Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

3 days 2 nites

hmm.. sounds like i'm on holiday mood. yess.. of course. got since sunday, get to spend banyak time ngan hubby. when i looked at him sleeping, so comel. he's the one i love. n i will spend the rest of my life with this guy. i've made my choice which is quite hard in the first place la. but, after knowing him n feel the way he treated me, i liked him n most important is i LOVE him. lagi, my feelings bile tgk die tido? syian die, looked so tired. sometimes i ni tak faham ape yg he went thru, i kan selfish. looked at how he hold on to almost evrything when a lot of probs striking him, he's very strong. n that character , every guy shud have coz they r the ones who is goin to lead the future family. n i kno one thing, he loves me so much. thanx for all yang. so much n i love him too.

yesterday, we watched enchanted till end. yaay! mmg la ade mengarut tapi syok la. not heavy. animated + reality. really like it. and at last like most princesses' stories, happily ever ending. the character switched places. the reality goes to the cartoon, n the cartoon lives in reality world. enjoyed the songs too. haha. cute. the main character is very sweet n she so cantik like patung ok. with the curls, nose n dresses. nice. n among the funniest character, is the bad guy acted by the guy from the sweeny todd. haha.. sesuai for him to hold that post. eh.. eh .. i ni cam movie critics person plak. takpela. juz sharing, how i enjoy the movie, even tho dah lame gak kan movie ni. i think the movie was shown somewhere in nov last year. skang baru tgk. haha. to sesape yg blum tgk, gi la tgk ENCHANTED. syok!

pastu ade movie lain plak. censored =) as hubby said.

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