Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

blur day

i was quite sleepy la this morning when i woke up. i woke up roughly ard 7am. glad to know that hubby is getting better. tapi stil asked him to take a day off mc if not feeling well. tapi he said if boleh tak nak cuti for the 1st month he started working. 3rd march to 3rd april at least tp i told him if dh tak sihat nak buat camne. health or $? lost rite.. me too. but in order to generate more $, we have to have good health. am i rite?? btul kan. at ofis, wanted to log in to facebook tapi the address got banned. huh? dunno y? but friendster stil can. takpe la. btw, i was thinking that, nvm la i'm going home today so might as well juz login from home la.

today i finished almost all on the icps. not many major deviations but wil look into one major area that i'm stil not very satisfied with. most probably can be done by tomoro then need to feedback to boss regarding it.

hari ni hari balik ke umah. i cam a bit like urrgghh.. tension sket la. with the condition. n now i mean NOW while typing this, i'm very very feel like tak nak duduk kat rumah, nor klg lama nor malaysia. nak pindah mane2 yg tak tension. urrgghh... macam2 hal la. mmg kat umah i skang ni tgh tegang kan. i sebenarnye tak nak balik tapi not allowed to stay until further notice. tapi most prob esok tido sane balik. then friday balik. dengan umah yg sgt bersepah with all the baju n no one NO ONE really cares to kemas. plus kata nak renovate umah plus situation mum yg hmm.. no answers yet. plus sisters, plus brothers, plus dad sometimes plus hubby nye situation. how i wish now i nak be alone.. alone.. malas nak pikir all of the stuff. nak tido can or not.
tadi before kuar gi jusco n nak amik my book kat fotostat shoppe, dad tak kasi we all kuar sbb kawan die nak datang. tp we all kuar jugak sbb buku i tu kena amik b4 10. we kuar jgk. then gi beli burger. then, masa i dh blk tadi, tgk dad tgh renjis air kat dinding. mum like lari2 tak suka. i tak paham ape sebenarnye yg mum larikan diri from. then masa nak kluar balik to send dad's wallet, kwn die ckp suruh bwk mum gi jumpe doctor nak check her blood circulation. hmm.. tadi masa tak emo sgt, ade la terpk.. we tried many ways to get mum back to her situation. i mean masa die normal. sometimes jgk i ade pk malas la nak pk pasal topic MUM ni. urrghh.. orang lain cam tak kesa. y must i.. pastu orang lain like *sabar*sabar*sabar* n orang lain pun slalu ckp *sabar* tu ade limit n bile limit tu dh kat maximum.. bile2 boleh burst kan. uurrghh...geram. tapi bile pk balik (macam2 la i ni-tapi tapi, kelakar) i pk positif je la. insya-Allah mum akan sembuh n from there on mmg medication kena amik til end of her life. n pls give me strength to go through this situation so i dgn tenangnye akan dpt go through day by day in my life till i gets old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when i being bz u shud know why, i need to move fast inorder to get what we dream before,even most of the success ppl have to face this situation in the early stage of his life. I dont know what else to say, but seriously i wont let u stop my dream. I want to fly myself higher as i got a lot of dreams as so i can benefits other ppl. U, tak sabar, cepat mengalah, that is u. And ur sick thought of cuci tangan? that was a real four letter words. Now my dream to take u as my wife by the end of this year has disappear. U need to win me back. M badly hurts, unsatisfied, i feel like to slaps u untill u bleed, but dats not me.What u did to me yesterday is very cruel! its very² pain deep inside here.....what i can tell you there is no room for you inside my heart at the moment. Its up to you with what u wanna do, i just not satisfied with what you do to me. U spoiled my trust, my love, my dream and my dignity. till then. thanks for everything. m out! guess this will be good for the both of us. just listen to your heart and brain coz thats what you are. [FAIZ & SHIMA R.I.P 27 March 2008. Aku bersyukur pada Mu kerna dianugerahkan naluri yang sangat kuat dan tepat. Semoga bala seperti ini tidak lagi wujud dalam hidup ku ini. Amin!]