Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 6, 2008

gift shopping

today woke up quite late. then, mandi eat roti n milo then off to work. i smp ok la roughly 10minutes b4 8.30am. then, beli bihun goreng ngan feeza. (bfast lagi-that means MAKAN lagi) hari ni ingat nk wake hubby tapi die ckp die nk bgn sendiri. sori la. rasa cam aler.. sori kacau u tido je. u bgn la wat time yg u dh decide td. my accs think so can finish by this friday lo. quite ok. not that bz mah.. n also need to prove to boss that with more colleagues, can get the report done faster coz the daily job being done properly. then, time to go for lunch. i makan mmm.. let me recall balik.. nasi lo + daging masak kicap n sayur. then, balik ofis. hari ni kumpul $$ nak beli gift fr eryn or kak zurina die dh decide on vacum.

after work, me husna akma n sha went downstairs to join the 630 club. hari ni makan fried chicken + fries + sup daging. (MAKAN LAGI) ha ha ha. . . then, naik atas, kemas meja, snap2 some photos.. hmm.. talking of photos ha ha ha i blum lagi la upload. semalam ade la charge the battery tapi blum nk transfer lagi. tgk. la. maybe this weekend kot. rasanye dh bnyk kali ckp nak trf tapi tak trf trf lagi.

from ofis.. zoooooooommmmmmmmm gi mid valley. beli vacum card then wrapped the gift. plus i bought another gift fr my fren's wedding. bought her a set of cups n saucer. tak tau nak beli ape la actually. i spend like almost 2 hours kat situ. jalan2 cr gift, pusing2, queue then sampai time nak blk, something stupid la. i can actually take the trolley with me use the lift go up one level then turun gune the kereta punye jalan sampai la kat keta. i like jalan then patah balik.. ha ha ha . . ape la i.. buang masa je. finally dh masuk keta. nak balik tu. jam plak kat kaunter bayar parking sbb satu kaunter je buka. dh almost my turn, the girl in-charged balik. maybe die gi makan kot. then... zooooooommmmmmmm balik la. tp nasib i ikut npe sbb jln ok. i tgk fr atas flyover tu kan,, cam jam je jln fr angkasapuri. malas la nk rempuh jam. i pun ja;an straight.. nyanyi nyanyi.. sbb tak nak ngantuk. roughly dh masuk shah alam, baru hujan. smp umah dlm 1045pm. call hubby ckp dh smp umah. die tgh cite ape ntah tadi die mention. lupe plak. need to discus something quite urgent with him. hopefully die tak kuar tonite. if not camne ar? kelam kabut i nnt. takpe.. jap gi i nak tido i wil call die blk to check on the things nnt.

hhmmm....skang dh lapar balik la. (MAKAN LAGI) ha ha ha. . . baru consume roti. jap gi tgk la if ade nasi ke tak. oh.. coklat i semalam mane ar? lupe la. tu my fren kasi. dh hbs kot. takpe la. nnt tanye kat yed or bob.

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