Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, March 1, 2008

cool saturday

hari ni i ade clas. tapi pagi tadi cam malas giler nak gi sbb hujan plus sejuk. nak tido. best ngan selimut. syok! tapi sbb nak ilmu so i pun pegi la tp smp lambat. pakai sweater tp the clas was not that cold. maybe they have lower down the volume of the air-cond. pastu esok ade clas sbb nk wat questions. masa nak balik tadi kan.. keta tergesel ngan dinding. i cam risau plus worry la. aiyo.. how? then drove off straight to hubby's. he checked on it then repair a bit la. then, lunch. i makan nasi lauk kari ayam. tambah 2 kali. alamk malu le plak. hehe.. pastu rest jap gi usha-usha keta myvi kat area klang. nk tgk price how much n everything la. tgk tgk maybe insya-Allah, proceed with myvi se. pastu lepak kat jusco jap. ingat nak tgk citer duyung tapi black out la plak. then lepak mamak. i mula2 makan mee goreng then order plak roti bakar satu set. pastu buat reservations nk tgk vantage point.

at 8 gi la tgk vantage point ngan hubby, arid n amir. cool man. banyak scene suspense n tricky. hubby ckp first time i tgk movie tak bnyk tanye qs. sorry la ye. maybe i ni bnyk tanye time movie. tak perasan. tapi tgk.. fusshh...dasyat. i suka la the movie. nnt suruh hubby cari dvd to kumpul as collections. =) balik tu singgah makan burger jap. lapar la beb. pastu smp umah, tertido jap. nw cleaned up, then blogging. i think i have so much fun la today. happy saturday n that's y i call it coll saturday. hari pun tak brape panas sbb hujan. kalo tido hug bantal dlm selimut sure syokkan.. ;) hehehehe...

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