Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

happy monday

yesterday, i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy. coz get to spend time with hubby. i ate quite a lot la yesterday. coz we had department lunch. we all went to tupai-tupai. we ordered tomyam, siakap black pepper, kailan with oyster sauce, telur bungkus, sotong goreng tepung n butter prawn. but the tom yam not that syok like the one in port klang. btw, the fish was soooo big. i've snapped the pic of the fish. will upload it soon la.

yesterday also quite bz with the report. i went home ard 7.30pm. then balik makan nasi goreng cina + telur mata kerbau. then, balik umah. after cleaning up, ingat nak watch enchanted tapi ended up tertido. i think like citer tu baru jalan 30min i dah mengantuk tahap dewa. apa lagi, tido la. that time dh pukul 11 la if i'm not mistaken.

pagi ni bangun cam sakit pinggang sket la. maybe sbb sejuk so i tido like mengkrekot. u know wat i mean rite? i mean like cam ulat gonggok. curled up coz sejuk. lupe nak amik selimut. hmm.. then lps mandi air suam, feels better.

rite now i tgh breakfast, makan meehoon. tadi kat umah dah makan roti cicah milo. maybe after this lunch trus la.

today i sampai ofis pun quite late. 8.45. semalam lagi la. 9.10 jam teruk gile. menyampah ok. not telling that i'm a very very gentle n good driver, but nowadays, u have to be alert n concious on the road, if not u'll bump someone else's car. am i rite? i rasa like all the way from shah alam jam. haha. plus i pun bgn lmbt sket la. roughly seven. tapi stil i managed to go out by 7.30am. siap blh isi minyak lagi. pastu huiisshh.. jam tak ingat. maybe like some people say BLACK MONDAY. haha.

oklah goin to work soon. nak finish up reading. tata for now!

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