Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 9, 2008

yesterday's story

semalam, i n hubby gi wedding my ofismate. soon ex-ofismate coz she has tendered resignation letter. was a bit sad la coz of that news tapi it's ppl dreams. maybe she wants to pursue something else that's big. congrats her on her wedding. back to the stori, at first we were supposed to gerak from home ard 11am tapi sbb banyak benda yg tak blh dieelakkan we all kuar ard 12.30pm. isi minyak then, drop to mcd drive thru then start our journey. btw, it is HARI MENGUNDI FOR MALAYSIAN CITIZEN ha ha. that's the reason of the jam. imagine we all smp kuala pilah ard 4pm. ceremony dh over la tapi takpe la. sbb hajat n niat dh tercapai. happy le. tapi macam2 scenarios we all jumpe. lembu, hujan, panas, jam giler, bengang, ngantok, bla.. bla.. bla.. btw ade nice scenarios punye pic. jap gi i upload eh. pastu makan kat umah kak zurina bnyk. tambah 2 kali. haha. pastu hubby gelakkan i sbb malu nak tambah. yg syok tu sbb dapat makan puding pengantin tu. sedap. hehe.. i dh post the pic of me eating the pudding. haha.. tapi penat n letih sket la. jalam balik tak smp 2 jam pun. sbb jln quite clear. juz that hujan lebat masa on the way balik. we all quite tired. ingat nak tolong hubby drive, tapi die ckp takpe he can drive. syian kat die. tapi thnx to him too sbb sayang punye pasal die bawak i gak kan padahal hati tu tak nak pegi. thanx yang.. thanx yang.. love u..

hari ni plak..ade 2 wedding ceremony lagi. satu my old skoolmate n lagi satu ofis mate hubby. we all like makan tak ingat punye. i siap cakap minggu ni minggu buncitkan perut sbb i sampai sakit perut k. annoying sbb kenyang sangat smp kena un-buckle kain. dh la pakai kebaya. ha ha ha. balik from ther hujan lebat. lepak la kejap then pegi thai massage. urut kaki. lega sket. hari tu i citer tgh tido kaki i cramp. sakit tak ingat punye. tapi dh rasa lega sket la. maybe stress ke ape. oh.. know wat.. mak hubby cakap i dh gain weight. tapi i tak tau kat mana yg naik.. maybe muka kot sebab i sendiri pun tgk i dh tembam. haha.. shima dh gemuk..

well, here are some more photos. from the sceneries...

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