Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, March 7, 2008

mak mak..then perut kenyang giler ..

hari ni i bgn quite lmbt. almost seven, then iron clothes, mandi, eat breakfast, then off to work. b4 gi kerja, i saw mum tgh sorokkan i nye selendang purple. then i asked her y did she take my stuff? then she said, i took her heart. then i said wher got. bengang la tu. pastu i teringatkan my gold necklace. i naik atas tgk mmg sah takde. i asked her again. then she gave it to me. then she said " sampai hati shima tak pakai rantai ni , tak suke lagi ke " mm.. ape lagi bertambah bengang i jd nye. then she bising2 marah2 ckp i ade cerita our family stories kat orang luar. then she said that person wrote a cerpen or short story on it. then i told her dlm nada yg agak bengang. "mak, mak ingat mak sorang je ke yg ade masalah camni" then die diam. then she said summore. habis tu kenapa diorang tulis cite macam tu. then i repeat wat i told her earlier. then, she seems to understand wat i said. bile i nk gerak nmpk die dh msk dlm rumah. i pun drive all the way to ofis. btw, takde la smp lambat sgt pun. dlm 8.45am.

pretty cold in the ofis. had to wear my red sweater, dh lame tak pkai. sbb b4 this cam blh tahan. lately ni la cam sejuk semacam je. ha ha ha. . . then, almost lucnh hubby called ajak lunch together. i pun apa lagi la. =D senyum lebar accepted the sweet invitation. then off we go to eat nasi. i punye nasi oiihh.. bnyk giler.. plus lauk daging masak kicap, rendang daging n sayur plus some kuah2 la. total mine hubby air rm8.70 quite cheap rite. dh la bnyk then rasa pun ok gak. lepas tu i makan plak pengat pisang. then, perut i cam dah sgt buncit sakit ok. sebab terlampau kenyang. ha ha ha. . . padan muka as wat shirley said to me. i cam tak comfortable. very2 tak comfortable. pastu ok balik ard 4 camtu.

balik tu jumpe hubby balik. mkn mee goreng plak. plus telur goreng. this time mmg sakit perut giler. sorry hubby. tapi on the way home dh ok. hubby ckp toksah ingat sgt psl perut. tulah.. slalu komplen tak ckup food hari ni terlebih food la plak. ha ha ha. . . =)

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