit bz with month-end tp so far alhamdulillah. manage to do whateva outstanding. most prob blh close acc by this friday la. after work gi date ngan hubby jap. we all makan ayam tandoori. plus cheese naan. jgn jeles ar.. hehee... tetibe teringat nak makan tu plak. kenyang. pastu balik.. mandi skang ni tgh blogging. ingat nk blogging same hubby tp die kuar jap k jumpe member die. n please come home early coz we got a serious matter to discuss thoroughly tonite. i dh la cam sleepy ni. jap gi nak tido. haha..

Sunday, March 2, 2008


b, i tgh lagu blower's daughter. yangg.. ape lagi nk add ar.. kat mane nak surf scripts tu sume?

sunday lazy sunday

pagi ade clas tapi tak hujan. quite hot. hari ni bwk jacket biase je tapi sejuk la plak. tak tahan beb. balik tu singgah sec 2 tapau nasi + lauk. tempe goreng + sambal tempe + ayam masak komak. nyum! nyum! sedap k.. n i like so kenyang. haha.. pastu ard 2.30pm tertido plak smp kul 6pm. ngantuk giler.. ingat petang td nak cr pisang goreng tp dh lambat so tak yah la. dad main golf. bro in law ajak gi pavilion tapi malas la. hubby ckp nnt die nk bwk i gi sane. so kite tunggu bile k.
tadi dinner cam tak kenyang sgt la. nasi tinggal sket je. takpe la. nnt if lapar i buat milo then makan ngan biskut lemak or roti. hehe.. k la.. nak update certain elements kat blog. tada..

Saturday, March 1, 2008

cool saturday

hari ni i ade clas. tapi pagi tadi cam malas giler nak gi sbb hujan plus sejuk. nak tido. best ngan selimut. syok! tapi sbb nak ilmu so i pun pegi la tp smp lambat. pakai sweater tp the clas was not that cold. maybe they have lower down the volume of the air-cond. pastu esok ade clas sbb nk wat questions. masa nak balik tadi kan.. keta tergesel ngan dinding. i cam risau plus worry la. aiyo.. how? then drove off straight to hubby's. he checked on it then repair a bit la. then, lunch. i makan nasi lauk kari ayam. tambah 2 kali. alamk malu le plak. hehe.. pastu rest jap gi usha-usha keta myvi kat area klang. nk tgk price how much n everything la. tgk tgk maybe insya-Allah, proceed with myvi se. pastu lepak kat jusco jap. ingat nak tgk citer duyung tapi black out la plak. then lepak mamak. i mula2 makan mee goreng then order plak roti bakar satu set. pastu buat reservations nk tgk vantage point.

at 8 gi la tgk vantage point ngan hubby, arid n amir. cool man. banyak scene suspense n tricky. hubby ckp first time i tgk movie tak bnyk tanye qs. sorry la ye. maybe i ni bnyk tanye time movie. tak perasan. tapi tgk.. fusshh...dasyat. i suka la the movie. nnt suruh hubby cari dvd to kumpul as collections. =) balik tu singgah makan burger jap. lapar la beb. pastu smp umah, tertido jap. nw cleaned up, then blogging. i think i have so much fun la today. happy saturday n that's y i call it coll saturday. hari pun tak brape panas sbb hujan. kalo tido hug bantal dlm selimut sure syokkan.. ;) hehehehe...


td pg i dh mintak maaf kat mum. say sorry to her + mintak maaf + halal makan minum + salah bahasa + so so so on. u know la that day. ape i buat sbb i lost my temper. malas nk citer tp hubby told me to do so. i take time to do so la n nw my emotion n mood ok. so this morning b4 go to work i did that sincerely. she said she mmg forgive all her anaks then we (me+bob) kissed her b4 we chow to each places.

we exchange car with dad la sbb bunyi2 itu la. tapi keta dad pun ade prob ngan break pad die. cam kena pijak ke dalam. a bit scary sbb kena btul2 alert. takleh break mengejut. fusshh. i drive slow je. dlm 60km/hr. tapi i smp ofis dlm 8.15am. alhamdulillah takde pape thru out journey.

hubby feeling better. doctor said stress la. kesyian die. get well soon dear coz i love u so much. nw he tension plak psl streamyx die.

siang tadi me & colleagues makan at charlie's. skali 4 kak zurina's b4 married's lunch. gambar blum trf lagi. nnt eh.. tunggu kemunculannye di blog ku ini. hehe. kenyang giler. i makan nasi lemak. air ice lemon tea. pastu i ade meeting lak. gi ngan boss. balik ofis dlm 415pm. malam plak ade dinner ngan ofis mates plus ex-ofis mates kat tupai2. together celebrate maziah's birthday. tapi tak bnyk pics la. so far, rs hari ni keje i cam makan makan makan. kan.. kan.. kan.. hehe..