Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 20, 2008

jalan2 di petang hari

hari ni woke up quite late. roughly ard 11am. haha. lmbt giler. maybe a bit tired la kot. these few days ade overtime sket. so that's y la kot. haha. bangun, mandi then breakfast nasi lemak. then, roughly ard 2.30pm someone from kolej lagenda came to have a briefing session with farid regarding his plans to further studies. he actually gave his name n contact num to the college's rep thru the results day. at first ingat dad wil involve tapi tak. NOT n NOT n NOT. sungguh rasa tak puas hati sbb dad tak involve. then die marah2 lagi ade la sbb ckp my bro ni pandai2 je mintak sane mintak sini, tapi he as a father ade ke nk tolong pk kan yg the best for anak die ni. n die tau ke yg farid tu mmg takleh amik course yg bnyk gune otak. at least amik course yg more to practical sbb then i think he got the skills as well, n i'm pretty sure that he can success. actually this situation same ngan i masa lepas spm dulu. masa i isi borang, i pilih la course yg i nak amik yang i minat. pastu on the day nak hantar dad suruh buka the envelope than told me to change most of my course. apsal la awal2 dulu tak nak buat kan. then, bile i dh decide nak amik course ape, marah ckp takde future nnt. it goes on to the time i nak cari keje. bising2 sbb i tak dpt keje lagi. tapi takde pun tolong cari keje ke bagi frens die ke i nye resume. pastu bile i dah dpt keje plak bising2 lagi. tapi i buat tak tau je. la ni dh almost 2 years i keje kat company skang. n nw he stops telling all the things coz maybe he sees that i'm stable already so.. tak yah la nak bising kan. eh.. story i plak. back to farid... tu la yg i a bit tak puas hati. ckp lebih tapi takde initiative nk tolong. pastu bile org dh decide buat sakit hati je. hmm.. i juz told farid to discus it with yan coz it involves hiss future as well. i tak nak nnt die regret.

btw, petang tadi after dropping off farid at yan's, me hubby n haziq gi cineleisure. saje jalan2 sbb hubby ckp kesian kat his brother. pagi tadi kena marah ngan dad die kaw2. syian die. he seemed to be happy la tadi. i tau la dad nak the best for the anaks tapi kan sometimes the solution tu tak menepati citarasa we all dimana we all rasa if we all further ngan what we believe we can success, insya-Allah Tuhan tu maha segala-galanya n dimana ade usaha di situ ade jalan, n i strongly believe we can go on n be SUCCESS.. SUCCESS.. SUCCESS..

tadi kat cineleisure, we all main pool. i gang haziq. hubby sorang. tp biase la hubby yg menang. eleh.. eksen la tu ;P pstu main fusball lak. we all kalah le of course. hubby pusing the strokes really strong k. pastu bunyi cam "boom" meletup bile bola tu masuk goal. lastly i bengang so i push the ball into the goal. haha.. sorry.. then, lapar. at the same time hujan lebat giler la tadi. we all lepak kat kopitiam. i makan maggie goreng. they all makan roti canai. then kenyang. gelak2 cite pasal history paleolitik la, mesolitik la, neolitik la, nomad la n masihi tak masihi. then borak pasl name2 org la. satu name tu cute 'bagedot' haha.. sounds funny. pastu we all gi ikea. alamak penat la. jalan2 pusing2. beli plastic dispenser n also blanket for hubby. we dh survey a wardrobe. only rm100. most prob end of the month we'll buy in put in the house. simple je la. at first we tot nak beli railing then belik kotak2 tu pastu isi barang. tgk railing tu je dh rm99. mm.. we decided to get the wardrobe instead la. tapi if ade $$ lebih, maybe beli gak la sbb boleh save bnyk tmpt dlm wardrobe tu la. haha. simple je style die. kayu (pine wood) as hubby aid n ade kain sheer white colour and quite transparent. tapi very simple. n i like the design. lupe plak nak snap picture. takpe la. ade dlm mind n we dh jot down the info on the paper but the paper was in the ikea's plastic bag.. eh. wait think so it is in my handbag la. nnt i check. hmm..tapi kan i nak beli baby-T putih tu tapi lupe plak. hari ni kan thrusday. mane ade saturday market tu. a bit sad la tapi takpela. haha.

btw, here are some photos to share with while we were there. enjoy!!

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